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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. The garage door person was here. I could try a new receiver, but since the old opener is 30+ years old, I elected to get a new one. I'll also get a keypad with it, as well as a remote. He didn't have it on the truck, so he'll come back tomorrow. I have 2 garage doors, but am only replacing the opener on the troublesome one, which is the one I use all the time. @Horizon chaser 1957 Sad to hear of the passing of the couple who were your friends; so tough on the family to lose both of them so close together. That's bad that they sometimes can't adequately staff the ferries. @Cruising-along Congrats on the good A1C result! You must be doing something right. @kazu It does not sound stupid! You've had a great loss and of course it's hard and sad. (((HUGS))) @aliaschief I'm glad you got some meds for your sinuses. @1ANGELCAT It sounds like this doctor has a plan, which is good. Great that the employee in the pharmacy was an advocate to help you get your medication for less. The rain has stopped and the sun is out. Now it'll get steamy. Yuk.
  2. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily. The website went down while I was trying to post! No kids to hug. I like some sour lemon candies. I will try to listen today. Good quote. I like guac. The drink sounds good. Pass on the wine. I haven't been to Kodiak. Thanks for the pictures. We've had rain here since yesterday afternoon (we need it!). Last I checked my rain gauge was at about 1.75". I'm waiting for the garage door opener repair people; my window was 1-3 pm. @luvteaching Welcome home! @grapau27 I've been hearing how hot it is in London and France. Stay cool! @smitty34877 I'm glad to hear Camilla's DGF is starting to improve. Hopefully you and DH don't have too many side effects from the booster today. I'm sure Tana is happy to have you home again. @1ANGELCAT I hope the hand specialist is able to help you. @aliaschief Good that you're going to see about your sinuses. Interesting about turmeric. @Vict0riann Nice picture of you two. @HAL Sailer Congrats to DN on his race finish! Great news that DB is improving and might race again! Sorry to hear DSIL tested positive; hopefully a mild case. @mamaofami I hope DS feels better soon. Good luck at the dentist. @StLouisCruisers I hope the leg continues to improve. Good move on the compression stockings. @dobiemom Ugh on the flight issues! Safe trip home. @marshhawk Good job on getting the walk in. Prayers that DH's biopsy is negative. @bennybear Lovely flowers. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  3. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I will have ice cream today in celebration of National Ice Cream Day! I've heard of wrong way Corrigan but don't know much. Emojis are ok, if not overused. Good quote. I like the meal (maybe in air fryer). My mother was from the South and made great fried chicken; unfortunately I didn't pay attention as a kid, and have never made it myself. Pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Shimizu, or Japan. Thanks for the pictures. I was awakened at 6:10 by a loud clap of thunder. We only got about 1/4" of rain overnight; better than nothing, but not enough. I made some small waffles this AM, and will freeze the extra for future easy use. I also fed my sourdough starter and will make a loaf of bread later. @grapau27 Thanks for Father David's sermon today. Good news about Sarah! @0106 Great recipes! @Cruzin Terri Safe travels and have a great time! @dfish I hope you're having a blast! @1ANGELCAT Awful about your DB's car being totaled. @Vict0riann Good to hear Pat's bag was found and you are onboard. Enjoy! @Crazy For Cats Happy Anniversary! @kazu Awww, on the bird's nest. Your flowers are all beautiful. @smitty34877 Sorry to hear your niece's DH had to be hospitalized and prayers for him; good that Camilla and her parents are feeling better. @StLouisCruisers I'm glad your leg was a little better last night. Nice to hear that many were there for Buddy's funeral; I'm sure the family was appreciative. @aliaschief I hope your sinus issue settles down soon. @bennybear Thanks for the great Shimizu pictures. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  4. