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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @rafinmd. I'm one of the few who has never watched Seinfeld, but I've heard of Festivus. No time to watch Christmas movies today. I like Pfeffernusse and have made them in the past. Great quote. The meal sounds good (sans olives!). Pass on the drink and I'll take the wine. I've never been to Key West. It was to be the first stop on my aborted cruise last month. Well, the weather is frightful. We've dropped from 40F early this AM to 4F, with a wind chill of -22F. The winds have been howling, up to 55 mph, rattling my storm windows. Ice and snow on the roads. Luckily I still have power, although I see reports of outages around me. I'm going to try to bake a couple of things while I still can. Praying my power stays on with it being so cold out! @rafinmd Thanks for stepping in for Rich today starting the Fleet Report and for our lists. @grapau27 Early Happy Birthday to Sarah! @Crazy For Cats Good to hear you're feeling better. @dfish I'm glad Sue arrived safely. @kochleffel Happy Birthday! @smitty34877 Swedish Christmas Eve sounds delightful. Sorry to hear there's been no aide for Tana; hopefully that is remedied soon. Take care of yourself too. @StLouisCruisers Good news on the tests, and safe travels tomorrow. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  2. Thanks for the insight. Having never had underground utilities I thought they were bulletproof. The infrastructure here is old, so transformers seem to blow out all the time. I've lost lots of food due to long outages. I now have some portable batteries that will run the refrigerator or freezer for about a day or more, but they're not powerful enough to run a space heater for any length of time unfortunately.
  3. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I'll salute math; I was a math minor in college. I will give BFF some cookies, but not until Christmas Day. Good quote. I'll pass on the meal and drink; yes to the wine (if someone else pays for it). I haven't been to Hakodate. I'm soooo sleepy. I had to take a benadryl this AM for itching and a small hive at my injection site. Lots on the news here about the snow, wind, and bone chilling -20F wind chill coming tomorrow, along with icy roads. They're asking people to stay home, as they can't pre-treat the roads as all this is starting with rain. My fear is of power outages, which they say might be widespread. I do have a fireplace with gas logs, but still. I wish we had underground utilities around here. BFF has a whole house generator he got a year ago, so if I had to I could go to his place if the roads are passable. @AV8rix @richwmn @Horizon chaser 1957 Bon Voyage! @RedneckBob I used a slide rule in high school, long ago. @rafinmd Thank you for our lists. I'm glad you're feeling ok. @aliaschief Safe travels and Happy Holidays. @Crazy For Cats Feel better soon! @Seasick Sailor Sorry you got a boo-boo, Joy. I hope it's not too painful. @cat shepard Safe travels. @ger_77 I'm glad you made it safely; those driving conditions sound awful! @smitty34877 I hope you feel a bit better each day. @GeorgeCharlie Good to hear you made it home safely. That's cold! @AncientWanderer That sounds like a big move to contemplate, but being close to family is important. @superoma Prayers that DD and family have a smooth drive and fly out before things get bad. @sailingdutchy Thanks for the great photos from Hakodate, Tony. @luvteaching Ugh on no water; I hope DS can get things thawed out. @Vict0riann Fingers crossed that you'll be able to get to the airport and the flight is a go. @kochleffel Thanks for the Pompeii article. They've been using goats here in the parks to eat the invasive plants. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Stay safe, all in the paths of storms, and healthy.
  4. The news just came on with breaking news; the dedication of the new bridge is happening right now! Woohoo. It will be so much easier to get around.
  5. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. I'll salute Solstice Day as daylight will start to get longer. I was unfamiliar with Blue Christmas. No Humbug here, hopefully, but this holiday BFF and I will be remembering his recently departed Father. Love the quote. I like the meal, drink and wine! I have been to Puerto Madryn on my SA/Antarctica cruise in 2019. It's cold and sunny this morning. It's injection day. Steeler Nation is in mourning today. This weekend was the 50th anniversary of the Immaculate Reception football play, and the player who did it, Franco Harris, was to be honored and have his number retired at the game on Saturday. We learned this morning that he passed; he was only 72. The bridge that collapsed by me late January has been rebuilt in record time, helped by funds from the federal government. They were hoping to open it by Christmas, although there's still some elements to be finished (like the lights along it were delayed by supply chain issues). Now they say day by day; I hear helicopters overhead, which may be related to that or otherwise there's an accident on the nearby parkway. @grapau27 Thanks for the definitions of the days. @StLouisCruisers I hope the weather isn't too bad for your travels. @cat shepard I went to college in Boston and that's where I first started driving regularly; I told people I could drive anywhere after that. @rafinmd Prayers that everything works out to the good; I'm sure that test result was a shock. I hope you're feeling ok. @dfish Good news about Sue being able to travel safely. I did my final grocery shopping yesterday. @smitty34877 Take it easy today and take something for pain if you need it. @aliaschief Safe travels tomorrow. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone. Copied from last year's post. Approaching Puerto Madryn At the Punta Tombo Penguin Reserve, where we spent our time ashore. Family meeting Guanaco Zaandam docked Beach by the dock Seals on the dock. They followed us out as we left.
  6. @Quartzsite Cruiser Good news for DH about only having to get x-rays periodically, getting rid of the back brace, and no longer needing PT! I'm surprised the therapist was unvaccinated, but there were healthcare people here who resisted the shots. I wasn't sure I could do the bridge climb (this was in 2006) from a fitness standpoint rather than being afraid, but I did it and was proud of myself.
