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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. @Cruzin Terri The house looks great. Love the flooring. I hope the furniture move in can start soon.
  2. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I'll salute Mongolian independence, never had Pepper Pot, and I really like tick tock day to remember time is precious. I think it's also for clock collectors, like me! Great quote. Maybe on the meal, pass on the drink, and I'd like the wine but can't afford it. I haven't been to Abidjan. It's 56F and sunny! So nice. I was up too late, and slept in until 9:30 (wow). BFF went home last evening and will be back on Saturday to celebrate NYE. We're discussing a cruise and also trip to Germany for a couple of weeks. I may make a grocery run to pick up a pork loin while they're on sale; they always are for the traditional pork and sauerkraut for the New Year. I'll use one from the freezer and replace it with the new one. I did an online passport renewal, which is a trial program. I hope they accept the photo I uploaded. It had to be digital and no place around here does those, so I had BFF take the picture. Initially the computer decides if it's ok, but later a government employee checks it also. @rafinmd Thanks for starting us up and our lists. @ger_77 Nice of your neighbor to do your driveway and walk with the big snow blower. @kochleffel Great heartwarming article. @dfish Growing up I didn't like succotash either. @Heartgrove YouTube is a great resource for fixing things. Glad you got it working and saved money! @smitty34877 Take it easy on your walk. Sorry to hear that the aide wasn't used to working with sick patients who can be cranky. @marshhawk Good to hear that Jessie is done with the proton radiation, but strange about the doctor's office not answering (what if it was an emergency?). Yikes on worms in your cauliflower! @Cruzin Terri Safe trip home. I hope the house is nearly ready to move back in. @HAL4NOW Great to hear you have power now, and hopefully it stays on. The townsfolk there sound like truly good people. @Vict0riann Bon Voyage to you and Pat! @Cruising-along Growing up I told the elderly lady who watched me that she couldn't have the liver and onions that was in the fridge (she was like family, and I didn't like liver). My mother made me eat liver for 2 meals, as my punishment for telling her that. And since then I've liked liver, lol. @garlictown Nice picture of you all. Enjoy the next segment of the cruise. @SusieKIslandGirl I'm glad DDIL is home now. Prayers for the Care List (nice to see it's small) and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay well everyone.
  3. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I'll remember Holy Innocents day; I'm often downloading something but always scan for viruses. I will call a friend today. Interesting quote. The meal looks good, but I'm going out for Indian food later. I'll pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Split. It's 40 and the sun is shining! The snow and ice are melting finally. I had trouble getting to sleep last night (maybe due to the big Mexican meal I had and the strawberry margarita, my first alcohol in months), but finally got a good night's sleep. I'm going with BFF for Indian and meeting another friend there. @SusieKIslandGirl Happy Anniversary! @ottahand7 That meal looks good. I'll have to plan around my refrigerated RA med when I travel. @RedneckBob Great sunset picture. @lindaler Sorry to hear about missing bags! @StLouisCruisers Thanks for the great pictures from Split. @smitty34877 Try not to overdo it, and get lots of rest if you can. I hope the new aide arrives today and is a good one. @dfish Thanks for the recipes. I've ordered from Bronner's but never been there. I'd like to go for the German food in the area too. @marshhawk I hope the water issue is fixed soon. @Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely pictures from Split. @Heartgrove That sounds awful on the Legend; I can't believe she doesn't have heat. @HAL Sailer I'm glad you got home safely after that scary journey. Nice that DH had a good visit with DSIL. @bennybear Thanks for the excellent photos. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  4. Good afternoon. Thanks for starting up the Fleet Report/Daily @rafinmd. I like my fruitbread, but not commercial fruitcake. I like visiting zoos, but haven't been for a while. I haven't cut out snowflakes since grade school. The meal sounds interesting, pass on the drink and the wine. I've been to NZ, but not Whangerei. We may get to 32F today! It's cloudy out. I plan to go to see the new Whitney Houston movie with BFF, then out to eat. The eye is better today. @ocean sounds Welcome to the Daily! @ottahand7 Bon Voyage! @Seasick Sailor Sorry to hear DH has a cold; I hope it resolves quickly. Oh no, on the neighborhood party leading to friends with Covid. @cat shepard I hope you're feeling better soon. @ger_77 I'm glad you made it home safely. @Vict0riann Safe travels. @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the great photos. @Cruzin Terri Good to hear that Jim's leg is doing well. Safe travels home. @Cruising-along I hope DH gets the anti-nausea meds today, to help with his treatments. Shame on the doctor for not responding. @HAL4NOW I hope you have power now or soon. And thanks for the kind comment yesterday. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  5. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @rafinmd. I will salute Kwanzaa, Boxing Day and Homeowners. Nice quote. The meal sounds good, but I'll be having leftovers from yesterday. Pass on the wine, and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Bordeaux. Woohoo, up to 21F. Yesterday went well with opening presents and dinner. Then in the evening, I noticed the dishwasher had an error code. I'd never seen that before. I opened it and there was water standing in the bottom. I emptied it (it hadn't even gotten to dispensing the detergent) and had washed all the dishes. I got as much water out as I could. I looked it up and then checked the filter, which was ok. The instructions to check the drain pump were daunting, so late this morning I just turned it on to run. So far so good. And to top things off, after a poor night's sleep, I woke up with my eye red and painful. I'm treating that (Sunglasses are on) and BFF is napping. @aliaschief I'm glad you got home safely. Cute grands. @StLouisCruisers Great photos. @marshhawk I make a German fruit bread that's very good. @smitty34877 I'm glad you're getting around with a walker and have less pain. Nice to celebrate Kwanzaa with Tana's son. @rafinmd Thanks for our list. @Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely photos. @HAL4NOW Sorry to hear you still have no power. @sailingdutchy Thanks for the Bordeaux pictures. @Cruising-along Nice picture of the family. @cunnorl What an awful thing for that bus driver to say; so insensitive. @Vict0riann Safe travels tomorrow. @Overhead Fred Delicious meal. And that Yule Log looks yummy! @Cruzin Terri Sorry to hear about DH's accident and I hope he heals up ok. @luvteaching So sorry to hear that the transport company cancelled on you and messed up your holiday plans. That's a shameful way to do business. I'm glad you still had a nice day with family and got to see DH. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  6. Good evening. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily and all who contribute. Merry Christmas to all who celebrate and 7th day of Hanukkah! Pumpkin pie is ok. I like the quote. No ham today; it was sauerbraten, spaetzle, and red cabbage instead. Pass on the drink. Ok to the wine, if someone buys it for me. I have been to Wellington. We got up to a balmy 13F today. Boy, I'm tired. Despite doing prep ahead, there was still a lot to do. Then opening presents. I got very emotional over a gift from BFF; it was something he'd given his mother her last Christmas before she died in 1995. His father had held on to it, and since his Dad passed recently, he wanted me to have it. I was very touched. We're just relaxing now and will have dessert in a bit. @grapau27 Thank you for Fr. David's sermon today. @rafinmd Thanks for starting us up and our lists. Oh sad meal! Sounds like my Thanksgiving drive back home with only gas station snacks. @SusieKIslandGirl Sorry to hear DDIL had to be taken to the hospital; prayers all works out well. @HAL4NOW I hope you get power back soon! @ger_77 Happy Birthday! @*Miss G* Prayers for your father's health. @luvteaching So nice to have DH home for the day! @jodi58 Good to hear you're starting to feel better. @Cruzin Terri Good news about the house. @highscar (((Hugs))) Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to the Celebration List. Stay safe and well everyone.
  7. Good Morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @rafinmd. Happy Christmas Eve! Lots to do to get ready for tomorrow. I had eggnog last night. Libya independence is a good thing. I like the quote. The meal looks good, although carby. I like the drink and wine. I also like Roy's meal. I haven't been to Singapore. Brrr. On awakening, it was -2F with a wind chill of -23F! The wind is still howling. I had the faucet in the kitchen dripping overnight, as it's on an outside wall, and left the cabinet door under the sink open. Luckily my power has stayed on! There's a football game at 6 here tonight; I can't imagine being outdoors for that! The celebration of the Immaculate Reception was moved from the outdoor site yesterday to indoors. Sadly, many churches have cancelled their Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services. I've got some meal prep today and one dessert to bake. BFF will come over tonight and stay a few days. @luvteaching Wonderful that you were able to arrange for DH to come home for the day on Christmas! @Sharon in AZ Sorry to hear that illness is interrupting your Christmas Eve plans. @bennybear Sorry to hear your family also has illness at the holidays. @grapau27 Happy Birthday to Sarah! @ottahand7 Good to hear DB is home. Have a great cruise! @smitty34877 Sentimental is a good thing! @HAL Sailer I hope the weather cooperates so you are able to make your trip tomorrow. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  8. Wow, you got a lot done. Sounds delicious. I'm just making Spaetzle (German pasta) to go with the Sauerbraten. Tomorrow I'll prep the Red Cabbage, for cooking on Sunday. I'm trying to get what I can do ahead done, so Sunday won't be so busy.
  9. Brrrr. -5F with wind chill -30. I don't think I've ever heard wind blowing like it is now. @bennybear I'm glad you're doing better. Kidney stones are no fun! @Copper10-8 Rubbing it in? 😉
  10. Thanks for starting this thread, Rich. I doubt I'll ever do a world cruise, so I'll be traveling vicariously through you!
  11. @catmando Welcome to the Daily! And thanks for the photos.
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