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I like cooked spinach, not into spinach salads. I'll keep my distance from snakes; BFF had a large one in his yard recently. I remember Woodie Wagons. True quote! I'll pass on the drink and take the meal and wine. I have been to Alaska, but haven't been to Whittier. Thanks for the pictures. It was cloudy this AM, with rain nearby, but none here, unfortunately. No big plans today for me. Maybe I'll make some sourdough discard crackers later. @kazu Slow and steady will get all the things sorted and tidied up. Love the monkshood. @0106 Thanks for the recipes. @StLouisCruisers Sorry to hear you had a bad night. Prayers for Amy and the family as they attend Buddy's funeral today. @rafinmd Thinking of you and the family as your Aunt is buried today. @grapau27 It's good that Sarah is feeling better; sorry she's still positive, but it seems common. @HAL Sailer Great to hear that DB is doing better! Best of luck to his son in the race. @marshhawk Prayers that DH's biopsy doesn't show any cancer. @smitty34877 I'm glad you made it home safely. Good to hear that Camilla and her parents are negative, but sorry your niece and her DH are positive (and I hope you and DH remain negative!). @ger_77 Enjoy your visit with your friends at the lake. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  5. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Good days. Pet Fire safety is important. I respect Canada, and need to visit more of it! I'm amassing stuff I don't use to donate. I'll pass on the meal (fish) and wine. I like Bahama Mamas, a lot, lol. I've been to Australia, but haven't been to Penneshaw. It's mid-70's and less humid; lovely day. However, I will be toiling away in my basement, trying to get rid of stuff and just generally organize. @Vict0riann Sorry to hear Pat's suitcase didn't make it with your flight. Enjoy the Copenhagen HO-HO. @kazu Congrats on winning the liquor basket. @grapau27 Good to hear that Sarah continues to improve. @Cruzin Terri It will be nice to get away and see your friends. @0106 Great job on the meal post! And thanks for the quote explanation. @dfish Have a safe flight! @marshhawk I hope things work out for DH's pain (and that he takes his meds as he should). It sounds like his new campaign is a good fit! @mamaofami That's weird about the phone calls. So sorry to hear your son has Covid. I hope his case is mild. @Crazy For Cats Ugh on the credit card issue; at least you caught it quickly. I'd be cautious of that pharmacy. @StLouisCruisers Good to hear that DD tested negative, but oh no on her DH testing positive! Prayers for Buddy's family as they go through the funeral tomorrow, and they know you're there in spirit with them. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  6. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Busy here today! A salute to Bastille Day. People are more Shark aware, with the recent sightings and attacks. Hopefully no pandemonium here. I like Mac & Cheese, but don't make it, as BFF doesn't like and I won't make it for just me. Funny quote. I'll pass on the meal and wine. I like the drink. I've been to Athens on a land trip, but not to Piraeus. It's sunny, warm and supposedly less humid, but not to me. We got about 0.1" of rain yesterday. I went for my mammogram this AM, then a stop by the grocery store (I did notice many more people with masks on). I had to call someone to come look at my garage door openers next week; I have been finding one of the two doors open at times. Luckily nothing missing, like lawn mowers or snow blowers. The openers are ancient, and probably need to be replaced. @StLouisCruisers Continued prayers for you and your family. @dfish Safe travels. Have a great cruise. @grapau27 It sounds like the doctor's appointment went well. And good job on the weight loss. @kazu I hope the toe is healing! Thanks for the pictures of Shadow and for passing on the message from @luvteaching. @Cruzin Terri The endodontist's office staff sounds clueless. @HAL Sailer Great news about Curt! I hope he continues his recovery. Great story and picture of your DM and the Acropolis. @smitty34877 Enjoy the remainder of your time away, and safe travels home. @Heartgrove So sorry to hear your brother is not doing well. Safe travels to the wedding. @0106 Thanks for filling in while Debbie is away! Good job on the Mac & Cheese recipe. @ger_77 Nice grocery bags; you're very talented, and love the shortcuts. @cruzn single Sorry to hear about your flight issues. @Overhead Fred The yard looks great. @Dr.Dobro Great picture. Thanks. @Horizon chaser 1957 Congrats on winning the screened tent! @Seasick Sailor Happy Birthday to Allen! @luvteaching Waving to you! Sorry to hear about the azipod and the changes caused by it. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  7. @StLouisCruisers Condolences to Amy, her children and all the family. Prayers for comfort for all.
