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Everything posted by Aussieflyer

  1. My mother's side of the family came from Somerset - South Petherton to be exact. We have never managed to get there though. Some came to Victoria with some settling in the western district and other in Gippsland. There is a Vagg Lane in South Petherton but I think the cottage has gone (as there used to be one). Vaggs Road in Yinnar Victoria is where my grandparents lived.
  2. Oh dear Mareblu what a drama but glad that it came good in the end. Certainly an excursion to be remembered (though maybe for the wrong reasons). Glad that the injured passenger is back on board - he will be sore and sorry for a while but was very lucky he didn't hurt himself more seriously, I can imagine all the official vehicles attending. We once had a car accident in Devon when a motorbike rider ran into us at speed on a narrow road (Phil had seen him coming down the hill and had pulled off as far as possible and stopped). We ended up blocking the whole road and had police (including the senior officer of the area who was referred to as Ma'am), ambulance, air ambulance, fire brigade. Luckily we only had bruising and the bike rider did come off ok - how he wasn't killed I have no idea as the speed broke the bike into pieces.
  3. Interested in whether you think the follow up and attention your letter created was in part due to the large number of cruises/cruise days you have with SS (ie would a lesser mortal not receive the same treatment?)
  4. Sorry to hear you didn't enjoy your cherry blossom cruise. We have never cruised Japan but have visited many times and have always found it a very easy place to navigate. We use a rail pass and I have all the details sorted/printed before we leave home and just go in to JR on the first morning and have all the seat reservations done. We also stay close to the stations in most places so it is easy to get around. Cruising may be an issue with ports that are in the more industrial areas - though a shuttle into the centre of the main towns should help. There are some great websites with tourist information which I always check out before we leave so I know what to see and how to get around. Japan is not a particularly cheap place to visit but we love it - and the exchange rate is pretty good at the moment - would love to go back but we have a bit on our plate at the moment. We are all different - when travelling with DH I wouldn't dare to suggest anything without a balcony. 😁
  5. Great news - hope it sticks and they never go back to the cardboard/plastic ones.
  6. Lots of things going on in the Aussieflyer household - spending 'quality time' in ER with DH over Easter and last weekend but at least now has a referral to a proper cardiologist (sorry Canberra Hospital just doesn't cut it). DD has had surgery to remove a cyst on top of head (second time), had to change flights to SYD as DH won't be well enough for James Taylor (so I will need to to instead) and I have been trawling cruises for DS and I - booked Singapore - Sydney for late next year and a short one in March. Hoping DH is well enough for Norway in early October. I am exhausted with all the work (and that doesn't include my paid work at DOHA)! So bad it was takeaway for dinner tonight.🤣
  7. Hopefully on the mend - that is quite some battle scar! Take care and do not try to overdo it.
  8. Happy Easter to all - hope the day has been filled with joy and your seas are smooth. Congratulations for your 50th - we had ours in December and celebrated with a cruise (naturally) 🤣 And Les, special wishes your way - hoping things are OK for you.
  9. You obviously are a talented artisan - didn't realise at first that you had made the box. It truly is gorgeous and made with love.
  10. Aussieflyer


    What about your travel insurance - will that cover the additional costs (assuming you generally have to pay for amended arrangements first).?
  11. It is beautiful. The timber is gorgeous and obviously made by a skilful artisan.
  12. It's one device at a time per passenger (not per cabin). Have never had any trouble using phone and iPad - can easily switch between them - when you access one, it disconnects the other if it is already logged on.
  13. I knew it was there because I used Southern Cross station quite a bit when I would take the VLine bus to see my mother in Leongatha - so was often wandering around filling in time. But you are right - if you don't go to the area, it is hard to fine especially as it is upstairs.
  14. The outlet centre at SCross is part of the chain - several of them around the place - seems that Stranbags is usually there. We go to the Canberra one from time to time - the shop has a reasonable selection of luggage etc. We used to have a really good discount luggage store in Fyshwick but times have been hard and they have more than halved the floor space and cut down on brands - stocking mostly the cheaper/less sturdy ones. Actually I am looking for a carryon bag to slip over the handle of my case (which is carry one size anyway) - there are a few I am checking out - an Antler one (brand is owned by Strandbags now), a July one, Bric's or Delsey. Will be in Sydney in July so will have a better look then. Depending on price might then buy on line.
