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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Received this last night aboard the Insignia. Received the charcuterie board this morning.
  2. Hello again everyone, Since the internet seems to have revived itself, I thought I would share some photos of the lovely gifts we received last night and this morning from Oceania. Note, we are not in the top suites and do not have very high status ( this is our 8th cruise). The first photo is a charcuterie board and the second is a Bulgari toiletry set. Now the problem is getting them home. I knew we should have driven rather than fly. Terri
  3. We received ours this morning aboard the Insignia. Since it says Oceania Club on the box, I am assuming that all club members received them. Good idea about going down to the Concierge and asking about mailing it home. Terri Addendum: Went down to the Concierge. Not possible. Suggested I put it in my luggage. I said it would cause it to be overweight and he said “Carry it on” End of story. Terri
  4. Hello to all and a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! Sorry i have not been posting, but the internet has been pathetic and I have just given up. Today we are in San Juan and it is a little bit better so I am trying to post before we leave. The weather has been perfect, however we had to skip St. Barts yesterday because of sea swells. We were supposed to go to St. Maarten but that did not work either because the berth we were assigned was not protected and we had trouble docking. So we ended up with an unplanned Sea Day. Tomorrow is Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic and then a Sea Day and then we disembark. The news with my house is that the painting is done and the flooring will be finished by the time we are back. We will be ready to move in a soon as everything is moved back in,. The Master Bath will not be done, but we will live with that until it is finished. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and is safe and warm. God Bless, Terri
  5. Good Friday morning. The internet is pathetic. Hope to post tomorrow from Miami on our turnaround day. Other from the internet the cruise has been great so far. Have a good day everyone. God Bless, Terri
  6. We are currently in a Penthouse on the insignia and did not get one on this cruise. I asked about it and was told that the delivery was delayed and they were due in at the end of the month. So, yes, they are sill issuing them, but are currently unavailable, at least on the Insignia. Terri
  7. The tenders are going, bobbing up and down and sideways. I’m staying put. Had no plans anyway. Just another day relaxing on the ship. Terri
  8. Maybe I can post again. Not sure. Something doesn’t sound right. We are in Roatan. The winds are too high for us to dock. Therefore we are going to use the tenders. This does not sound right to me, but then again, what do I know. I’m not the Captain. We will see what happens. Ship has not yet been cleared. Will post another update when I know it. Terri
  9. Good morning from Roatan, Honduras. I’m finally starting to feel alive. I am writing quickly before I get knocked off this pathetic internet. I think dial-up would be faster. I took some pictures with my phone but cannot upload them. They will have to wait. Prayers for all who need them. Cheers to those celebrating. Even with slow internet, it sure beats that dumpy apartment. Hope everyone has a good day. God Bless, Terri
  10. Good morning everyone from Harvest Caye in Belize. i have been trying to post for the last three days. The internet is spotty at best. I figured I would try while most people are at breakfast and then going to the beach. We turned the clocks back one hour last night so we got an extra hour of sleep. I have been very tired and yesterday took a two-hour nap besides sleeping all night. Finally catching up. Word is that work his progressing on the house. With the internet as poor as it is (thank God we don’t pay extra for it), I have not been able to read the posts. My prayers for all that need them and a shout out to all that are celebrating. Hope everyone is having a good day and staying warm. Take care and God Bless, Terri
  11. This is just a quick Good Morning from Miami before I pack away my IPad. it is a beautiful sunny day here. Great day for a sail-away. We are all packed up. Had a nice breakfast in the lounge and all ready to go. We have an 11 am check in time at the port. We are so looking forward to this cruise to get some time to rest and get away from the stress we have been experiencing in the last few months. Prayers for all on the cares list. I am so sorry to see it growing. Cheers to all those who are celebrating and cruising. We are stopping in Cozumel in a few days on the first segment of this cruise. We are on the Insignia. This is the ship that Oceania uses for their World Cruise, which will begin when we disembark on Dec. 28. I am hoping that the internet is decent. if so, I will post pictures along the way. I’ll do my best. I hope everyone has a great Saturday wonderful weekend. God Bless, Terri