  8. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I'm not a big fan of barbershop music. I embrace my Geekness; it comes in handy! I can't easily be in a Fool's Paradise. It's also National French Fries Day! Great quote. The sorbetes looks good. I'll pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Monte Carlo (was to have gone on my 2020 Cruise that didn't happen). Thanks for the photos. Another warm day. Possible thunderstorm this evening, but not counting on it. I went and had my haircut at noon. Masks still required (yay!). My stylist said he and his wife had Covid a few weeks ago. Not from the salon, but taking someone home from church whose son had it; they were masked in the car, but still got it (not sure if the passenger was masked). @smitty34877 Enjoy Cape Cod with your family! @HAL Sailer I hope your DB is feeling better. Sad that you won't get to see Camilla and her parents. @dfish It's almost here! Have a great cruise. @Vict0riann Safe travels tomorrow and fingers crossed for negative tests. @grapau27 Great to hear that Sarah is feeling better. @kazu Lovely flowers. It's the same here; very dry and when they call for rain, we only get wind. I hope your toe is healing well. @StLouisCruisers Good to hear you were able to sleep better. Sorry to hear that DD's test was still positive; good thing she has the insurance. Great photos, as usual! @kb4683 Thanks for the Monaco photos. @durangoscots I'm glad you're coming along after the fall. Good of that ER to call to check on you. @Overhead Fred Nice photos. @Cruising-along Better estimate on the skylight indeed. Great photo of DGS's and neighbor's DGD. @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the photos. @marshhawk Sorry you aren't feeling well. @Seasick Sailor I hope the eye meds fix DS's eye quickly. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List (although after dry June, my first and only glass of wine gave me palpitations!). Stay safe everyone.
  9. Good evening. Thanks for the Daily/Fleet Report. I appreciate cows! I had an Etch-a-Sketch as a kid. Paper bags are ok, but I like reusable ones. Not sure about the quote. Pass on the meal due to the carbs. I like the drink and wine. I haven't been to Whitehorse. Thanks for the pictures. It's hot and humid here, with possible rain, but so far they've been wrong. I'm late today. I went out to a late lunch with BFF and another friend; Fortunately the restaurant was fairly empty. @HAL Sailer Sorry to hear your DB is so sick with Covid. Prayers for him. @dfish I'm glad your and Donna's flights are straightened out. @StLouisCruisers Hoping the leg feels better soon. Continued prayers for your family. It would be nice if DH only required the cream. @marshhawk I hope you and DH will test negative. @Dr.Dobro Welcome to the Daily! Fun picture. @Cruising-along Sorry about the expensive skylight replacement. @durangoscots Oh no on your fall and black eye! Thankfully no broken bones and that Bob happened to come by to help. @grapau27 I hope Sarah has a mild case. @Seasick Sailor Prayers for your sister that her eye is taken care of ASAP. @Norseh2o I'm very glad your DM has done well after her Covid diagnosis. Great that your sister is there with her. @Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos! @aliaschief Good to hear you are home safely. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  10. Good news on no blood clot. But it's always frustrating when it's not known what the issue is. Take it easy and try to rest some.
