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Everything posted by AnyMajorCruiseDude

  1. Same here. Pricing now has convinced us to switch to land based packages. We do have some version of a package from when we booked quite some time ago. After that, we are switching to land based packages.
  2. It also tells you if you win (or not) Every time you enter the room. It either says try again next time or congratulations on the door entry screen.
  3. Put yourself on the waitlist We are most likely cancelling our cabin since we prefer to be in port, vs many who want to be at sea. Patience!
  4. So make the move! You are not happy with how they treat (ed) you. Easy peasy.
  5. I believe this footnote applies to the crew appreciation, not the drink package bundle.
  6. Everyone needs to relax about the desert thing. Really not that big of a deal, imho!
  7. We're with you. I can only control my own behavior, not others around us who choose to be inconsiderate. We have adopted wearing n95 masks when in congested areas or traveling, and have escaped contracting anything since that decision.
  8. Nope. First time turned out to be false positive on The Grand . was released after a pcr was negative. Ruby was thanks to people not following masking and distancing requirements. But symptoms were mild and they took good care of us. Been on 4 cruises since and had no issues. Can only follow reasonable recommendations and hope that others around you do too!
  9. We also were well taken care of, on both the Grand And the Ruby. Regular calls about visits from medical staff, food and beverages delivered regularly. One of the doctors thanked us many times for being compliant and not screaming at her for ruining the cruise. Its a very difficult situation to handle, and some peoples perception have been quite different.
  10. We had a few issues too, but were able to reserve several sailings. Hope to see you and G soon! Maybe just G?
  11. We were in Sabatinis when the drawing was held. We won a prize, and the tracked us down. It's fun!
  12. If a person can afford multiple b2b cruises, the demise of the loyalty credit is not the end of the world. The packages, if applicable, can save a bunch of money vs past rates even with loyalty credits factored in. They are in business to make every incremental dollar, not give it away!
  13. Since it is less attended these days, It's a great, uncrowded venue and there are good snacks available. You can use your package to order whatever you want and not be crowded out! Also, the bartenders are usually superior as they are used to dealing with the "elite" crowd!
  14. If you visit the concierge lounge, they will have posted hours during which drinks are served as well as snacks. We generally drank beer or wine, but others were drinking other cocktails. They do a nice job.
  15. They are asking about the concierge lounge. Not the PES event
  16. We also won a few times while on Discovery for a few weeks.
  17. I have no idea who you refer to. There are several that have posted they are done with Princess, but continue to post/complain.
  18. I'm not singing praises, nor am I overly critical, like some. I say make the best of it and enjoy yourself.
  19. Glad to read about so many "ex" Princess cruisers experiences on other lines. It will be quite interesting. Would also be happy if they stopped posting negatively about Princess now that they are converting to greener pastures. I can read their positive comments on their new line's boards, right? We tried Virgin. It was.....interesting! Maybe Viking or another alternative? But they seem to keep posting on the Princess boards???
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