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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. Currently in the midst of Laundry. and what's worse, I hear a nap calling me by name. @Rowsby
  2. Good Monday Morning Dailyites. I will be back later to post some pictures of what we did in Mykonos, but right now, I really just need to wake up. Neighbor told me she was taking off today and tomorrow, but she didnt, so before I take Tigger for a vet check up, I need to walk the dog. It's sunny and 44. @JazzyVYou are in my prayers this morning, I hope that today's surgery goes well and solves the pain problem. Hugs.
  3. @bennybearLast night I was flipping channels and ended up on the wrong one, but it was a travel show of a young Brit hiking the Kanazawa, and there are your pictures! Some of her trails were only one person wide barely...but she carried on. She was on the top of the mountain, and this woman came up, she had climbed the mountain 7 times, and was doing it again at age 65. Almost inspired me. @JazzyV best wishes for a very successful tomorrow. And yes the foot is now swelling again , but I have things I must do. Still weird tomorrow, ? and I will go to urgent care. Right now I am really hungry. So off for food and grocery shopping Oh, and the temps dropped down to 49. DH says the warmest place in the house is the porch wrapped in plastic shower curtains, where the kittens and Munchkin are.
  4. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! Thank you @grapau27for bring us Father David again this week. I really do appreciate you for doing that, and for him to bring the message to us sheep. Well over the past few days, I was so excited about the kittens, I wasn't spending any time on my injuries, and yesterday my left foot was so swollen I could barely put on my sandal. I poked my foot, and really couldn't feel it. So I did what I should have done since Tuesday, I slept on the sofa with my foot raised, and yes, this morning the swelling had gone down. The sandal now goes on the foot, but the leg still hurts. Guess I will actually take one of the Aleve's I bought.... No walking in the woods today, it started raining at midnight with some BIG rumbles of thunder, the temperatures actually starting dropping before the rain, but it is still raining. The computer says it's 53 degrees and dropping down into the 40's tonight. The heater is on, on the porch, and the kittens were all sound asleep when I checked on them. I have them now controlled in a box. I was a kindergarten teacher, in an inner city school in the early 80's. Full day 27 kids. But there was nap time. But I was always sick, the kids brought me every illness they had. I left after 1 year and went into customer service, and have been doing that since 1983. Sales and customer service. I know I went to kindergarten, but remember nursery school better... @smitty34877I was very happy to read that Tana had dinner at the table with everyone last night. I hope it was not too much for her, and she has another good day today. Enjoy being with your family! @ger_77I was enjoying your snow, even though you have had your fill. It reminded me of when I lived in MN, woke up on a May 7th saw that it was snowing and thought it was a dream, and went back to sleep. I didn't make it to work that day. . Well I need to wake up DH, and ask if I can steal a donut from him, as we ate today's breakfast for dinner last night.
  5. The concert tonight was very interesting. We were seated in those wonderful chairs that let you lean back and look at the stars, and in the dark, Zuill Bailey performed live, Bach under the Stars-Selections from the Six Suites for Solo Cello. Mr Bailey's cello is 320 years old. The performance was an hour long, and I heard no one snoring. Cough yes, oh, that was me. We met up with Theresa and Harley who suggested that we all go out for coffee. Well we hadnt eaten dinner yet, so we all decided to go to Ihop. And our local 24/7 does not serve after 9. We could have gotten it to go, and sat in the dark and ate, but Theresa needed a bathroom, and they refused to allow that. Nothing but Ethiopian restaurants are open after 9 near us. Time to start a grocery list, so that either our lunch is our big meal, or I will be eating and trying to cook when I am working each night.
  6. Back from lunch with friends and because it was a "birthday" party of sorts, I got a free dessert. I explained to the very nice waitress that we had been planning on celebrating on Tuesday, but instead of having dinner out, I will be starting my new job. The free dessert was a bready thing, Beignets or Bread Pudding. DH ordered pecan pie, I got the bread pudding, and we swapped. DH is worried that Momma Cat Munchkin is not getting enough food to the babies, there is a runt in the litter, and he is scared he's just going to die. This from a man who wanted the kittens aborted just amazes me. I believe in survival of the fittest, (not being very fit, I would be the first one kicked out of the box) but DH says that since we took her in and are protecting her, we need to protect all of them. And so he bought formula for the runt and picked him up and tried to feed him. Thing is, he didn't have the runt. DH's vision is terrible. He can only see out of his left eye. Add medications, and the whole thing is a nightmare. And then our friend Harley called and said he would see us at the concert tonight, and I had forgotten all about it. So DH is not going to work today. And we rushed home for nothing.