  11. So sorry to hear this news Roy. My condolences to you and the family.
  12. Good morning. Thanks for the Daily/Fleet Report. The Daily family cheers me up when I'm feeling lonely! I like blueberry muffins. Can't celebrate Bowdler. I like the quote. I'll take the chicken part of the meal; I've never had fennel, but like fennel seeds in certain recipes. I'll pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to La Goulette. It's going to be hot and humid again today. I'll mainly be inside; laundry and the usual sorting through stuff to donate. BFF helped me with a couple of things yesterday (like getting my vintage heavy oak porch swing adjusted). Then we just sat on the porch and chatted. I don't use my front porch often myself, and what had been the back porch was converted into a room many years ago. @Cruzin Terri I found that book for download from my library, so I'll be reading it too. @kazu It sounds like things for Shadow are worked out, if she can get there. LOL on more plants! @StLouisCruisers Sorry to hear of the leg issues. Maybe try urgent care if you can't get into your doctor's office; I'd worry about a blood clot. Oh no on DD being positive after her cruise; thankfully mild. Good to hear that DBIL is now negative, and he and DS could go to visit Buddy. So sad to hear the end is near for Buddy, but it's good his family can spend time with him. @smitty34877 So sorry to hear Camilla and her parents have Covid, and that you won't get to see her. Good news that DD is doing ok in your absence. @aliaschief Safe travels tomorrow. @St. Louis Sal Thinking of you. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  13. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily and to all contributors. Kittens are cute, although I've never had one. Pina Coladas are a favorite of mine. I've never had a teddy bear picnic. Great quote. I like the meal, drink and wine (but too $$$). I've never been to Kristiansand. Thanks for the pictures. It's sunny, mid-80's here. I haven't been outside yet. My right eye is very irritated. I'm not sure if it's a flare; I think yesterday while doing yard work, I was sweating and sweat/sunscreen got in my eye (I wasn't wearing my visor that usually stops it from getting in my eyes). I'm putting in extra steroid drops anyway. BFF is coming over later to help me hang a porch decoration (that was a Christmas gift from him). @cat shepard Cute meme. @grapau27 Thank you for posting the sermon. @kazu Sorry to hear about the toe, and I hope it's healing nicely. I had to Google Baladi dog; if you feel ready, maybe you are. Such a lovely gift from Laura @Horizon chaser 1957. @Heartgrove Good to hear that your brother is home. @StLouisCruisers Continued prayers for Buddy, Amy and the family. Thanks for the great pictures of Kristiansand. @mamaofami How nice to run into family unexpectedly. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast for the Celebration List. Stay safe and wear your mask if needed.
  14. My last one was a Td. I keep up to date, as I'm always doing stuff around the house or yard and poking myself with a nail or something.
  15. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I'm not a big fan of sugar cookies. The horizon calls on a ship. I'm not a fashionista. Funny quote. I'll pass on the deep dish pizza (never have had it; I like medium thickness) and wine. I'll take the drink without the coconut (don't like the texture of shredded coconut). I haven't been to Mumbai. It's cloudy and warm today. I might try to do some edging later, since the sun's not out much. Due to lack of rain, the grass hasn't grown much. @rafinmd I'm glad you made it home safely. @Heartgrove Hopefully your brother will get to come home soon. @StLouisCruisers Continued prayers for Buddy, Amy and the family. @Vict0riann Rest up today. @smitty34877 Enjoy your trip and safe travels. I'm sure Tana will speak up if need be! @jimgev Thanks for the review of your cruise. Sorry the flying part was so aggravating. @ger_77 My, what a day you had yesterday. Thankfully no tornadoes near you. @USN59-79 Thanks for the pictures of Mumbai. @Cruising-along Oh no, on the skylight. @kazu I hope things go more smoothly for you. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone. I saw a report that even large outdoor gatherings can put you at risk of Covid.
