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Everything posted by Coralc

  1. Great photos Helen ! @FromSea2ShiningSea Highland Cattle are so cute! I hope you purchased a postcard of them (I would have). And I love the black sheep photo! They are all great, what a fabulous cruise trip. ☺️
  2. They also scream. It almost sounds like "Help, help, help". The neighborhood across the canyon from us has flocks of feral peacocks. ☺️ The Blue Angels flew over our house this morning. Exciting and loud. It is Fleet Week, and very fitting that Senator Dianne Feinstein's funeral was yesterday. She was instrumental in bringing Fleet Week to San Francisco, and really did a lot for the city and California. It was sad to see her deterioration.
  3. Thank you, Helen! It is a beautiful winery and it always so cool to go across the GG Bridge. We were going over to see Phantom of the Opera one year, went over the bridge to brunch, and one of the Blue Angels was hovering right next to the span. It gave us pleasant shivers. 😊 They were also knife edging through the building's downtown that year. Fun Memory!
  4. The last video of the blowhole is very good! It does look cool when it goes off. 👍 I wonder where the kayak people come from? It is way too far to paddle down from the pier. I guess folks do actually vacation there. 😊
  5. That is so interesting that people wear dresses to tour in Europe. And not just on here, I have friends that do, too. Nope. I need to wear tennis shoes for the ankle support. I wore nice jeans, t-shirt and windbreaker for our private Vatican tour and the Scavi tour. And for our stay in Rome, which included the Capuchin Crypt and their fancy shopping area, Via Vittorio. ☺️ All of you look absolutely lovely. I am just not a dress touring person, but I think it is fascinating (curious) and wonderful. ☺️ Edit. Maybe it is a CA thing. Bill would totally freak out if he saw me putting on a dress to tour somewhere in another country. Sorry. 🤤He would feel like he should dress up too.
  6. No. We've been to Ensenada 8 or 10 times. I've been to La Bufadora twice. The first time in '92 on my first cruise with our office secretary and then later with Bill on Monarch. And then RCI took their long hiatus from the West Coast. We've been back 3 times on Navigator, but usually just go downtown to Hussongs Cantina or a Farmacia. Last time Bill and I went out to the blowhole, we took the shuttle into town and boarded one of the readily available tour buses with a driver and a guide out to the blowhole, just like yours. Drinking is legal on buses in Mexico. I just asked the guide if we could stop at a store to pick up beers and drinks. He said, "What a great idea! Let's see if everyone wants to do that" It was all cruise ship passengers, and pretty much everyone raised their hands. ☺️ So, he directed the bus driver to his aunt's store and we all quickly stocked up on adult beverages and snacks. Our brief restroom stop was at an under-construction resort on the way out. https://resortesterobeach.com/en?currency=USD . It looked very nice, and they are understandably proud of their new developments. (although it is probably 20 years old now). Like everything, it was probably more casual then. Since there were no bars or restaurants at the blowhole back then, I think our guide and driver were well compensated for their accommodation. The guide was really nice and walked along with us and bargained with a blanket vendor for something I wanted to purchase. I don't know if I would like it as much anymore. 😦 Although I think it is more fun than downtown Ensenada.
  7. Wow! The blowhole walkway is really built up now! Last time we went out there, there were no permanent structures or restaurants. Bill bought a faux Tag Hauer for $20. ☺️ He purchased a real one a few years later. ☺️ We also convinced the bus driver to stop at a store (his aunts) on the way out so we could stock up on beer, soda and snacks. It looks like that's not necessary anymore. 😅
  8. I don't think the expiration dates matter much as long as there is still fluid. A false negative would be much more likely than a false positive. If your tests are showing positive, I think you probably have covid. IMO.
  9. I write checks at the grocery store. I fill them out in advance of shopping and just fill in the amount. $200.00 is correct onboard. I also have a couple of Traveler's checks left that I may cash. Last time the guest relations manager gathered everyone around to show how they were processed. LOL. Or maybe I'll just do them at the bank. 🙄☺️
  10. Full price. And it is hard to say. If you look at it online, the price you see is already the sale price, with half off already deducted. It is difficult to discern which would be better. But if they drop the buy one get one half off before your sailing, it will probably be a better price than buying it onboard, even with the discount. And even if it works out less. You can cancel it once board and repurchase using the discount.
  11. On our Serenade cruise, there was a mom with her 2 kids that were incredibly disappointed that there were no waterslides on Serenade. She had watched the commercials and ads and incorrectly assumed that they were on all of the ships.
  12. I don't know. Is it really a pain killer, or does it just take your mind off of it? I don't really know George. But if it works for your friend, that is what's important about it. ☺️
  13. I should have said dogs and handlers train in Georgia. Our dogs are various breeds and all about plant material. German Shepherds and Belgian Malinois, seem to be more drug or bomb sniffing dogs.
  14. Fruit (or plant or vegetable) sniffing dogs. The dogs in Mexico Agriculture Division train at the same USDA facility in Georgia that our Alameda and Santa Clara County parcel inspection dogs do. ☺️ The DEA dogs train somewhere else.
  15. It would be easy here. Sharon could just go down to the dispensary and pick some up with cash. I believe Greg mentioned something before about having a med card. It doesn't help much with the pain, but I think it might make it not so much front and center and might help you get some sleep. It is apparently much more potent now with new strains. I just inspected, haven't tried it for 40 years.
  16. Thank you, Crystal! Beautiful review of what looks like an awesome trip. ☺️ You are both so adventurous!
  17. Check your photos from 2016! You did too. And you also offered to send me a better copy of it. I certainly remember who I "borrow" photos from. ☺️Apparently it is from near the water taxi dock. I have a very good memory.
  18. But you took a photo of that HUGE Iguana that I borrowed for my photo album. I have never seen an Iguana that large! He is invasive, but gorgeous. ☺️
  19. I'm a window seat person. I can't do aisle seats. No matter which side. When I fall asleep, my foot wanders out into the aisle, creating a tripping hazard. Fortunately, Bill is good with middle seats. 😊
  20. Definitely. Solos can do it that way. And pay for your first meal at the less expensive restaurant and use your 'free' dining at a more expensive one.
  21. We just pick the latest time, so others can access earlier times. It is meaningless on a B2B.
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