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Everything posted by RFerrington

  1. No, that is not normal and I would have put the plastic bag out in the hallway if I had gotten that response ! Unfortunate that you received that response. We ALWAYS remove the duvet that is in the plastic bag and use it on our bed as a comforter during the day (for naps). With that out of the way, the plastic bag is pretty much empty and the plastic bag is not really a problem anymore. I completely understand that the "kit" (as they call it) is to prepare them for the next turnaround...but that's not my problem. It's not as if they don't have access to another duvet !
  2. This would be awesome ! I don't care where they put Portside (it seems logical to me that they would put Playmaker's where Sabor is but it doesn't really make a difference, IMO) but I would be very happy if they add it somewhere. I love the Sabor on Liberty but could never get the same experience at the Sabor on AL. Portside BBQ would be a much better venue than Sabor, I think.
  3. @xpcdoojk, very sorry to hear about the loss of your friend.
  4. According to the information that came out recently, those "loyalty amenities" are excluded on both sides for those who are status match only. Presumably you would rate them once your points counts were reached.
  5. Even the MDR reservations are open now...at least they are on our 2 sailings. Unusual in that there is a 6:30 slot for MTD, which is the first time I've seen that in a very long time.
  6. I would ask the Concierge that question. As for confirming the reservation, I wouldn't worry too much about that. I have never had a Concierge not get a reservation done correctly...but it never hurts ! We have had wildly different experiences with BOGO on different ships. Sometimes we are required to book by day 2 and pay up front, sometimes we can book and pay anytime and sometimes we were restricted to using our BOGO only on nights 1 and/or 2 (although, this "restrictive" situation has been by far, in the minority). On our most recent sailing (Wonder) we were told to just go to the restaurant (I think it was Chops on night #4) and pay when we were done. It's a real shoulder-shrugger as to how they will handle it...but the Concierge will help you with this.
  7. Fingers crossed on that one ! 😜
  8. I suspect that the amplification specifics will depend largely on what hardware/equipment had already been pre-purchased and sitting around in storage, waiting to be installed for the past couple of years. I can’t see them “wasting” hardware/equipment that has already been purchased (purple slide, bionic bar, etc) even if it’s something that they might choose not to do if that decision were being made, today.
  9. The BOGO offer is good for onboard booking only. Yes, you will hear of some who have had success in purchasing the meals prior to boarding through the CP but that's not how the program is supposed to work and I have heard that more and more people are being denied the discount based on pre-boarding purchase through the CP. You CAN ask the Concierge to make your reservations for you prior to boarding and I strongly recommend that you do that....but your cost will be based on the current onboard prices. Having the Concierge help you with reservations will give you an advantage for getting the days and times of your choice.
  10. MTD rezzies recently opened for our Utopia sailing (9-13) and I was surprised to see a reservation time of 6:30, which we promptly snagged.
  11. Doesn't sound like #2 is starting out very well. 🤭
  12. Thanks. Definitely not equivalent to the Royal breakfast. Not a deal-breaker but definitely a demerit.
  13. Thanks. Yes, agree about the onboard instant certs. Those are all we have received in over a year. We have un-f’ed our emails at least 4 times with CR and they keep getting them dicked up again. I’m sure that’s part of them problem. Ugh.
  14. Does Zenith get an exclusive breakfast venue (e.g. Chops or CK) ?
  15. Agreed. I wonder how they will enforce it. I'm sure it will be a painful learning process just as it was for RC. I'm surprised that they matched Pinn to Zenith, TBH. We have never sailed on X so I am not familiar with the Zenith benefits, but it would seem, at first glance, that the Zeniths going to RC will be getting a nicer upgrade than the Pinnies going to X.
  16. I completely agree. I suspect, but don't know for sure, that we aren't getting offers b/c we have sooo many casino comps booked. I read somewhere that if you use too many they stop sending them. That's probably why....but who knows...
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