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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. Good afternoon. Thanks for starting up the Fleet Report/Daily today @Copper10-8. I really like Australia, from my time visiting there. No spouse here, and I avoid clashing clothes. Typical Marilyn quote. The meal, drink and wine sound good. I have been to Uruguay on my SA/Antarctica cruise, but Montevideo, not Punta del Este. It's been a rain/sleet/snow day so far. Fortunately it wasn't doing much on my way to the eye doctor this morning, and wet snow on the way home. I got a fairly good report today, just some inflammation around the outer cornea, but none inside the eye. @rafinmd Good to hear you had a good night. Continue to rest and recover. Thanks for the maps. @grapau27 Thinking of Sarah as she recovers from her injections today and prayers that they are effective. @Cruzin Terri You're working hard on your house and the cruise will be a nice rest. Sorry your knees are bothering you. @kazu Oh my on the need for surgery to take care of the wayward pin and the bone fragment. Good thing they had you go in emergently. Prayers that follow-up x-rays look good and that the removal of the pin doesn't affect healing. Sorry about the cruise. @StLouisCruisers I was up until after 1AM last night, binge watching The Crown, and had to be up at 7:30 to get ready for my appointment. Not my usual, but in my working days I only averaged about 6 hours of sleep. Sad about the destruction near you from the storms. @smitty34877 I hope DH gets a good report today from the Cardiologist, and continued prayers for Tana. @ottahand7 Thanks for the photos and it sounds like you're having a wonderful time. @marshhawk Prayers for Feral Fawn. @cunnorl Sorry to hear about the basal cell on the eyelid. My BFF had that last year; his dermatologist (who specializes in skin cancer) did the initial removal, and the next day he saw an oculoplastic surgeon who did the repair of the lid. @*Miss G* Wow on that dust storm. @luvteaching Kudos to you for picking up quickly when something's going on with DH. Prayers that he's back to normal quickly with treatment. @RMLincoln Yikes on the fire alarm; I'm glad all was well. Hopefully the stent will allow less meds for DH; I try to get preservative free eye meds if I can. @richwmn Thanks for the photos. Prayers for the Care List, and Ukraine with the recent renewal of air attacks. Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay well everyone.
  2. Sorry to hear you're under the weather, Roy. Take care of yourself. We'll be ok.
  3. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @rafinmd and @richwmn. I guess good evening, for Opposite Day. I have lots of book shelves here, but no shelfies taken. I like Irish coffee, but don't have it often. Funny quote. The meal looks good, pass on the drink. Yes to the wine, except for the price. I haven't been to Kotor, and appreciate all photos posted. Well, the weather is weird here. A lot of schools closed for today. But in my area we didn't get much snow and now it's changing to rain/slush. There were a lot of car accidents earlier though, and speed limits were reduced; but now that's been lifted. Good, but not for kids wanting to sled or play in the snow. I've finally started to try to build up my strength; it's bad how little I can do on the treadmill, but I will faithfully walk and increase my endurance, in preparation for upcoming travel and just for fitness in general. Also my mail ballot for an upcoming special election (someone who had died was re-elected, smh!) is MIA; it showed on my informed delivery email for Monday, but never was delivered. USPS notified. @ottahand7 Thanks for sharing your photos. @mamaofami Sorry about the still missing glasses. @kazu Oh no on needing an emergency appointment at the Bone Clinic; I hope they fix things right up! @StLouisCruisers Great pictures from Kotor! @grapau27 Continued prayers for Sarah and her injection tomorrow. She is fortunate to have you and Pauline supporting her. @RedneckBob Where are you off to? @cruising sister Oh no on the illness at the grandkids' house! I hope they're over it quickly and their parents stay well. @smitty34877 How is Tana feeling lately? @RMLincoln I hope DH's doctor is able to help with the eye drop issue. I have a chronic eye issue and seem to have spent the last few years at the eye doctor's office, sometimes weekly. @superoma I hope you can get your cataract taken care of soon. I hope you don't get all that snow! @Seasick Sailor Safe travels. Good that your friend meeting you is flexible. @aliaschief Good to hear you're feeling better. @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for sharing your Kotor photos. @Sharon in AZ Nice pictures of the Bay of Kotor. Prayers for the Care List. Also all the victims of recent shootings. A toast to the Celebration List. Stay well everyone.