  7. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! About to turn on the F1 race qualifying, which is in China this weekend.Temp is 63, very hazy sunny, and the temps are to drop back into the 50's tonight. I need to wrap the porch up again to keep the babies warm. And turn the heater back on. We are not too sure that all the babies are doing OK. Mom cat seems to have lost interest in them. While i was melting all night, sleeping on top of the covers. The window was open, but it just would not cool down! Meeting up with friends for lunch Then another run to the pet store for Formula for the babies and Cat Milk for the mother. she is quite run down, and then DH works this afternoon. So a somewhat busy day. Leftovers for dinner. My favorite Cli-Fi film is Day After Tomorrow. I like the quote, I guess most of us are in our Indian Summer, the drink sounds like something I would have made in highschool.. (actually we did create something called an apple bomber-beer and boones farm) and DH would love the scallops and pasta without the brussel sprouts. The last time I ate a scallop, my throat closed up and I couldnt breathe....so I have stayed clear for a long time. Safe travels to all who hit the road this weekend.
  8. @RMLincoln We get a lot of bogus calls that ID as a hospital or dr's office, and it turns out they are using the number as their ID so that you will pick up. They want to sell us extra medicare, or they want to buy our house, someone two years ago even stole our home number to make calls. We found out because people called us back, most were nice, some were nut cases. We reported it to the feds, FBi and GBI. They even called us so when my own home number showed up calling the house, I guess there was a way to track them. That farce took 5 months to clear up. The bogus calls showing as hospital happen every day. Our dr's leave messages.
  9. @smitty34877 This is an odd suggestion, since I know that Tana's inability to sleep is caused by her inability to breathe well, but if you have a CD player, find a CD that is the sound of waves. The surf comes in, (breathe in) the surf goes out (breathe out) and somehow the stress of not breathing goes away. It is very relaxing. It helps me tremendously when I am ill...or these days any night or nap time. Any way, I bet you have already tried, but thought I might mention it. Prayers and sleep are wished on you and Tana.
  10. Ok, I just think that King stole the words and changed one from It's all Right Ma, (I'm only Bleeding) Darkness at the break of noon Shadows even the silver spoon The handmade blade, the child's balloon Eclipses both the sun and moon To understand you know too soon There is no sense in trying Pointed threats, they bluff with scorn Suicide remarks are torn From the fool's gold mouthpiece The hollow horn plays wasted words Proves to warn that he not busy being born Is busy dying. Anyway, I attribute the quote to Dylan. @JazzyVI am glad that everything is full steam ahead. I would have crumbled into a ball with the lack of sleep, and the pain. I have no idea how long you will be laid up, I know that your "Daily" duties are being covered during your recovery, but I want you to know (in case this weekend gets any weirder) and I dont get a chance to send it-
  11. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! it's 67 with light rain. Last nights weather report on Noaa was rain on and off thru Sunday. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thanks for being our fearless leader right now. You are most appreciated! The quote, well I know it from another author, singer songwriter-Bob Dylan. I read King books and decided that The Stand was one of the best books I read, and stopped reading him. Why ruin excellent. Its a Formula 1 weekend, which usually means a run for donuts for DH to last through the weekend, but I also need to get Munchkin more Momma cat food, and while I pulled in last night at 7:02, I was informed, they closed at 7, so back up there this morning. Which is across the street from the donuts. Walk dog first though. And wake DH up! My cats are all off their "feed". No one has been eating since Wednesday. Same food, they dont want it, and Tigger, poor thing seems very hot. He has a follow up appointment on Monday morning, maybe by then he will eat. He has been sleeping on our bed with us for the last two nights, and it seems, he gets along with Tazi (who hates everyone). @Haljo1935 Unless you have a back up plan, I would keep the cat in the house. And close the doggy door. Two reasons, cat may bring in something with her, or something may come in on their own. Check with your vet to see if they know people who cat sit, and hire someone. Or do you have a neighbor that you trust? Good luck! When we used Jessie to sit, the guitars were all tuned, but the cats freaked out and hid when we got home. When Donna sat for them, she forgot there was a cat in the back room, and the poor thing about starved to death. We are not going anywhere until October, and by then the house will be full of cats. Donna is not less expensive, but she is more attentive to the cats, and not our belongings. (except for Tazi).
  12. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! Being a bit north of Sandi, we are at 60 and Sunny! I seem to have misplaced a cat. Tigger wanted breakfast a few minutes too early, and when I did go open the cans, and he usually flies onto the counter...there was no Tigger. I have wandered the house, and no Tigger. There was a mosquito in the water bowl, but no Tigger. This is weird. I went to feed Munchkin and the oudoorians, and I was met by Collard, and I gave him food, and I put Munchkins special food on the porch, and then I heard bad coughing, Butter, Munchkin's bestie is rather ill I am afraid, and I don't want him near her or the kittens. So the plastic wrap will go up around the porch again. I was going to do that anyway, as the temps will drop to 50 by Sunday. DH really wanted to get Munchkin to the vets to have the kittens aborted, but now that they are born, he is a most attentive Grandpa Cat. When I told him I had a name for one of them, he asked, which two are you keeping? I have to think about this, I guess the two that are not adopted. I do want to keep the fuzzy gray first born, but I also think Kittens should be taken in twos. We don't have to worry about it for 12 more weeks anyway. I heard from my CTG "big boss" I start training on this year's campaign next Thursday, but start work two weeks later, I start training on the Opera on Monday the 22nd, and start working on the 22nd. With the big cruise next year, and a week with friends on the upper Gulf coast this October, lets face it, I need to work. DH is not very good at noticing when he is getting low on his pain meds, and he ran out, called his doc to get the prescription refilled, and the pharmacy doesn't have them. Since Jessie takes the same meds, he called him to get two pills, one for last night, and one for this morning, and hopefully the pharmacy will have the drups today. If they cant get the drugs, he needs to call the doc to get back on the old meds, since they have them in stock at the pharmacy. Anyway, I drove him over to Jessie and Penny's and it turns out I don't have to worry about baby sitting their dog and cats, her son and his partner will do it. Yay! Too much on my plate right now.
