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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. My BFF's family is in the Heilbronn-Frankenbach area. They have toured me mainly around Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria on my visits.
  2. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @rafinmd @richwmn. I haven't had a bubble bath since childhood, even with my large cast iron claw foot tub in this house; I'm a shower person. No males around to watch, lol. I like argyle sweaters and socks. A sweet quote. I like the meal, drink and wine. I haven't been to Ilfracombe. It's sunny and upper 30's here today. Well, exciting news! BFF called yesterday to say we are replacing our cancelled Celebrity Caribbean cruise with a Celebrity TA from FLL to Amsterdam! I've never done a TA. There will be stops in Bermuda, Cork, Dorset and Southampton, Le Havre, Bruges and Amsterdam. Then we'll go to Germany to spend almost 3 weeks with his family there. So, I need to start improving my fitness and stamina by walking on the treadmill, as my aches and pains permit (hoping injections next month will help). @grapau27 Thank you for Fr. David's sermon today. @aliaschief The meal looks great and love the rainbow pictures. @ottahand7 I hope you feel better soon. And no more mishaps! Enjoy the canal transit. @Seasick Sailor I hope your scratchy throat doesn't turn into anything. I've been having a stuffy nose and did a Covid test today; negative, yay. Probably due to the heat being on, so humidifier is on. And try to avoid the smokers and coughers. @superoma Enjoy celebrating with the DGC. @dobiemom There are liquid salt brines that are sometimes sprayed on the roads before snow is due to fall. Prayers for @kazu @Scrapnana and all on the Care List. Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay well everyone.
  3. I had a fairly quiet cruise from LA to Hawaii, but BFF takes Dramamine regardless for the whole trip; I didn't take anything at all.
  4. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @rafinmd and @richwmn. Old Rock Day - planet earth! I'll salute Programmers. I have bobbleheads from the Pittsburgh Penguins, from when I was a season ticket holder for many years. I like the quote. I like the meal; pass on the drink and wine. I was in Ensenada on the way back from a LA-Hawaii cruise on Golden Princess in 2012. I didn't venture too far from the ship. It's cloudy and cool today. I don't have any plans, other than carting Christmas decorations down to the basement. @kazu @Scrapnana Thinking of you both and sending prayers. @Seasick Sailor Sorry to hear you had a bad night's sleep. And inconsiderate of people to leave scooters in the hall! @rafinmd Thanks for adding me to the care list; although getting around is painful, there are others with much more pressing issues. @StLouisCruisers Congrats to Ashley on her engagement! @ottahand7 I hope you're better from your cold soon. Thanks for the cruise photos. @GTVCRUISER Bon Voyage! @Cruising-along It sounds like the party will be fun; great surprise for DH! @luvteaching Wow, things have been busy at your house. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Stay well everyone. A few pictures from my brief stop in Ensenada. Seals sunning Approaching the port Sunset Golden Princess
  5. @dfish It's good to hear you got new doctors who are on top of things. @smitty34877 My RA is primarily in my hands as far as I know. The knee and smaller hand joints have osteoarthritis. The hips have bursitis, so I don't think the biologic will help that, as it's inflammation that I don't think is autoimmune. I'm hoping to get a steroid shot next month. I haven't been taking ibuprofen due to my stomach issues and elevated liver enzymes. @Cruzin Terri Lots getting done, but too bad the bed isn't in the house. Prayers you're in soon!
  6. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I like beans, be they legumes or coffee beans. No one to cuddle up with here. And war orphans certainly deserve much support and care. I'll pass on the meal and drink, and take the cab sav wine. I haven't been to Abidjan. It's cloudy and cool here, with snow showers this AM, but no accumulation. I'm not sure if it's the weather, but my hips are really painful (bursitis), as well as my knee. I see Rheumatology next month. I'll try to get a few things done this afternoon, like steam mopping the kitchen and bathrooms. Also putting on a new toilet seat as the one on has a broken hinge after only 2 months. Great news on Damar being extubated and talking with family and his teammates! @rafinmd Thank you for starting the thread and our lists. @kazu Prayers for your new medical issues requiring disembarkation, and for a quick recovery. @Seasick Sailor Lovely sunrise picture. @ottahand7 It sounds like you're enjoying your cruise. Thanks for the food porn. @StLouisCruisers Happy Heavenly Birthday to Nancy. How is your leg doing these days? @Cruzin Terri I'm sure it'll be so great once you can move back home. @aliaschief I'm glad you're in your happy place! @marshhawk Nice to meet your "family". @cruzn single Sorry to hear of the need for MOHS surgery; prayers that all goes well with it. @HAL Sailer Thinking of DSIL and you and DH; I hope her sons can put aside differences for her benefit. Prayers for all on the care list, and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay well everyone.
  7. So sorry to hear this news about medical debarkation, the fracture and need for surgery. Prayers for a good outcome and good recovery. I'm sorry you are going through this alone. (((gentle hugs))).
  8. Sigh. Had a wonderful SA/Antarctica cruise on Zaandam. I really liked her. Thanks all.
  9. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Good days. Birds are fun, for the most part. A big salute to George Washington Carver. Keto is very popular these days; I try to eat lower carb, even though I love bread and pasta, lol. Interesting quote. The soup looks good. Pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Eden. It's sunny out, but lower temperatures, inching closer to January normals. Some snow showers the next few days. I think I'll go pick up an order at the mall (done to save shipping costs) and one other errand this afternoon. I took down most of the outside decorations this morning; just need to get the stepladder to take down the garland around the door. @rafinmd Thank you for starting up the Fleet/Daily today. @Seasick Sailor Too bad the veal wasn't good. Good news on your friends testing negative finally. @cat shepard I'm glad Bindi is doing better. @aliaschief Bon Voyage! Have a wonderful cruise. @dfish Smart getting more chairs. My dining room set is from my house growing up, but the chairs are getting wobbly. I need to get them reglued and new seat fabric. @smitty34877 Yes, exciting to get to go out and about. @marshhawk Thanks for sharing a picture of Tazi. @ottahand7 I'm sure the NS people aren't happy with no PG breakfast. Thanks for letting us know @lindaler finally got her luggage. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast for the Celebration List. Stay well everyone.
  10. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I like spaghetti; despite the carbs it's a go to when I don't feel like cooking. I like trivia and used to do ok at it. Braille is so important for those with impaired vision. Interesting quote. The meal sounds good, if no shredded coconut (coconut milk is ok). Pass on the drink and the wine is a bit pricey for me. I haven't been to Durban. It's warm (62F), rainy and cloudy here. I slept in this morning. Then had a haircut at noon, and did a couple of errands after. Now just relaxing. @rafinmd Thank you for starting the Daily today, and out lists. @ger_77 Bon Voyage! @StLouisCruisers Stay safe during the storms! @grapau27 Lovely looking lunch. @aliaschief Nice on the flight upgrade. Safe travels! @Cruzin Terri I hope the furniture is getting moved in tomorrow; and good news on the assistance with unpacking boxes. @marshhawk I hope the CT scans show all is stable. I think the doctor has to contact you in a certain time period about the results, if your appointment isn't within a week or so. Thanks for the quote explanation and showing us Furnando. @kochleffel Congrats on your impending retirement. @Quartzsite Cruiser Thank you for the Durban photos and from the game preserve. @durangoscots I'm sure you'll be happy when you have less responsibilities at the shelter. @USN59-79 Good to hear the foot is better, Ray. @bennybear Yay! Gorgeous scenery. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone. @ger_77 and friends on the Rotterdam
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