  7. Sharon, they call them Climb suits and everyone must wear them. A safety harness is then put around you and a safety line attaches you to the bridge at all times during the climb. Sandi, wow on the dentist nicking your lip! I know mistakes can happen, but I don't blame you for going back to your old dentist. Rich, good to hear you arrived safely. @HAL Sailer Sorry the coming storm is throwing a monkey wrench into your plans, but you have to be safe. Your new plan sounds good.
  8. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I've sung in Christmas programs, but have never gone caroling. I like sangria, but haven't had any in many years. I'll salute Sacagawea. I'll pass on the meal (maybe if no kale) and drink; yes to the cab sav if someone buys it for me. I have been to Sydney. It's still chilly, but at least we made it to 31F and the sun is out! I've spent the morning making the marinade for the sauerbraten. I may run to the pharmacy and Aldi this afternoon. Stocking stuffers are wrapped, but I still have the regular presents to do. @grapau27 So sorry to hear of Pauline's friend's daughter's sad death. She was so young. Prayers for the family and friends, who have suffered so much loss in the past year. @smitty34877 I'm glad you got home ok. Wow on navigating stairs right after surgery! Rest and recuperate. @StLouisCruisers Good luck with the tooth. I'm like you and don't like going out in the rain; especially grocery shopping, probably from growing up with paper grocery bags that were terrible in the rain. I hope DD's appointment goes well today. @Seasick Sailor Enjoy HMC. @1ANGELCAT The kitties love the tree! @ger_77 Oh no on the credit card fraud! So irritating, especially as you're traveling. I had that happen on a 3 week national park driving trip; fortunately I had a second card. Like you I use RFID, but I've had accounts with several businesses/stores that had data breaches. @ottahand7 I hope DB does get home for Christmas. What a great Christmas present for DS to get her cat back! Safe travels tomorrow. @dfish Fingers crossed that Sue makes it to Midland safely. Thanks for the recipes. @aliaschief Hugs on this one year anniversary of your sister's passing. @TiogaCruiser I can't comment on white wines, but I had been enjoying some 19 Crimes reds, including The Uprising, before my 3 month abstinence. @cruzn single Thanks for checking in. Good to hear Dstep-son's cancer news is encouraging, but bad of him to not test before being around family! @luvteaching I hope you get to talk to DH and the staff today. @Cruising-along Sad about the neighbor's cat; I'm glad she had you come to say goodbye. Good wishes for DH to tolerate his treatment. @Vict0riann Sorry to hear about the weather and the tire leak (and Pat having to pump it up by hand). Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone. Arriving in Sydney Harbor in the early morning. The story of the Opera House Shape Aborigine playing a Didgeridoo in the Circular Quay The First Impressions Sculpture in The Rocks View from the pylon lookout on the Harbor Bridge Harbor Bridge Walkway Luna Park Sydney Conservatorium of Music Pyramid and Arc, Royal Botanical Gardens St. Mary's Cathedral Sydney Town Hall lit for Christmas Atop the Sydney Harbor Bridge
  9. My last HAL cruise was on the Zaandam; South America and Antarctica. Love this ship!
  10. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I like some hard candy, like the Starlight peppermints, Jolly Ranchers and lemon drops. I will salute heroes and heroines. My evergreen is artificial, lol. The price of fresh Christmas trees is out of sight this year. True quote. I'd take the meal without olives (don't like them at all). Maybe on the drink and pass on the wine. I like Roy's meal as well. I haven't been to Santarem. It remains cold here, 25F, and cloudy. Wind chill around 12F. I don't want to go outside! Probable snow on Thursday and Friday, with subzero wind chills, so I'll get the salad fixings and other fresh stuff on Wednesday. A high of 12F on Saturday! I think I'll wrap presents today, and continue getting the house in order. @smitty34877 Thinking of you today and prayers for your successful surgery. @rafinmd Thank you for maintaining our lists. @grapau27 Good that the stitches are out; the wound looks good. @summer slope Thanks for the photos. @mamaofami Nice family photo. @Seasick Sailor That lobster tail looks good! @kochleffel Good to hear that all went well with the dinner and concert. @StLouisCruisers Hoping for a good report for DD tomorrow. Thanks for the Santarem pictures. @Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos. @Vict0riann Nice Santarem photos. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe and healthy everyone.
  11. @StLouisCruisers Welcome home. Sorry to hear your leg started hurting again. Thanks for the Adelaide photos. @lobsternight So sorry to hear about the family end of life issues and the other losses of the past 6 months. May your family find peace. @Sharon in AZ Great picture of you two with Santa! @dfish I hope Sue is able to make it. @Quartzsite Cruiser That's pretty cold for Texas. I have a little trickle charger that I can put on my car battery; although I've never been gone longer than a month. @superoma Nice looking "bunch"! Thanks for sharing the photo.
  12. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate. I'll be baking cookies, but not today. No twin here (that I know of). Flakes? True quote. I like the meal. Pass on the drink and wine. I've been to Australia, but not Adelaide. Brrrr. We're in the 20's with wind chill in the teens. There was some snow overnight, not much, but the morning news reported lots of accidents so there was likely some ice with it. I had a nice time at the concert last night, but had to go out from my seat as the tightness of the seats caused unbearable knee pain. I'll do laundry this afternoon, after the World Cup game. Also take the beef out of the freezer for the Sauerbraten; I'll start the marinating on Tuesday. @grapau27 Thank you for Fr. David's sermon today. Good luck at the doctor's visit tomorrow. @ottahand7 Happy Birthday! @Seasick Sailor Thanks for sharing your cruise photos. @smitty34877 Prayers for your surgery tomorrow. @*Miss G* Safe travels tomorrow. @superoma Those cookies look great! Enjoy the family Christmas Brunch. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay well everyone.
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