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Everything posted by tml1230

  1. Ken, there are not adequate words to describe your incredible photos! I feel like I was there with you! Again thank you for one of the most entertaining and informative reports I have ever read.... not for nuthin but.... you and LA Cruiser 88 should write a book together ! It would be a best seller ! Go figure from a LA guy and a Bama guy! safe onward journey .....
  2. THANKS much for the NY schedule! we have docked there for the day 4 times and sadly all 4 times at red hook....I assumed we would be there again.... I hope this current schedule holds up as it is indicating the emerald p. docks in Manhatten on our June cruise to Quebec City!
  3. Paula, very much appreciate reporting your experience ! Although you may still experience the trauma of "no blue princess bag" upon arrival" ....OR ...NO towel animal on your bed OR even worse....no piece of chocolate on your pillow.... Please attempt to have a memorable and safe cruise!... we love the crew on the Regal!
  4. we will be following along as we board the emerald in a few months, Have a GREAT cruise!
  5. OP- again let me thank you for your review and incredible photos!! I really enjoyed and following your daily adventures. we are every much looking forward to our upcoming trip on the emerald with our 8 year old granddaughter.. After reading yours, then a separate and very current review of the emerald princess titled "never again on princess" , I shook my head at the contrast in points of view! I look forward to your future reviews and have a safe journey home.
  6. Thanks very much for your post! Makes perfect sense! ....Even at 70 years of age I completely understood your explanation as it wasn't in "geek-eze"!!
  7. Just off 28 days on the island princess..... express VPN worked satisfactorily for me though out the Med, transatlantic, and all the way to Florida. I was impressedwith starlink!
  8. I always find it interesting how 2 different cruisers on the same cruise, on the same ship, can write diametricaly opposite reviews and opinions! I have been following a current " live from" report from the emerald princess written by mrell345.. In addition to being very well written, dozens of photos are included, many of them of food.. It sure looks like the writer is having a very good cruise! I encourage anyone soon to be cruising on the emerald princess ( like us) to follow that thread for a very balanced and fair report.
  9. Last summer on Caribbean P they were functioning as usual and annoying us.....until I duct taped them! At the end of cruise I very easily peeled it off with no damage. I tried a couple band aids with limited results, probably operator error! Never leave home without a small roll of duct tape! have a great cruise!
  10. Thanks for posting! we are following along as we take our 9 year old grandaughter on the Emerald next June from Port everglades to Quebec City ....one of our favorite cities in the world! Have a safe journey!
  11. I too hope you give some updates from your cruise, but totally I understand unplugging from the world! Also, In the not for nuthin category....when I wrote and posted my review I was actually crossing the Sargasso Sea!
  12. Thanks for posting! Good info! It would be interesting to hear from previous previous posters on this board ...some months back ....that CCL stock was about to be ' in the toilet" ....or my favorite " By the end of 2023 CCL and all its other lines will be bankrupt!!
  13. in my opinion.... particularly on a transatlantic, with all those sea days, its absolutely worth it. On the sea days the restaurants at lunch and dinner at peak times always have a line of folks waiting.for a table. In reserve class you have an immediate sitting in a separate area. we like to sit by ourselves. the tables aren't one inch apart like they are in regular venues. The waiters are incredible and dont appear rushed as they often do in the restaurants on board. The table cloths and other linen is nice, but as a guy, I didn't really notice that until my wife mentioned that amenity. Although the menu is basically the same, the level of service is way beyond amazing. Having said all that if..... you are on a real port intensive cruise and plan on doing a lot of buffet meals it may not be worth the cost. we have been on the island p for 27 days and probably hit the buffet 6 total times. It was excellent, but now we are spoiled. the mini suites "prime" location may be important to some, but thats not a big dealt us. we have enjoyed this cruise so much that we booked it again next year so we'll see you on board .... have a great holiday season!
  14. Usually I wait to post any review until we get back home from a cruise. However with Christmas a few days away, and being away from our 3 incredible young granddaughters for 6 weeks ....my time after disembarkation Thursday will be otherwise occupied for the near future. I am writing this a few hundred miles east of the Bahamas, headed west to Port Everglades. This cruise visited Greece,Spain ,Portugal ,Italy and 5 (so far) perfect days crossing the Atlantic. The island P is in fine shape. We love the old school classic look and feel....Yea, like me, showing her age a little but spotlessly maintained (unlike me!) The covered pool area is great and comfortable to recline and watch the ocean go by. Being a Florida guy, the pool water temps a little too brisk for me. Im guessing 78 degrees F. I haven't seen any signs or indicators of covid issues. Maybe 1 or 2 % masking up. Usual coughers and phlegm generators. Even halfway across the ocean the internet has been reliable, not always fast but streamable (is that a word?) The medallion app has been flawless. Computer wise, No-one will ever confuse me for Bill Gates but the entire system was easy to use. If you're doing reserve class dining.... y'all are going to love it! Absolute perfection.....A word of caution here.....Please be prepared for the occasional scowl, or stink eye look from the line of passengers waiting to be seated in regular dining room! The crew? ....as always, outstanding! Perhaps the best ever after more than 35 cruises. My two less than enjoyable experiences? Neither of which Princess has any control over. 1) the all to frequent wafting of lingering perfume in the elevators. We have had 3 English bulldogs during our 42 year marriage.So we now how to adapt to STRONG and not so pleasant aromas . This was worse!! 2) fellow Passengers with no volume control on their voice box. 12 dinner tables away, or in Crooners , we were blessed to hear about their fun day at sea. all in all a top 3 of all time cruise! we hope you and family have a safe and memorable holiday season! / /loud passengers/perfume/
  15. Thank you for posting! These types of posts are always good to hear, and it sure beats the negative "princess didn't give me my blue tote bag " posts......I hope your husband is doing well!....and Merry Christmas to your family....
  16. Following up on above thoughts..... would the " one time guest"in Reserve class pay a fee for the experience? If not ,i dont think that is fair to the folks that purchased the package. If I book the enclave or the sanctuary for the week should I be able to bring a one time guest? Most of the reserve class rooms we have booked ,or been on the last few years, have been wait listed. I am pretty sure thats a result of the popularity of RC. Filling those RC mini suites doesn't seem be much a problem for princess.
  17. thanks to everyone who posted here! GREAT information! The experience now has been added to our "must do" list on the emerald with our 9 year old granddaughter.
  18. Thanks for a GREAT report! Currently sitting on my balcony on the Island P. and I just found your report. It peaks my interest as we sail on the emerald in June! thanks again and continue to have an outstanding cruise!
  19. thanks much for posting! we are currently on the Island P transatlantic having an outstanding cruise....you have me thinking! all the best!
  20. we never had much interest in the reserve (old club class) option .....UNTIL we tried it! To us the instant seating and engaging staff makes for a wonderful experience! we don"t leave home without it!!
  21. greetings from Messina Sicily .....per guest services, they hold chefs table in a separate portion of the Bordeaux dining room....they said a staff member is waiting at the entrance to escort participants to the area..... he thought they did it 3 times on this 14 day portion of the cruise. many of the crew we have chatted wit h will be on for the entire world cruise...GREAT crew! you won't be dissapointed!
  22. not sure on chefs table .....but you have given me an enjoyable project for the upcoming days on board to research for you! for the record.... we have easily compensated for NO international cafe by a quick sojourn to the buffet. the coffee and cappuccino on deck 5 is equal to or better than international cafe..... just returned from another great dinner ....double order of escargot!!
  23. exactly! research on cruise critic is a beautiful thing!
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