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ski ww

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Everything posted by ski ww

  1. We're both in our mid 70's and hope to keep cruising for many more years. We thank our lucky stars that we can still do this. We know people that are younger then us that do not get around as well any more. Enjoy it well you can.
  2. Those pictures of Honfleur brings back memories of our time there. It's nice you got to spread some of Jose ashes in the garden.
  3. Cake & coffee a nice way to spend some time well sight seeing. Brings back memories of travelling in Europe.
  4. And a happy belated Thanksgiving to every one.
  5. Watching the news yesterday it's getting real bad over there, and will only get worse. To bad we really enjoyed our cruise to the Holy Land. Glad we got to see it before all this happened the same as Russia. So much for "love your neighbour"
  6. You might want to eat your meals in the Lido.
  7. Watched the start of this on the news last night. Didn't know it would get this bad.
  8. That time of year again, looks like a very interesting itinerary.
  9. Glad you have finally arrived, getting to the port of departure can be an adventure in it self.
  10. Went for a drive to look at the fall colours.
  11. Yesterday we broke a over 100 year temperature record 28C, 85F and beautiful fall colours.
  12. Since I retired 25 years ago I never wear a watch any more. I have three in my bed side table.
  13. I also like to look for out of the way places & look behind closed doors, although I do stay out of places clearly marked not to enter. We were on a Trans Pacific once and we were close to Australia sitting in the pool at the back of the ship, when this woman came and joined us & told us she had just found the bar & pool. Not that pool & bar were out out sight, it's just that she had never had a look around to see what else there was. We were on the Sun Princess.
  14. I also dislike acronyms, why are people too lazy to write it out in full, is our life that busy??
  15. This guy has a neat job, great view, fresh air.
  16. Couldn't of been that bad, any way hope you are having a better day.
  17. Good luck to any one needing a visa for India in the next little while. Wonder how long diplomatic tensions between India & Canada will last
  18. Ours was issued in Ottawa and we got the old stock, which I think is much nicer then the pictures I saw of the new ones.
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