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Everything posted by Laszlo

  1. 👍 Its a cheap and easy way to add some extra security in case a tag gets lost. I always put two tags on my bags..... just in case..... Along with either a Tile or Apple Air Tag https://amzn.to/3xVH9x1
  2. Get a couple of these https://amzn.to/3dMWOrA
  3. What was amazing about Sandy was how far West, at least in PA the high winds hit. I'm in Montgomery County, NW of Philadelphia we had sustained winds of 50mph and guest to 75mph for hours. Power was out for 6 days
  4. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/fiona-causes-shocking-damage-canada-rcna49299 https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/09/25/fiona-storm-canada-nova-scotia/
  5. 12 cruises, first 4 we went direct with NCL. The last 8 I went thru a TA and they have been excellent to deal with. Any issues, problems or changes are handled very quickly. I still also price out my cruise two ways, with NCL and with my TA. TA wins hands down in price, OBC etc..... I would love to post a link to them but I know that's a big no no
  6. Yes, in the Haven check in lounge at the terminal they will have snacks and drinks. Once you board the ship they will take you to the Haven lounge area of the ship. They will have drinks and food, the Conceriges will explain how things work. Cabins should be ready shortly after Haven Boarding......
  7. Haven will board between 10:30-11:00am normally.... just after the ship is cleared to zero. Cabins won't be ready, you will be taken to the Haven courtyard area were they explain how things work etc... My wife and I were able to first drop off our carry on's in our cabin. Cabins were ready about Noon
  8. Wondering if my wife can find soy milk and cottage cheese in the buffet on the GA? Thanks
  9. You need to take the good with the bad. The itinerary on our 14 day cruise in February on the BA change drastically. We were supposed to have 8 port days, that went down to 6 and only 2 of the stops were original
  10. My wife and I have eaten in the Haven Restaurant many times for breakfast lunch and dinner. At the most its been 50% full
  11. Is 50% check in the new norm since you can't fully check in until 21 days? I can't even tell what it done, "Edit" button won't highlight. I believe all personal, passport info are done.
  12. Its a blessing you are not stopping in Norfolk
  13. Their is nothing blind about backing up, they have lots of cameras and crew
  14. We are 1 for 2 so far. I did talk to a manager who said the Vibe passes are refundable if we cancel within 24 hours
  15. IF we win a Haven cabin I want to cancel the Vibe Beach Club passes we pre purchased. I talked to Three different NCL customer service people to see if our Vibe Beach Club passes would be refundable. I got three answers..... No, Yes and isn't that part of the Haven......🤣 Anyone else like to weigh in? I'm sure we could get a refund I'm just wondering if it will be credit back to my CC or OBC
  16. They probably don't get to do that very often, practice makes perfect
  17. Parking at the pier is expensive but super easy and very convenient. The ramp to parking is right off 12th Ave between 54th & 55th. You drive up, pay, then drive down farther to pier 88. Their will be security there with a dog. We have parked there 5 times and its always the same. You pull it, pop your trunk or hatch, and security and the dog walk around your car. As soon as you are clear you can pull over to the right and take your bags out.... leave one person with them (do this quickly) as not to create a backup. You'll be right next to the elevator to take you down. Go park, come back to the elevator go down, then outside to the porters. Drop your checked bags off, come back in the building and get in line for security and check in. The above it pre covid, IDK if anything has changed
  18. Lol, that's where I thought I posted it
  19. Looking for flexible tripod that will fit around the cabins balcony railing. Looking for a recommendation Thanks
  20. Looking for flexible tripod that will fit around the cabins balcony railing. Looking for a recommendation Thanks
  21. Hopefully San Juan and Puetro Plata will be ready Have a great cruise!
  22. Interesting, hopefully our 12 day cruise on the GA in January will only be half full but I'm not counting on it
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