  4. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Beer cans are ok, and some collect them, but I prefer beer in bottles. We should pay compliments and have a belly laugh daily. I like the quote. The meal sounds good (but carb laden), although it's rotisserie chicken here tonight. Yes on the drink and the cab sauv. Since my liver enzymes are now almost back to normal, I can indulge in the occasional glass of vino. I have been to Australia, but haven't been to Norfolk Island. Today is a dry and cool day, so I ran to the big box store this morning. We're under a winter weather watch, with snow coming early tomorrow (1-3"), followed by sleet as temps go up, and finally rain. Snow showers Thursday and Friday. I'm hoping Thursday roads will be ok for my drive to the eye doctor. @Cruising-along HAPPY BIRTHDAY! So nice that the family facetimed you from Thailand, and it sounds like they are having a great time. And woohoo on DH's last bladder cancer treatment. Good to hear your test results were good. @rafinmd Thanks for starting us up and our lists. @kazu I'm glad you're safely inside, with your weather. Great memes and deer pictures. @grapau27 I'm glad Sarah is getting her injection soon. @ottahand7 Enjoy Puerto Montt. The food looks good. @RedneckBob 👏 👏 @marshhawk I'm glad you were able to get the fan, and the piano! Groan on the jokes, lol. @dfish Thanks for the recipes. @RMLincoln The concert at the Kennedy Center sounds like fun. Prayers for DH's eye situation. @Red Haired Lady Thanks for the photos from your sail-by of Norfolk Island. @Quartzsite Cruiser Those beer can birds are great. @ssawjo Welcome to the Daily! @Vict0riann Good news on the tests, and that you can keep your appointment. I hope the cough resolves or you find the cause. Love the beer can biplane. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay well everyone.
  5. @Cruising-along My condolences on Patricia's passing. Even though not unexpected, still so very difficult for the family. Prayers for her children and all the family.
  6. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn and @rafinmd. I like some pies, my favorite being key lime pie, but don't eat it often. I've been complimented on my good handwriting in the past. My DM was a teacher and had perfect "Palmer Method" handwriting. I did measure my feet, as they seem to have grown with age, and upped my sneakers a half size. Interesting quote. I love London broil; I'll have to defrost the one in the freezer. I'll pass on the drink and yes to the wine. And also yes to Roy's chilled banana soup. I haven't been to Uturoa. We got some snow overnight, about 2", but the roads aren't too bad (there were some accidents). It seems to not have stuck to my walkways, so no shoveling needed. I'll see what the news says before deciding about a run to the big box store. My eye has been irritated and somewhat red yesterday, but I think I beat back a flareup by using extra drops yesterday. I see the eye doctor on Thursday and I'm hoping the commute is ok, with some snow forecast then. @Cruising-along Thinking of you and your family today. @Seasick Sailor Nice photos from your St. Kitts excursion. Enjoy your remaining days onboard! @StLouisCruisers Thanks for the photos of Uturoa. @kazu That's a lot of snow. Glad you're safe inside and got provisions the other day. @RedneckBob That's a great shot! @smitty34877 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 🎂 @Sharon in AZ Enjoy GWTW! @cunnorl Nice pictures. @aliaschief Happy Birthday to Susan! 🎈 @Vict0riann How sad for Jenny; prayers for her. I hope your cold symptoms are gone soon. @Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos, thanks. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Stay well everyone.
  7. @RMLincoln Maureen, welcome to the Daily and thank you for your kind sentiments.
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