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Everything posted by clo

  1. Horrendous news about the penguins in the Falklands. Bird flu found in penguins near Antarctica, 200 chicks dead https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/bird-flu-found-penguin-species-sparks-fear-spread-antarctica-2024-01-30/
  2. Oh my she-gawd. THAT'S the worst. And not just like for a dinner guest but every freaking thing. And places to put their clothes. And clean the dang fridge 🙂
  3. I never knew that although from the South originally. I'll have to pick some up.
  4. All of the above 🙂 We've used a couple of different sites over 20+ years and always satisfied and up to ecstatic. We already have a couple lined up for a month in July. It's changed over the years as so many now work from home. IIRC he's with a SoCal college/university in IT and she's...hmm, I can just can't remember but it's an E Coast firm. We have English friends who have traveled literally all over the world with them. I get very specific also. For instance I ask firmly that the dog (currently just one) not be left alone for more than five or so hours. So nobody is able to hold a in-office, full time job. The majority of people we've had have been youngish retirees who enjoy seeing different parts of the world. And the site give good info on sitters. Oh, and we generally make our car available to them if they're coming in from afar. Most recently they were driving in from three hours away. But some fly in. Best of luck.
  5. We visited the Falklands for several days after Antarctica. It was funny seeing green plants and things in bloom.
  6. It's summer there and historically that gives calm waters.
  7. I don't know how this is any different than someone traveling alone.
  8. I don't do on that practically anything. Re OPs question, I've been getting emails from a discount agency. (I get WAY too much crap like that and keep forgetting to unsubscribe.) With this one I googled the company name and added "reviews." Dreadful reviews.
  9. Totally OT but I read part of an article just yesterday that was saying that a little salt can cut bitterness in tea. Maybe a little experiment?
  10. We have petsitters stay in our our house every time we're away, 24-7. Trustedhousesitters.com
  11. I'm from Atlanta also and folks out West here regularly ask why I don't have much of a Southern accent. I tell them that the Northern nuns would beat it out of me 🙂
  12. I appreciate your honest report. I haven't made any decision yet but I've been watching this for a while. Not much good news, is there? Thanks.
  13. We have a small motorhome and that's what we did for three years over covid. Awfully nice.
  14. As do I. But I've been trying to get over that craving.
  15. Oh, goodie. You'll likely be impressed that I've been cooking on an induction cooktop for probably ten years. And WA State is banning gas stoves in new or remodeled homes. Our daughter switched to induction cooktop when she got rid of the gas. Ah well, back to travel.
  16. Oh, no, a professional chef! But I'll find something that won't kill you, I promise 🙂
  17. Absolutely! Ours, like yours, are mostly independent travel. Oh, right and caviar and foie gras 🙂 And while I've loved a lot of the meals on Oceania I could cook them better at home. LOL. And we went ashore in Antarctica rather than doing a 'drive by.' A quite expensive "bottle of wine" but worth it to us. PS: Thanks for your very good writing and viewpoint. Come to Seattle sometime when you're in the US. You bring the wine and we'll do the food 🙂
  18. That 100% how I think. And that's not just for cruises. All manner of other things.
  19. Thanks. I'm certainly going to look at that Good explanation.
  20. That's what I thought I read here. Thanks.
  21. Oh, she-gawd no! Decades ago I worked for QANTAS in their SF office. When cricket came along I was tempted to put on/in earplugs 🙂
  22. Totally agree. Worth chatting about? In our personal lives? Sure. Outside of there? Can't really think of?
  23. And that's us and maybe a smidge more so. We will be enjoying that second glass of wine at lunch or dinner that we might not have - outside our cabin. And we've tended to DIY ports so it will be a fun thing to do. Hopefully 🙂 So it's a plus for us.
  24. I had to think a sec: who's Travis 🙂 'Course I understand she was a billion dollar machine so maybe worth chatting about.
  25. Thanks for this. I'd been having the same thoughts/feelings. Maybe someone could "Ask a Cruise Question" about this.
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