  15. I hope your fix is a quick one. Mine has been a pain and still not fixed. Mysilversea does not show either my last cruise which was last December or the one we have booked currently. Like you it just went 'poof' before our last cruise, in my case about 6 weeks. My TA contacted SS for me and they tried resetting the password etc but no joy. They said the problem was I had 2 email addresses registered (which I did as had to use a different one 10 years ago for a cruise but all new ones have been with my current email). The IT dept were supposed to contact me directly to fix it but never did - I didn't press it at the time as I used my husband's account to log and and complete stuff and didn't want them to inadvertently mess up our restaurant or excursion bookings. I have been meaning to phone them to get a resolution but been a bit slack and haven't got round to it. I am currently still using DH's account to book things. His account is fine (touch wood). Good luck.
  16. It sounds like you have been caught up in a NZ seating rule faff then.
  17. I am very sorry to hear of Lynn's mother's passing. Even though you knew it was coming, nothing really prepares for that final eventuality. You were very fortunate to be able to spend that precious time with her at the end. Condolences to the family and friends.
  18. It sounds like AirNZ is trying to actively stop the practice as many do try and book window and aisle with spare between in the hope that as middle seats are less attractive no one will choose it. A bit of a risk that you have a stranger in between but often the seat stays vacant when not a full load and therefore they have more space. Annoying for you but I can see why they do it. As the seats were booked as part of a package there might also be restrictions on seating allocations at this stage (hopefully to be able to move up the plane later).
  19. ExpertFlyer shows the loadings under Seat Map:https://www.expertflyer.com You can sign up for a free account which gives a limited number of searches. The 80 hours is a moveable feast - sometimes it is earlier, sometimes later. It is when the seats which are blocked for higher level status holders are opened up to all.
  20. Saffire Lodge is lovely - three (or even two) nights is fine there. Re the itineraries - the Bay of Islands (North Island) is lovely if the weather is good and the hole in the rock excursion is great. Napier is a lovely art deco town (Napier 'express' is great), Wellington is good. The South Island is perhaps more picturesque. We were on Muse in December and it was cold but we did get into Milford Sound (when we were on her in 2019 it was too rough and we missed it). If aiming for Tasmania - Hobart is quite nice but I've been to Burnie on cruise ships twice now and that is plenty! You really need a shore ex there as the town is very small).
  21. The best bag we ever received was on Azamara - a blue canvas tote with cream handles - it is over 15 years old and I still break it out when needed. The ones Princess gave out were not designed to last long at all.
  22. When we were in Tauranga before Christmas, as others have said, the ship will dock at Mt Maunganui. We were on a ship's excursion so the bus picked us up from the dock, otherwise you could walk along the dock to the main gate, but this was about 600m as we were parked behind a RC ship. There was no shuttle into Tauranga (which was maybe 10-15 mins drive). But Mt Maunganui has the namesake mountain to walk around or up, and also quite a few eateries within walking distance of the port. The town used to be a separate town but once the bridge to Tauranga was built it has become a suburb. In Kaikoura we had to anchor on the 'wrong' side due to wind conditions and then a drive to meet the whale watching boat (The town was rushing around to get enough buses). From memory I think there was also shuttle bus into the town area but we didn't go there, just the whale watching excursion which was very good even though not prime whale migration season and there was two sightings of the sperm whale. A bonus was a huge pod of dolphins leaping and somersaulting.
  23. And they did when we were there a few weeks ago. Drop off was at the Octagon. It took about 25 or so minutes. There was some building work in the city and access to the visitor centre was limited.
  24. I seem to remember there was a 'find the duck' competition on Carnival in July - though somehow have the idea it was printed ducks and you wrote the location on the answer sheet -with (not sure) a ducky as a prize.
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