  16. A couple of pictures from my cactus opening yesterday. It was closed by this morning, and the stalk will turn black and fall off in a few days. Early evening 10PM
  17. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Face painting is ok for me, but no body painting. I just bought blueberries today. Motorcycles look like fun, but I'd be scared to ride one for fear of being hit by a car. Funny quote. I'll pass on the meal (fish), drink and wine. I haven't been to St. Peter Port. Thanks for the pictures @StLouisCruisers @Quartzsite Cruiser @kazu . Whew. Quite the morning. When I got up this AM and looked at my iPhone, just a blank screen. I knew it was charged. I tried the recommended pressing of buttons, but not until after I set off the SOS by accident! I think I stopped it before it got to BFF, since he didn't call. I set up an appointment at the Genius Bar, but then tried connecting it to the PC. Lo and behold it started up and was fine, so I cancelled the Apple store appointment. I had backed up the phone just a few days ago, but that wasn't needed. Then I ran a couple of errands, to the pharmacy and grocery store. I was masked and about 10% of others were too. @rafinmd Welcome back! Have a safe trip home. @StLouisCruisers Prayers that Buddy is pain free, and prayers for the family. @kazu The more plants the merrier? 😄 @dfish Good luck getting the plane tickets straightened out. It shouldn't be this hard. @marshhawk I have used bank ATM's to get Euros in Europe. I do let my bank know I will be using my ATM card overseas so they don't flag it as stolen or something. @cunnorl It sounds like the party plans are coming together nicely. @Lady Hudson Have a safe trip to visit DSIL. @Quartzsite Cruiser I know that some neurosurgeons around here were using a type of glue/cement in spinal surgeries. @0106 I'll have to look into that book. @Overhead Fred Sorry you had to miss seeing SIL due to Covid; hopefully she has a mild case. @Horizon chaser 1957 Good news on DH's MRI results. Prayers for the Care List; also the people of Japan. Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  18. @HAL Sailer Wishing you and DH the best, and lots of wonderful new memories made together. @Seasick Sailor Enjoy the time with your sister! @Cat in my lap Woohoo on the negative tests! @Quartzsite Cruiser It's good to hear DH has a good doctor and a treatment plan, even though it will take a while to get things fixed.
  19. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I'm always for chocolate day. We need more forgiveness in the world. I never had a Father Daughter walk, but it sounds nice. I disagree with the quote; sometimes it's true, but not always. I like cobb salads. Pass on the drink. I'll take the wine. I haven't been to Corner Brook, Newfoundland. Thanks for the pictures @StLouisCruisers @richwmn @Cruising-along Another steamy day here. We got about an inch of much needed rain yesterday. No big plans for me. I did wake up with some itching and a hive at my medication injection site. It's calmed down with Benadryl; I think I need to take a second dose in the afternoon on the day I give the shot. @grapau27 How is your knee feeling? @StLouisCruisers Continued prayers for Buddy, Amy and the family. @rafinmd Congrats on the Queen Anne booking in February. @kazu Enjoy your visit with your friend. Lovely flowers. @ottahand7 Sorry to hear it's taking so long to get someone to replace the HWH. @aliaschief Thanks for the pictures. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone; Covid numbers are on the rise, as are hospitalizations.
  20. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. No one here to kiss. I like good fried chicken (my Mother's in particular), but haven't had any in many years. I think most people lose or don't use umbrella covers, except for patio umbrellas. The quote is true. I've never had turkey scallopini. I take the drink and pass on the wine. I haven't been to Geiranger or anywhere in Norway. Thanks for the pictures. It is hot and humid here. We had some rain overnight (I didn't hear it) and now it's sprinkling. We need a good soaking rain. I took 25mg of Benadryl last night and 50mg this AM an hour before my shot. So we'll see how the local reaction goes. Of course I may be sleepy today from the Benadryl. @dobiemom @Vict0riann Safe travels. @kazu Thanks for the flower pictures. @grapau27 Great looking lunch, as usual. @dfish A normal parathyroid hormone in the setting of high calcium is abnormal; it should be suppressed. Is the Endocrinologist doing this evaluation? Thanks for your Geiranger pics. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for the pictures. Sorry to hear DS and her DH have Covid. Worse news about Buddy; I'm so sorry to hear this. Many prayers for Buddy, Amy, their children and the whole family. @Ichiban Nekko It tires me out just reading about your move to the rental. @rafinmd Enjoy Halifax! @Quartzsite Cruiser Excellent pictures. Thanks. @marshhawk That sounds like quite the cruise you planned. @ger_77 Very nice of you to take the young lady in until she can get into student housing. @Cruising-along Nice photos of Geiranger. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone. My two cacti are ready to bloom any day. The one with one flower bud had one last year; the one with 2 buds had none last year. They bloom at midnight and the flower dies the next day.