  13. @Cruzin Terri's DH Jim, @StLouisCruisers's DH Lisa and @sailingdutchy's DW Martha
  14. I took a nap, most of me feels much better. I think over all I just pulled some muscles more than they should have been pulled. The sky is dark, and the air is silent. We are expecting rain. My first ex had a 1980 Mustang. He met up with me and one of my friends at a local restaurant, and the owner(Ludlow Porch) took a picture of all the cars in the parking lot on opening night, and hung them on the wall. They hung there for 40 years. And for 40 years I had to look at a picture of that car. Argh! But the restaurant closed last month, and I sort of wish I knew they were closing so I could have the picture. I dont miss him, but I miss the friend that we had dinner with that night. Long story very short,they ended up having a fling together. I still miss her. I was not into American Muscle cars. I like Triumph, and MG, and MGBGT's, and Ferrari's, an old bathtub" Porches.and my favorite racing after F1 is Antique Auto racing. (I know, I'm weird for a girl). My adopted family either snuck into America via Canada, or they came on the Mayflower. My mom's Dad was from Saskatchewan, and her mom's mom was from Eastern Canada.
  15. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! It is currently 73 and going up to 84. I am very grateful I ended up not going down head first instead of butt land. The left leg is sore, from toes to butt, and the only pain pill I had in the house was a baby aspirin. DH wrapped my ankle with an ice pack, and I went to bed. The more I lay there, the more areas of pain I found. but nothing is broken. Yippee. But I kept waking up, so awake at 1:30, awake at 4 something and came back on the catch up with the night owls, and was amazed that at 4 something the powers to be had shut off comments for yesterday. Hobbled back to bed, and slept til 6:30, thought to myself, nope, not ready to get up, and then slept until 9:30. Made coffee, fed cats, checked in on momma Munchkin and the babies.( Ok, the babies. One is white and black, one is gray, and two are mostly black. So total of 4.) Then sat down, slurped some coffee read the posts from this morning, got dressed, drove over to the house next door, and walked the dog. Drove back up the driveway, grabbed more coffee and came back to the daily. Welcome @Gsel and @TAW1963. @superoma Wishing Laine Alanna a wonderful life! And I agree how great to let Mom stay at the hospital with her. @ger_77Welcome home. Sorry about your weather, but I do see that Canada is sick of winter, so it's sending it south this weekend. I am sorry about the loss of your friends. To me there are 4 loss times, our grandparents, our parents, our friends, and then well, us. I do have a zillion things to do, but think I will just crash in the guest room and watch TV this afternoon, or get that nap I didn't get yesterday. @kazuI am so sorry that you are depressed over this foot business. I too have no idea how you injured yourself, but I hope that your doc can find you an instant cure. If there is something that medically needs to be addressed daily, then perhaps your doc will let you go, and you can visit the medical care center everyday to have their doc care for you. Costly, but if necessary would keep you on the cruise. However, if this if life threatening, then you need to take care of you right now. Hugs being sent your way. Well, this is all my brain, and body can handle right now.
  16. Well @kochleffel, I just got you beat. I fell taking the large trash can down the driveway, landed on my butt, with my left leg behind me and my ankle under me...since it is swelling I'm suspecting sprain. But the leg hurts more. The pavement still had a lot of sand on it since the lower half of the hill was what was paved. I just slipped and still managed to hang on to the trash can. Not as good as being out in the wilderness, but I still had to finish taking the trash to the bottom, and then take the neighbors dog out for her nighttime tinkle. I love cats.
  17. I'm still trying to figure out of there are 3 Kittens or 4. I went out and sat with Munchkin for a few minutes while she was taking a well deserved break from the hungry hippo kitten's. I told her that they were very beautiful, and that two had been spoken for, and she glared at me, and went back into the bed and started nursing them again. I have not told her that when the time came, she was getting spayed. Butter comes by every evening since her being porched, and sleeps as close as he can to the screen. I dont know if he has noticed that not one of the kittens look like him. Well since DH is working, Mark called and said that boss # 1 found out his plans and told him that he would not allow me to work that many hours for the opera once CTG starts back up. I told him that was fine, but I still got bills to pay until the end of May. So training starts on Monday. Whether I get the full 20, or just 10, I have a seat at the table. Errands are run, Dinner is left overs, all I have to do is put food out for the birds and squirrels and I am going to take a nap. Yay!!!
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