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Everything posted by NutsAboutGolf

  1. We are talking about QUESTIONS, not ANSWERS. What questions would you have liked to see?
  2. Simply try this, do NOT say anything more... Email to: CelebrityMoveUp@celebrity.com Email Title: Please make booking #XXXXXX Moveup eligible Email Body: "Hope the MoveUp Team is having a great day, Please make booking #XXXXXX Moveup eligible. Regards, ShockJock" I cannot stress how important it is to NOT explain your current moveup situation or even to say anything more as you're just hoping they "check the box" that makes you eligible They usually take a few business days
  3. I feel the complete opposite, you do need an intro question which was how do you like being president and they did ASK nearly every question most had on here. Her ANSWERS left a lot to be desired and a good interviewer would respond with follow-up questions but this was damage control and plausible deniability that "everything is fine, don't believe anything you see online" The only two questions I would have loved to hear: 1) Why did the parent company RCG strip the title of CEO from your position? 2) What are some upcoming cutbacks and improvements we can expect?
  4. Most but not 100%; the shorter sailings out of Miami/FLL and the Eclipse out of the LA. Historically the sailings that start and end in Puerto Rico don't sail full
  5. Sandals is as all-inclusive as you can get because you get wifi, tipping and top-shelf drinks along with gourmet food, and watersport rentals such as water skiing and scuba diving. The only extra costs are spa treatments, most off-resort tours, super-expensive wines, and experiences like a private one-on-one candlelight dinner. They are couples only so no kids If one wants the best bang for their buck with an AI, check out AI resorts in the Cancun area although that isn't the "price gap" RCG is talking about as many are cheaper than cruising With all that being said, there's a huge difference between cruising and AI. Yet one of the most common questions we encounter when talking to new cruisers is "You two have been to port XYZ before, where I can find a nice beach?"
  6. She's only the president, not also the CEO like LLP was. Pure speculation that it's the parent company which is run by a former CFO calling the shots and Laura just implements them at the operational level Some of her first cutbacks under Laura's watch: Metal cans of water were being phased out Cheesecake and Chocolate cake were removed as everyday items from the MDR/Blu menu
  7. Yes as you can't use CC without it. How else would CookieGate 2.0 get started unless you're able to take a pic and post it on CC?
  8. Only what is highlighted is accurate
  9. Yes, they will change out your towels that are on the floor. Even without GoGreen, if you hang your used towels up they'll leave them. You won't notice a difference in service
  10. No; the most popular one that has it is the Pixel. Also remember, it's built into Windows laptops and Macs. If you're bringing one of those you don't need a travel router
  11. For free you can call room service in the morning and get coffee, I know other drinks also but not sure if tea is one of them
  12. It is a form of advertising. In this current case, perhaps the hull's condition is a direct coloration to the MDR food quality
  13. Snapped this on the Millie while in Aruba during a Panama Canal crossing
  14. Will there be consequences if you experience hiccups, get disconnected, and cannot reconnect? For most sailings, I use MS Teams for work meetings where I am NOT the presenter, they share their screens and we don't use cameras. I've had perfect meetings and in one meeting I got the boot and couldn't get back on. The majority of the meetings, I have freezes/hiccups where often they come in waves, the screen may free and the audio will produce a steady "ah" sound for five seconds or less
  15. I think this is it, would you agree?
  16. I think of it like insurance, I give the porter a $5 regardless if I'm solo with one bag or with Ms. Nuts and have four bags. You never know if the porter's significant other broke up with them or they receive some other bad news and they decide to act out I then give the cabin attendant a $10 as in my experience they tend to bend over backwards for you and don't seem to fish for tips. Generally tip a dollar per drink yet not if it's just water. Leave the auto-tips on and may tip those who go above and beyond
  17. I wonder if they're just using the sirloin which was once on the everyday classics menu but is now rotational
  18. Do us a huge favor, order it again, take and post a photo, and for the heck of it, try it again to confirm it was as tough and awful as last time
  19. Unfortunately, you paid for the cruise contract which allows them to drop benefits or even ports
  20. For those wanting to hear something positive...No...More...Mashed...Potatoes!
  21. Are they specifically talking about the food? The first 50 posts are mostly X-related questions. I cruise on X about 8 times a year, while I have some food item favorites, it's mostly misses, and therefore love eating off the ship. Many will tell me to just book a different cruise line and I reply that I'm way ahead of them as I've always had multiple cruise lines booked since I first sailed X. Obviously I do like many aspects of X but the food and entertainment aren't one of them so perhaps a positive trip report doesn't necessarily mean good food
  22. When the next anti-food thread is created, will you post your opinion on it? How about the one after that and the one after that, etc., etc.? I seem to recall a term where if you're doing the same thing over and over and expect different results... 🙃
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