  12. Good morning from Miami, it is a bright beautiful morning here. Thank you @richwmn Rich for the Fleet Report and Daily. What a nice collection of days. Genocide should be abolished, not just prevented. Lots of people don’t write Christmas Cards any more. We still do and love to receive them. As for lost and found. We always return things we find that belong to others. More especially I am always praying to St. Anthony to find the things that I lost. That seems to be lots of stuff lately. I think I will skip the meal. The drink sounds nice as does the wine. Interesting quote. I have not been to the port. Thank you @rafinmdRoy for the lists. Prayers for all on the sick list. It seems like it is growing. Here’s hoping you all recover quickly. Cheers to those who are celebrating and cruising. Today we will go to Total Wine to get what we need. Then I expect to rest for the remainder of the day. There is a scale in the bathroom in this hotel. I haven’t seen a scale since the flood happened. So I stepped on it. i was amazed at the fact that I lost 5 pounds since this ordeal started. This is in spite of not eating right and more junk food than I am used to. i really thought I would have gained weight. I guess the stress has really gotten to me. I have to get ready for breakfast Have a good day everyone, God Bless, Terri
  13. Good afternoon from Miami. We’re sitting in the Concierge Lounge at the JW Marriott Marquis waiting for our room to be ready. On arrival we were asked if we would like a further upgrade if we would not mind waiting. So, of course we said yes. So we are overlooking the Miami cruise port and sipping a cappuccino. This is our first experience flying to Miami and leaving the terminal. We usually only make a connection here. I will tell you, it is not worth it if you don’t have to do it. We usually drive here and it is much more pleasant. The taxi fare alone is a small fortune. Should have taken an UBER. Tomorrow we will use an UBER to go to Total Wine for our stash. Oceania does not care how much you bring on board. If you bring it to the dining room or bar there is a corkage fee, otherwise……. So we will get enough for our whole cruise of 18 days. Thank you all for your kind words for my neighbor Joanne. I will convey the thoughts to her husband and family when I see them. Thank you Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. And to Roy for the Lists. I have not yet read the posts and will do so as soon as I am able. I will respond accordingly. Just wanted to touch base. It has been a long day and it is only 2 PM. Got up at 6 am. Then we had a delayed flight. And now a wait for our room. Hope everyone is having a nice day. God Bless, Terri
  14. Good evening from Jacksonville. We will be flying out to Miami tomorrow morning. We’ll be there two nights and board the Oceania Insignia on Saturday. We stopped at our house to see what was going on and found lots of work going on. That made us feel very good. Painting starts on Monday after all the demo will be finished. On another note, my neighbor Joanne, did not make it. She passed away this morning. She was in and out of the hospital for the last two weeks. Unfortunately, we were unable to see her husband whenever we were at our house. Please keep her and her family in your prayers. She had been sick for many years and I think it is a blessing that she is finally no longer suffering. May she rest in peace. Hope everyone had a good day. God bless, Terri
  15. Hello everyone. Still on a high. Just a quick note as we finish up our packing so that we can get out of here. I will try to post later after we are in Jacksonville. Thanks for all the support and celebrating with me as the work begins on our home. God Bless, Terri
  16. Doing my happy dance. Thank you all for the positive responses. We are more than happy. Terri
  17. Good evening everyone. Finally I have some good news. Today work has started on our house. We met with the contractor and he said that if it is okay with us he could have us back in the house soon after we get back from our cruise. However the Master Bath will not be ready. As long as we are okay with using the guest bath until the Master Bath is finished we would be able to move back in. This is music to our ears. We agreed. So we will keep the apartment for the month of January because we brought too many things over here and need to bring them back piecemeal and that will take a while. I also need to get all the bedding cleaned before we can use them. So we will need approximately two weeks to get back in the house. We are feeling good. Now I need to finish packing. Thank you all for all your prayers. God Bless, Terri
  18. Good morning to all, I don’t know what happened yesterday. I tried to write a few times but always got interrupted. Finally I was so tired that I just went to bed at 9 pm. I am “hoping” that some work begins on our house today. I do know that painting will begin on Dec. 12. But there is much to do before that. Thank you to @richwmnRich for the Daily and Fleet report. I like the days. I like Gazpacho and respect the work of Miners. I enjoy going to Disney Parks, but they have made it such an expensive deal. Walt had a wonderful imagination and shared that with the world. I like the quote. I will skip the meal and libations. We are eating leftover rotisserie chicken tonight. Last dinner here for a while (Yippee!) I have not been to Stavenger but our cruise next summer will take us there. Will be happy to see all the photos of those who have them to share. Thank you to @rafinmdRoy for the lists. I appreciate being included. Prayers for all on the list—especially @smitty34877as you await a hip replacement and also for Tana. @grapau27 prayers for your medical issues. Cheers for those who are celebrating and cruising. Today is another busy day. I have a hairdresser appointment at noon and want to stop at our house and pick up the mail. Also to see if there is any action. Then back here to finish up our packing. We will be out of here tomorrow and not see this dump until December 28. i really am looking forward to just having some time to rest. Hopefully coming back to find some progress on our house. Time for breakfast. Have a good day everyone. God Bless, Terri
