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Everything posted by NutsAboutGolf

  1. I’ll prob start a new thread. Confirmed by X/Twitter which has always provided accurate information, there will only be more choices and new food items in the MDR. They are not changing any of the existing dishes or changing any other anything in other food venues but will “continue to maintain their high standards”……
  2. If what celebrity says is true (spoiler alert, its probably not), along with the “worlds best entertainment” and the “worlds best photographers” their frozen then fried premade turkey parm cutlet and the short lived dinner double cheeseburger were crafted a Michelin starred chef
  3. I did use this as an opportunity to reach out on X/Twitter If nothing else, reversing the 2023 cutbacks is a positive, the only thing we know for sure is they'll be adding new entrees yet we don't know what. If their new entrees are only "Frankensteining" the existing offerings such as throwing the turkey parm cutlet into the Alfredo, that would show they have no interest in putting their money where their mouth is
  4. Please request they improve the food quality 🙃
  5. 2022 menu = 10 total entree choices. 7 rotational and 3 every night classics 2023 menu = 7 total entree choice, 1 item was often a previous classic
  6. Just had a flashback of the last time there was a new entree addition, it was...<drum roll please> the double cheeseburger! It was a double whammy of bad because, first, a burger doesn't belong on a premium cruise line MDR dinner menu (except for the impossible burger) dinner menu at all. Second, they just recycled an existing offering, nothing new or inspiring. Now is their chance to shine by creating new signature dishes. We already have turkey parmesan entree, we don't want a turkey Alfredo entree
  7. Now I wonder if they changed it. I first saw the rule here on CC then experienced it firsthand in August on the Summit. I'm also guessing there are times when the attendants forget and other times the attendants want to be nice and leave them in every room they're responsible for
  8. Yes although I have no clue how common increases are. On some ships, guessing E-Class only, they use different MoveUp software where you could instantly be told you won't win, and increase your bid
  9. The new rule is, unless they recently changed it, you get them on the first and last nights only, it’s by request for every night and there are many reports of folks not receiving their requested chocolates due to the attendant forgetting
  10. You CAN still get free drinks by going to other bars, that benefit remains. So if one wants to mingle you can in the lounge, if you don't want to mingle, simply go to a participating bar. You also have the choice to hang out at the bar or take the drink elsewhere. Luckily we still have that choice to get free drinks at the lounge or get them at most bars
  11. Short answer, yes they CAN. One thing to keep in mind is that many place their bid and never check the site again to even see the bidding amounts increase, decrease, or stay the same.
  12. In the Q&A video, they mentioned that "one of the most popular questions" was cookiegate. Laura's reaction of "oooooohhh cookies" and body language was very telling. That seemed to play at least a part in getting them to stop making cutbacks and ignoring us. Game = Gate, that's youtube's caption
  13. Like it or not, complaining works. Without it we’d have no pillow chocolates, vaping, a minimal selection at the dinner buffet, no free cookies at Cafe Al Bacio, etc
  14. I will give Laura kudos, at least admitted something was wrong. Others may have said “I thought everything was PERFECT but we decided to give the customer what they asked for”
  15. Pure speculation, yet it's been theorized Jason Liberty was behind all the X cutbacks as he was a former CFO and eliminated the "CEO" title from X after LLP left
  16. Its an assumption to support either. There's more data to support them NOT improving food quality than there is data to support there is an improvement since only "adding new entrees" was mentioned
  17. I did say "apparently" and they did not mention anything in regards to improving the food quality which they surely would have bragged about had they improved the existing entrees
  18. Many have been complaining since Jan 1st to reverse their cutbacks. It apparently took the outrage of a cookie fee in order for them to listen but they're apparently not improving the food quality
  19. She did mention she was bored with MDR menu by day 3 and understands there are many who do B2B(+) so there would be "new entrees" yet nothing specific was mentioned. Also if they did not mention if they would eliminate existing entrees to make room for the new ones
  20. Short of the F&B, we're going back in time to 2022! They're reversing the 2023 cutbacks including bringing back the dedicated everyday classics
  21. Your "promoter" must have been an amateur as they can offer two or more (lol)
  22. Strike while the iron is hot, go to the store to buy a lottery ticket!
  23. Truth be told, it isn't a blanket answer. The easiest way to determine, how often do you plan on being on your balcony?
  24. There's the soot issues as well, that seems to bother some more than others
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