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Everything posted by canadianbear

  1. It is Pacific Blue Cross. We haven’t made a claim in many years but made two in the past. One in Puerto Vallarta when my tooth cracked and I had to see a dentist there. They arranged an interpreter and paid the expenses quickly. The other was when our daughter was little in Hawaii and ended up in ER. Again, no issue & claim paid quickly. Our daughter, now an adult, also used PBC and ended up having to go to the ER while on a trip in Thailand, again no issues. Just so you know, all 3 of these claims were well under $10,000 though.
  2. Quote from OP: We asked them to provide us with the "Have it All" package as a solution to our predicament and they said, "no." That’s how they could have made it right.
  3. But they DID pay for it before they even sailed. It was reserved for them. Then it was taken away for someone-like who? A rich family, the president of HAL, who knows but it still was not right. What would make it right is when you pay in advance & reserve something it should not be taken away & given to someone else.
  4. Totally agree. I feel sorry for their family by HAL cancelling their cabana-it’s just not right. You reserve & pay in advance for a reason. I’d be totally ticked off if we booked a family cabana with our grandkids to have it suddenly cancelled by HAL. And, HAL could have easily tried to make it right but they didn’t-a Pinnacle dinner? Give me a break.
  5. Thank you for coming back and letting us know what the outcome was. I’m disappointed that you were not offered anything except a Pinnacle dinner. We’ve never stayed in a cabana but it was a shame they couldn’t give you two side by side or something but busy cruise I suppose 2 weren’t available. I would be very upset to have a cabana I booked for my family being taken away for “someone more important”-shame on HAL. I’d also be tempted to email the President of HAL about it so he’s aware of what happened. Sorry to hear you were involved in the mess with the airlines. Certainly not a relaxing family holiday it sounds like you needed.
  6. You go to the front of the line & show your “reservation time”.
  7. We have flown (not international) using YVR several times this year to YUL. Never an issue but perhaps we’ve been lucky.
  8. Glad it went smoothly for you. Have a great cruise. I’m itching to be back on a cruise but we are still just staying in Canada so far. 42 days, sigh. Am very envious 😁
  9. I hope this link works-you could try reserving and use the YVR Express for scheduling your security appointment at the airport before you fly. https://www.yvr.ca/en/passengers/travel-planning/yvr-express
  10. You’re too funny-new skates! My husband did that (but not hurt like you) playing hockey the day we were leaving on a cruise. He saw the chiropractor who luckily fit him in which helped. Hubby got an earful from me and learned a lesson not to play hockey close to a cruise. I would think your upcoming November cruise insurance might only be affected if you have continual follow up appointments. It might be better to disclose though just in case? The policy we buy (but isn’t Manulife) has a 7 day look back for pre-existing. Costs a bit more but we feel comfortable purchasing it that way. Hope you heal well. I had to laugh at your statement & told my husband what happened-gave him a chuckle too about “new skates”.
  11. Looks like you have a twin on board! Enjoying following along on your journey!
  12. Wish I knew the secret to get an offer like that!
  13. This is terrible news, I’m so sorry. Thankful your neighbours & pet are safe.
  14. Sometimes Twitter works. They usually will then reach out for private message between you and them. Otherwise, it’s a long wait on hold for sure.
  15. It was September when I logged in to apply but I do remember it being frustrating. However, finally figured it out (I think login.gov? ) and I did get a code via text and I’m in Canada….weird. When I checked my status on line in October it said approved. I didn’t write down the date I finally got the renewed Nexus in the mail but I’m thinking early November?
  16. I looked back in my notes & saw that after applying for the renewal on line when I logged in 6 weeks later it said “approved”. So you may get lucky. No interviews for us either.
  17. Did you log into your account to see the status? We both got an email informing us we could renew ours on line which we did. Mine I renewed in September and have received the new one already thankfully. I know they said it could take a very long time when we renewed ours so hopefully you’ll be surprised and get yours sooner rather than later. We both were pleasantly surprised when it arrived in the mail. Oh, and we got the renewal email exactly 6 months before the expiry date and filled it in right away.
  18. I would think only travel insurance would reimburse you. Being it was Christmas season hotels are very expensive. Usually you can only cancel with no penalty 24 hours in advance. I think the other option is reading about the APPR (Air Passenger Protection) but not sure if they’d cover the hotel part, but it’s possible. Did you get compensation from the cancelled flight?
  19. Thanks for the info and link. I’ll copy this as we have a long cruise booked but not until next year and will need coverage.
  20. The dining room was hit or miss for service even a few years ago. Hubby isn’t as patient waiting for food as I am, lol. I’m like your husband, love hearing the Love Boat toots! We have never done fixed dining before but it seems the waiters are more attentive having the same guests I think. I actually picked late fixed dining for our next cruise (shh, don’t tell Mr Bear). We shall see if he likes it or not. So cute about your “pet” cam!
  21. Reading this on my iPhone and looks just fine to these old eyes!
  22. So glad you got to visit them even if it was a whirlwind! Totally understand how tiring it can be, lol.
  23. Following along, thanks for your posts. Can you request the temperature to be lowered in the gym-maybe on the Navigator App? I’m sure others must feel the same way. When on a cruise Mr Bear goes to the gym every morning when it opens (so I can sleep in, lol) and I’m sure he’d mention the temp in there.
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