  19. Good Sunday morning to all of you. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. Hats off to Cheetahs and to Cookies. Banks as well. I love the quote. Patty Melts are good. Would think about it for dinner except that we had hamburgers last night. The wine sounds wonderful and I even looked it up to see if I could buy it at Total Wine in Miami before our cruise. They don’t sell it. Oh well! Have not been to the destination. Roy, I, too, just got a new laptop. I have been struggling with a Mac for a little more than a year. I don’t know what possessed me to change. I finally gave up and bought a Windows 11 laptop. i will not be able to set it up until we get back from our cruise at the end of December. Just don’t have the time to devote to it right now. I would like to sell the Mac but just don’t know how to do it. It is in perfect condition. Will look into it when I set up the laptop. I hope your lip is healing. @grapau27 Graham, hope you enjoyed your cruise and that you have successful surgery on your face. @smitty34877hope they can take care of that hip soon. @kazuglad you can start to bear some weight on that leg. Soon you’ll be running as fast as a cheetah! Prayers for all that need them @RedneckBobhope you’re enjoying your cruise. We are devoting today to packing for our cruise and we will soon find out what we don’t have and have to buy. This is the first time we are flying to Miami rather than driving. It is just too long. We are staying two nights at the JW Marriott Marquis and just got an email from them last night that my upgrade to a suite cleared. Nice way to start off the trip. It will be a big improvement from this dumpy apartment. Please say a prayer that we see some work starting on our house this week. I am losing my patience. Hope everyone has a nice day. God Bless, Terri
  20. Good Saturday morning to all of you. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. Interesting group of days. I especially celebrate the Disabilities Day, given the fact that we cared for DH’s brother, who had cognitive challenges, for 40 years. I celebrate the spirit of the game and everyone can always use a hug. i like the quote. I have not been to the port. We will pass on the meal and libations considering that we are trying to finish up the food we have in the next few days in anticipation of our leaving on Wednesday for our cruise on Dec. 10. I have not been to Reykjavik. Thank you Roy for the cares list. @JazzyV you and your friend are especially in my prayers today as you lay his father to rest. Condolences to all of you during this difficult time. @smitty34877 hope that Tana is doing better and that you are managing with a bum hip. @rafinmdHope that lip starts to heal. Prayers for all on the cares list. Cheers for those celebrating and cruising. Bon Voyage to @RedneckBob. Enjoy! I think we must have a dark cloud over us. DH showed me the “dress shoes” he is taking on the cruise. I have no idea where he resurrected them, but they belong in the garbage. He sees nothing wrong with them. I asked him where the new ones were and why he didn’t take them, and he doesn’t know what I a talking about. Now they are probably locked up in the POD in the driveway and we have no access. He doesn’t want to buy a new pair. I can’t believe it. The only other pair he has is a pair of Sketchers. I am ready to pull my hair out. Since i had my flu vaccination last Monday, i have had a cough. I took a COVID test this morning and it is negative. I got the updated Covid vaccination about 3 weeks ago. Don’t know why I have a cough. Got all the email work and financial work done yesterday and need to start packing for the cruise and see what I am missing. i am at the point that it is easier not to go. Just too tired. Hope everyone has a great day. Take care and God Bless, Terrri
  21. Good morning to all, I’m sorry for my absence for the last two days. Each day I started out reading the Daily. Then stuff happened and I never was able to return. I have to catch up on what is going on with everyone. As for the house, there are some disappointments. Work has not yet started. I was told that I have to choose different flooring because the color I wanted will not be available until February. Well, I am beginning to think that what difference does that make at the rate we are going. I did talk to the contractor, who said that he is coordinating the work crews and work will be starting shortly. I was able to order the ottoman to coordinate with the furniture. I like the idea of a wooden tray. For the last two days I was sitting in my house with no internet and no TV or anything waiting for a package that needed a signatiure. Hence the reason for no posts. We are trying to wrap up all that we need to do in the next few days before we leave for our cruise next Wednesday. We board the Nautica for 18 days on Dec. 10. Thank you to Rich for the Daily and Fleet Report. Interesting days. I like the meal and the quote. I have been to Callao/Lima. Also used that port as the jumping off point for a three-day off the ship tour to Manchu Picchu. A wonderful experience. Thank you to Roy for the lists and prayers especially to those who are sick and having difficulties. Prayers for all of them. Cheers to those who are celebrating and cruising. Enjoy! Have a great day everyone God Bless, Terri
  22. @Ichiban NekkoSorry about DH getting pneumonia. I hope he recovers quickly. Thankfully you were close enough to get to a hospital in Miami. Prayers that all goes well and he is released soon. God Bless, Terri
  23. i don’t know where your dealership is but I had the same experience yesterday. Car was ready but the guy went to lunch and i had to wait until he came back to get my car. The Daily saved my sanity as well. I was there for 3 1/2 hours. I could not imagine what was taking so long for routine maintenence. Terri
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