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Everything posted by ONECRUISER

  1. Yup I know and you know I'm waiting for longer/10+ niters, Seasonal Caribbean and Repo's. Just hope doesn't take til April-June to release all these like most yrs
  2. Then many times me picking the Cabin is cheaper then Them/Guarantee. These and many more are nothing New with Royal
  3. Had Cans on Jewel on 5 Cruises this yr, but small unbranded ones on Serenade. Prefer Evian larger Bottles but at least these are cheaper
  4. Yes, now it is. First used CL as Diamond in 90's before there was a DL. First Diamond, now D+ have lost CL. Cruises I'm on DL is never empty. So many Diamond's and D+ that along with DL they get Crown Lounge and 2 other Lounges to use 5-8pm... That said we've known was coming last 2+ yrs. First Diamonds, now D+ have lost the CL. Not surprised
  5. Wow, Fuddrucker's! Havent been there in over 30yrs!
  6. Have to remember Johnny Rockets was added to Royal back in 90's when the 50's Diner Malt Shops were big hit, even around Michigan where you and I are at were being built around the State. Though first time I was at JR was at Mall of America in 1992. Was $5 cover in 1999 on Voyager...
  7. Thanks, I'm always watching Seasonal Caribbean and Repo's. Sometimes first released but usual last in Mar-June
  8. Dont think it's supposed to be all the Caribbean released this week, its said something like Summer Sailings. Usually they are split up 2-3 different weeks. Someone remember what it said for this week?
  9. Nice! Yeah I always been one with Spinner wheel Luggage that never fit under Royal Beds
  10. I already take 2 Suitcases on my 4-6wk Cruises with a 274 nite World Cruise Laundry Rooms would help
  11. Though that was start of CV scare Travel slowdown with Govt Shutdowns starting in days and Princess quarantine CV Ship weeks earlier. At that time for next yr I was booking SOLO Cruises for less then $50-60 a day in Balcony Cabins that were not on GGG list. None of which sailed
  12. PreCV was even shorter many wks if there even was one for that week. You even commented on this Thread in 2018 on page #1
  13. Yup, did Serenade 8wks ago, she has couple more next yr. I'm also Booked on Radiance next yr and in 2024
  14. Ha! Enough stories in the News of why not. First time was at a Famous, or Infamous Port known for MJ about 25yrs ago was asked at least dozen times if wanted buy some. Even a Cab Driver tried taking me there, this after dozen No Thank-you's
  15. The irony is when Pay Rest first opened on Royal in late 90's the $5 or $10 Cover at Johnny R, Chops, ect was the Gratuity, and was no additional 18% either
  16. Since 90's when first made Diamond have always went to CL and bet went to DL 2 times with all about 9-10yrs ago
  17. Already are if too many a Sailing, think it's 50, was part of the release. I first made Diamond in 90's we had access to CL, was first on/off Ship also. Benefit's been going away for yrs now, C&A program too successful. Though as said before with the SOLO 340+ I get enough discount that like every 3rd or 4th Cruise is Free. Long as this stays I can live with other changes
  18. Agree. Even when I call for minor reduction or change I always have them send new Confirmation and read it before hanging up
  19. First Cruise with Kiddies, 8, 5 and 2 along with Mom/Me we all used the 2 Bunk Beds. Mom and 2yr old in one, 8yr old was booked in with GMA was stayed with us. In OV we had nice view and space between them. Back in the 90s was hard get 4pass cabin let alone 5
  20. When we had 2 Pullmans as shown we split the regular/Lower bed making it into 2 Bunk Beds. Lot more room walk around and between this way
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