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Everything posted by NutsAboutGolf

  1. Some apps like the big streaming ones recognize the free VPN's popular server and blacklist them. You can get around them if you use a VPN that uses Obfuscated servers
  2. Zenith for 12 months for the low low price of only $2,999 + 20% gratuity A lot of airlines do this, one example:
  3. I wouldn't be surprised if a new dish or two appears sooner than the end of the month; as stated I thought that was what was going on here when I posted these and attempted to validate they were new items by googling them but they were new names, not new items
  4. They got me, I fell for the name change thinking it was one of the new dishes...lol...So the first posts menus have evolved (or devolved?) to the "before" menus
  5. Yup! We didn't like any of the Jan 2023 cutbacks, thanks for listening and adding them back 11 months later
  6. 1.5 hours for both breakfast and lunch; usually noon-130pm. Not sure when the real deadline is (125pm?), I wouldn't be surprised if it varied ship to ship
  7. @manmachine and @kands6191 nailed it, I'm just going to expand. Each sailing only allows a certain number of BCC bookings overall and then only allocates a certain number of rooms. In some cases, if you want a specific sailing, you may find the insides and cheaper OVs sold out but you can pay for a veranda. You should have at least three options (sailings and/or stateroom types) before calling because a lot of them seem to be sold out of insides and OVs. Also, before you call, make sure you have the offer code and CC# handy (CC# isn't in the free sailing email for some reason). Once booked, you can get on MoveUp by emailing the MoveUp; don't even bother asking the reps, they'll tell you it's not eligible assuming they even know what MoveUp is. There's some debate in the BCC community as some are able to apply for and receive the OBC for being a shareholder. Some claimed to have been awarded it but most get repeatedly denied, myself included. Summary (I use a spreadsheet) 1) Pick out at least 3 options, sailings, and/or room types 2) Have your offer code, CC#, and credit card handy 3) Call the BCC 4) If you booked something, email the MoveUP dept assuming you want to bid
  8. Will there be a cruise planner flash sale? That's the elephant in the room
  9. I sure did google it! lol However I googled not for the definition, I hadn't seen "pork duo" before so wanted to ensure it wasn't mentioned before
  10. I did attempt to validate before post, I have never seen or heard of "pork duo" and even google agreed with me. Yet perhaps it's a Solstice thing
  11. You had Pork Duo and Chorizo Linguine on the menu? I posted everything with the impression there would be updates
  12. It's an F&B POC on the ship who is responsible for populating app menus. It's IT's responsibility to ensure that the F&B POC is able to successfully populate app menus
  13. I've definitely seen changes in the app menus the closer you get and believe it will happen here. Yet these menus do list some new entrees which was why I posted them
  14. There are no more additional entrees below the screenshot. This is for the Nov 28th solstice sailing and obviously things may change yet am simply sharing what appears in the app
  15. Exactly what I was going to say. Right when they restarted they had terminal building capacity limit rules so they not only enforced embarkation windows but also had everyone queue up outside. When the limit was removed so was the enforcement
  16. It's somewhat surprising to me that folks don't believe X's official X/Twitter account as I have used (and highly recommend) them many times and they have always been accurate as they actually have a POC in all depts and ships. They have confirmed all sorts of things despite their call centers saying the exact opposite. Things like cutbacks answered visa questions, answered the overnight tender schedule, if at embarkation port XYZ, can you board the ship and get back off. They gave the standard canned response because there are no changes to the recipes/quality, they are reverting back to 2022 menus and are adding some new food items
  17. A very respected CC member said they were told by the retreat manager in early 2023 that X changed to a cheaper beef supplier which is utilized for all restaurants except for specialties
  18. I believe all the food items were still available just not every night for free. The chocolate cake was offered for dessert in the MDR at least once per sailing but if you're willing pay for the room service charge you could get it any night. If they were going to improve the food quality they could say a variety of statements that wouldn't shoot themselves in the foot. Along the lines of: "We listened and are trying out new recipes" or "We made some tweaks to the current dishes". X loves to brag which I don't have a problem with if that's accurate but they claim they have the world's best photographers, "the best entertainment at sea" and their MDR menus are crafted by Michelin-starred chefs despite in their last menu addition, the double cheeseburger for dinner
  19. My statement was nothing more than a FYI, I didn't "dump" or "judge" them, I intentionally left out my opinion which I'll happy share with you if you ask me nicely 🙃
  20. They said in the video by the end of November then later said Thanksgiving which is very early this year. The new dishes simply might utilize the existing ingredients which simply means they just need to order more of some items and less of others
  21. This is their official social media, they have always been accurate and I use them quite often as they often reach out to the proper POCs. I doubt I was even the first to ask them this
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