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Silver Spectre

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Everything posted by Silver Spectre

  1. Hi Spins, hope you are having a great time and that your crossing will be uneventful.
  2. Many thanks @Fletcher, have thoroughly enjoyed following you along.
  3. We’ve been upgraded with a GTY, and we have also been offered an upgrade on arrival.
  4. Not quite, you forgot the socks drying on a chair in the Paranoia.
  5. It’s useful to do this before you leave as it disappears as soon as the voyage starts. I usually download it and store it on my iPad, but a smart phone will work.
  6. Joe took the Book home and drank all the whiskey.
  7. Good luck with Djibouti, we were meant to go there years ago and then the Seabourn ship got hit by pirates and it got canned. Will be very interested to hear what it is like. As long as you are not fussed by the alcohol restrictions both Jeddah and Yanbu are interesting destinations and if the trip to St Catherine’s Monastery is offered in Sharm, it is well worth the long bus ride. Enjoy!
  8. Just put in what you feel like giving, there is no right or wrong.
  9. Especially the baseball caps, welded on at birth!
  10. But not a patch on the originals and IMHO nothing like as good as those from Tassie and New Zealand.
  11. I managed to get a list and a kidney from Monsieur Le Blanc last year, and boy did it taste good 😊
  12. This was the sweeties on the Moon in October
  13. Surprise, surprise. Still no official response to the ‘data breach’ although the U.K. MD has promised a response to at least one concerned guest by next Tuesday.
  14. Bet she hasn’t got anything to say about rescheduling cruises with loads of sea days, or about the recent data breach.
  15. It’s location, location, location.
  16. Not impressed. If they wont answer emails try Twitter.
  17. It makes a nice change on the older ships where it’s more atmospheric and less cramped, if you have OBC to use. Otherwise not really worth it.
  18. That’s correct. It’s a bit of a repeat of the Moon crossing in Nov 21, which itself replaced a cancelled Dawn crossing.
  19. All the suites on the Shadow have good sized bath tubs.
  20. I wouldn’t hold my breath, after the 2021 data breach BM promised to give details of what exactly occurred. Guess what, nothing!
  21. It won’t let you in now, but it still hasn’t terminated the existing sessions. That is serious amateur hour for any self respecting IT professional.
  22. Thanks for your excellent and thoughtful travelogue @ggo85. Enjoy your day in Lisbon and safe travels home.
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