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Everything posted by Steelers36

  1. Does not matter which DR you choose. On day 1, show up early and ask if you can have your table blocked for entire cruise. Did anyone try booking in DMW using web version or Princess App?
  2. Agree with all above stating we do not see pricing and payments for cruises booked with a TA.
  3. Thanks for your detailed report. I hope we get more of these because your experience sounds much worse than the earlier reports from last Winter/Spring when it started. I think it is stupid of them to shuttle over small groups when they have space for more. All they do is hold you back from getting onto the ship. If I were there, I'd want to be shuttled over before boarding began. I'd wait in the lounge upstairs at that point. I think it is very poor to have this "special" service and location and then be very inefficient with getting the folks onto the ship. Also, why can't they let the GO Lounge group onto the ship ahead of others, like they used to do with wedding parties and the old BVE group? (I know, why would I advocate to let people onto the ship ahead of me...LOL?). Doesn't matter if they get on ahead if they have had a jump at Sanctuary at the GO. It is also terribly inefficient to have the lounge host contact the Suite Concierge who in turn is supposed to communicate with the Sanctuary or Dine Line. Sure, many of these hosts are top service employees, but to put these requests aside shows a complete lack of understanding of product demand. Also, the more people involved in the chain, means the details may not even get to the Sanctuary properly as to chair type and location request. IMO, it should be interactive so that the lounge host is speaking with the Sanctuary rep who has the map and can advise availability. I'd be mad as a hatter if that happened to me.
  4. I expect they had/have some programming and design to do because the single DR is providing varying levels of "formality" in the menu offerings. PCL announced this some time back, but the wording was vague as usual - marketing bliss or BS. Seems like one level or section at least will have more casual quick meals, while other sections will have the regular dining experience. At least two variations that the res system will need to account for or folks can easily end up in a place they don't want. PCL should be more forthcoming with this. Perhaps TA's got more info in one of Carmen Roig's webinars, but I have not viewed any of those for some time now.
  5. If you don't get an answer, looks like you could just drop into HQ and ask there. 😉
  6. Are you scratching your head over their math? In the first case, the new cost is $46.02/pp, so it isn't that. Wonder why in first case you got $4 more and in second case $0.84 less? Very strange, but looks like you are ahead on this one.
  7. Have they not printed new menus to indicate the pricing change? And neither the MD/Host nor waiter mentioned it? Not good, but most people wouldn't just leave I suppose. They might, but it is very poor form since it has been known for years that the advertised price is set and included gratuity. Seems like typical Princess move. They almost never communicate bad news unless forced to. A CG meal has gone from $33.33 to $39 now. Up 17% not long after an increase from $29.06. The gratuity used to be 17% (bringing it to $39 and $34). Now gratuity is 18%, bringing total cost to $46.02. Up $7 in total from most recent price. Who knows why they didn't just bump the price to $46/pp and keep the scheme the same. I suppose it is consistent if they expose and report all gratuities. But to simply remove menus from the website and say nothing is poor form for sure. What happens is the SD restaurant staff are going to get the brunt of guest complaints when they are surprised by a new charge.
  8. I can see it for spouses/partners, but anything beyond that, I bet someone in management cares.
  9. I am wondering if that much variation had something to do with major holidays. I wouldn't want to book separately for $3K either! (That will buy a lot of SD meals).
  10. I believe "GEI" is a Carnival group moniker and could still be in play whether it's in-house IT or outside contractors or a mix of the two.
  11. Oh, my bad. Sorry about that. I was reading fast, catching up on threads and misunderstood I guess. I am thinking you would have been locked in at the pre-paid price. You could always cancel on board if it was going to cost more and didn't want to pay. Hope is goes well for you and others. I think we don't know for sure if this is a lot of noise or if there is a price increase. If the latter, in my mind, it won't be any different than it ever was because I always knew there was a baked-in gratuity, so if it is not there and is added separately (like a bar drink), so be it. My decision to go or not go will be based on the cost per person and perceived value. It will not surprise me to see a SD price increase for 2024.
  12. Thanks. I see they have revamped the page and also removed the menus. No way to look up the price and they don't tell guests the price on the webpage. So, who knows, but it does sound they are now going to assess the dining fee and then add the gratuity on top so it is clearly visible. I imagine virtually no one is going to be tipping extra.
  13. So, I have read this thread and nothing else on the subject. Perhaps not everyone was aware, but all special dining (by that I mean "for-a-fee" dining) has a baked in gratuity. Has always been the case. Is it being suggested that a meal in CG will now cost $39 + 18%? PCL is already doing industry standard by including a gratuity. Why not just raise the price to $46/pp and continue doing things the way they have been? If there is a price increase, I just see it as a price increase and nothing else. It just a marketing trick so they can advertise a SD meal at $39 and put the 18% in the teeny fine print. Does anyone know for certain what exactly is happening?
  14. IMO, I see nothing posted that indicates PCL is going to surcharge guest on Premier package using their included benefits.
  15. Agree. They are simply casual meal options to the buffet IMO. Sit-down dining is a more elevated experience since you have linen and are served, etc. If they were going to cut-back or charge extra, I would think MDR breakfast and lunch would be targets and not the Lido.
  16. Not sure why you think that would have happened in your situation.
  17. You still can. And PCL isn't charging you any extra with your package.
  18. Ouch! I think I would look elsewhere, but if you enjoyed the experience and it gave you good value, then who's to judge?
  19. NO judgment here, but contrasting booking a suite and not liking to spend money, sounds a but incongruous. Hey, you should get a freebee to 360 unless they take that perk away.
  20. Thanks for the note. Just getting to a reply today (I was in the penalty box). I think I should get the new App when it is out and then make a mock booking and try it out and then cancel the booking. Otherwise, I probably won't relate well to what will be discussed.
  21. Alright. Thanks for the note. I had the impression it was gone. Are you saying they are having a WMD for under $50/pp? Hardly makes sense with CG at $39 and UBD at $55. I would think as long as they offer a bargain WMD (unless pouring plonk), they will have a difficult time selling seats for a chance to have the Caymus cab for circa $150.
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