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Host Hattie

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Everything posted by Host Hattie

  1. It's just an internet page so it should work on your tablet's browser.
  2. Phone/camera/laptop chargers are all fine.
  3. No USB ports, but you can bring your own chargers. I'm not sure what you mean by "no electrical".
  4. It's good to hear that second sitting is still working well @Camgirl and that you had a lovely time. Sorry to hear that Andy has Covid and hope he's feeling better soon.
  5. Beautiful photos, thanks for posting.
  6. Thank you all for the reports and the photographs from the last minute QM2 Coronation cruise. It sounds as if this was the first real stress test of Open dining with lots of new passengers choosing that option and mostly UK based passengers.
  7. I watched most of the Coronation before driving up to Derbyshire to stay with a group of friends overnight before we went to a wedding on Sunday afternoon. After recent damp weather it was a sunny afternoon and a lovely, informal wedding. More damp weather for the return journey yesterday so they were very lucky.
  8. No, the packages have changed since then.
  9. It was batter, much nicer
  10. Wow, not long now, have a great time.
  11. The fish finger sandwich was one of the few things that arrived warm when I was restricted to eating in my cabin !
  12. From Southampton you might have to take your own luggage to a hole in the wall outside the terminal. Are you sailing on Sunday?
  13. In Britannia Club you can go for Dinner anytime during evening opening hours. Have a wonderful honeymoon and welcome to Cruise Critic.
  14. The maiden voyage is May 3rd, you need to search for Sold Out sailings to find it.
  15. Yesterday https://www.cunard.com/en-gb/inspiration/queen-anne/one-year-to-go
  16. I've experienced what used to be called "Formal Optional" on short cruises, it worked reasonably well. I wonder if this is a response to the complaints about the reduction in Gala nights from 3 to 2.
  17. I don't read the reviews often and I'm not doing so now but you have to consider whether things people complain about are likely to bother you. This sailing will a segment of a World Cruise so there's no point comparing complaints about a transatlantic crossing for example.
  18. Apologies I didn't read the question properly. Leaving tomorrow, 11pm was the original plan.
  19. Later today, was originally due to be 11.30pm but Marine Traffic is reporting 8.30pm.
  20. Have a nice day sailing along the coast of Wales, keep an eye out for dolphins. They put on a great display last time we did this route.
  21. Looks like a beautiful evening for sailing
  22. There's a link to the wine list in this thread. No bottles included in the packages
  23. Deck 6 is in between other decks of cabins so you shouldn't have any noise problems.
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