  21. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily/Fleet report. I like apple turnovers, but not eating them currently. No way I'd wear a bikini. My workaholic days are over since I'm retired! Strange quote. The cookies look good, but a bit sugary. I'll take the drink. Pass on the wine. I haven't been to Stockholm. Thanks for the pictures. It's cloudy and very humid, after some morning showers that we desperately needed. Possible rain again later today. Fireworks last night looked spectacular on TV; by a local company in it's 4th generation that has become known worldwide, Zambelli. There were some locals shooting off fireworks until about midnight, but the nearby big city I'm in a suburb of had cracked down on fireworks and it showed. So tragic about the killings in Highland Park, Kenosha and Sacramento; this needs to stop. @kazu It's good to hear some things got sorted yesterday - the proof of vaccination and the jam setting. Lovely peonies. @ottahand7 I hope the hot water heater situation is taken care of today. @Overhead Fred Nice view from the deck. @Seasick Sailor I'm glad you made it there safely. Enjoy! Prayers for the Care List and a Salute to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  22. I remember going to Durgin Park for special evenings, while in college in Boston. I was sad to hear it closed in 2019.
  23. Good morning. Thanks for the 4th of July Daily/Fleet report. Happy 4th of July! Good days. No BBQ for me, as I'm just home alone. I'll make a burger for dinner, but I don't have a grill. I'm not a big country music fan and never fried an egg on the sidewalk. I disagree partly with the quote - you can be overdressed. I like the butternut squash ravioli and chicken, so might like the meal. Pass on the drink and wine. I have been to Australia, but haven't been to Geraldton. It's warm today and hazy. We may have rain the rest of the week, which we need. There were some neighborhood fireworks after 11 last night, but I fell asleep pretty quickly. We have big fireworks downtown, that I've occasionally gone to in person, but it's too crowded and hard to get home. So I'll watch them on TV tonight. @Cat in my lap Safe travels. Bon Voyage! @StLouisCruisers It sounds like DD is having a good time! @kazu Sorry the jam didn't set and the laptop wouldn't charge (how old is it? Sometimes the battery goes after a while). I hope today is better. @durangoscots It's great Monty is starting to get into the routine. @Cruising-along Wow, sounds like really big renovations going on to DS's new house. @aliaschief Enjoy the beach! I grew up on the Alantic Ocean and miss the smell of the ocean. @rafinmd Enjoy the 4th in Boston. When I was in college I got to see Arthur Fiedler and the Boston Pops orchestra on the Esplanade for the Bicentennial 4th in 1976. Prayers for the Care List and a toast for the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
  24. Good afternoon. Thankes for the Daily/Fleet report. Interesting days. I've never built a scarecrow, won't compliment my mirror and not sure about disobedience. I like the quote. I like pork or chicken fried rice, but don't eat it often. I'll pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Miyako. Thanks for any pictures to come. It's sunny here and mid-80's with lower humidity. I had a good night's sleep, and got to release my legs from the confining compression wraps this AM! My eye flare has resolved, so I could go outside in the sunshine without pain and water the neglected plants. @grapau27 Thank you for today's sermon. @dfish I hope you get the flight and luggage issues straightened out. @Seasick Sailor @Cat in my lap Safe travels! @ger_77 LOL on the questions from the 7 year old. It sounds like fun times at your house with the family. @ottahand7 Stuff like the hot water tank going always seems to happen on/near a holiday! @Vict0riann Good to hear you and your luggage made it to Gander after all the delays. I hope Pat can get his medication filled. @Cruising-along It'll be fun to see how DS/DDIL's house is coming along. @mamaofami Good news that Sam is feeling well. @TiogaCruiser Great pictures. Thanks for sharing. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Stay safe everyone.
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