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Everything posted by Coralc

  1. We do here in our county in the SF Bay Area, because we are under a recently reinstated mask mandate.
  2. Oh. Sorry. We already own the stock. So, it doesn't cost anything to try and submit it on any cruise, for us.
  3. I think false negatives might be more common than false positives.
  4. It doesn't cost you anything to try and submit it?
  5. IMO, the pool screen on Navigator should be turned off as well. It is green all over with orange squares scattered around. It is horrible trying to watch anything.
  6. It is usually better to set up the jeep rental before you arrive and then just go and pick it up and complete the paperwork once you are there.
  7. They are strict enough, that I don't think you would want to test the policy. Good thing you caught it and have enough time to fix it. Have a great cruise!
  8. @Gregoryfo Thank you! That is very interesting. There are all these other things they don't tell you, like signing up for the Health Trackrx portal. And I can't see any reason why they would need your booking number! We all just want the negative test results with the least amount of inconvenience. Apparently OnPoint has physical pop up test locations here as well. They advertise, "Bring your own test". Thanks for the procedure summary. And Bon Voyage! Have a great cruise.
  9. If it is from RC, it will show up in a banner, and also in the upper right corner. You will be asked if you want to use it during checkout. If it is from a travel agency, it will not appear until you are onboard.
  10. I was 11 when we moved down from Seattle to this house in 1969. I still live here. 53 years? Parents left stuff, first husband, left stuff. They have all passed away. We are trying to get rid of a lot of stuff. I am ready to move. But we need to clean out the other house where my mom accumulated much additional stuff, so we can move our stuff up there.
  11. Oh yeah. That was the sewage water Vision cruise. Twice. The sewer water came up and flooded the bathroom. It was several inches deep and sloshed over the ledge and into the carpet in front of the bathroom. There were fans and cleanup going for two and a half days. It was kind of nasty. They cleaned it all up, and then it happened again. It could have been worse. The JS next to ours was accessible, and didn't have the bathroom ledge, and their carpet was much nastier and soaked than ours. We did not walk barefoot. And now we wear socks most of the time. We did receive a small future cruise credit. (15%=-$412) plus $100 OBC. It was still a fun cruise, even though I couldn't shower for a couple of days, (while they worked on the plumbing) with the fans going and the door open.
  12. Enchantment. Most other ships no longer have a Concierge lounge.
  13. Oh sorry. I hadn't read that when I posted. I hope everything works out okay. It is wonderful that you have family that can drive you in a stressful situation.
  14. Okay. Forget everything I said. Sept. 18 on Navigator has been released for booking, so no longer a charter. I don't know when it was released. But I'm not paying $2,000 for a 5-night Junior Suite on Navigator. We will just stick with our 7-night sailing.
  15. Isn't he a cute little guy? Rod Stewart has a very sexy onstage wiggle. He is much shorter and smaller than I expected.
  16. Whoever uses OnPoint, please let us know how it goes! It is stressful, and it would be nice to get some feedback about them before September.
  17. Funny story. Never a crystal block @elleluv posted a RCI mousepad on eBay and received $60+ for it. And we looked at each other, and said, "Oh wait, we have one of those!". So, we listed it, and I think received about twenty dollars. The funny part of it was that the person who bought, turned right around and re-listed it on eBay within a day of receiving it. and they used OUR sales photo of it on our oatmeal-colored couch, and then made up this truly elaborate story about winning it in a scavenger hunt onboard a Royal Caribbean cruise ship. We just shook our heads. They didn't get very much for it.
  18. We have been trying to book the 19th and the 23rd as a B2B ever since RCI announced the west coast sailings. And the 19th has never been available. The price on the 23rd just kept going up and up. The price now is ridiculous. I don't even bother price checking.
  19. We're on that cruise. It is really expensive now. I don't know why. September 19th (I think) is a charter. I don't know for who. Maybe they are all staying onboard?
  20. I am curious Deb, why you didn't like the slider and the small deck? I like to go outside after I take a shower, (in my robe) to see what the weather is like. The new window looks lovely. It is nice to be able to open the door a little bit, though, or maybe call down to people at the pool? And here anyway, it is a fire safety thing.
  21. I remember receiving $5 one time, probably for the same reason. And another time, I received a whole handful of change and the tooth was still there. I remember being a little confused about the whole process. When I showed my mom the tooth, she said, "Oh. I'll take it for her (the tooth fairy)". I was a little slow on the uptake. I found my baby teeth in my mom's dresser, when we were cleaning out her stuff. I tossed them. I do however, have 2 of my wisdom teeth in a little display case, along with a duck skull, parrotfish beak and a small coral.
  22. And USPS is shipping 8 tests at a time if you want to order from them again. Everyone is eligible, no insurance needed. https://special.usps.com/testkits I don't know what we are going to do with all of these covid tests, but we can test at the slightest throat tickle now if we want to.
  23. We went with IHealth proctored testing last time Anita. There was no problem using both tests, as long as the interior components were still sealed. But IHealth isn't offering proctored testing at present. (And they're not my company. ) Bill used the second test in the box. I think we are going to try this company (OnPoint Testing) next time in September. I don't know what their procedures are yet, but they keep lowering the price of proctored testing. https://onpoint-testing.com/product/certified-teleservice-covid-testing/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwwJuVBhCAARIsAOPwGASC4rzKMZegHhLG6VJTYwuz3yh9PzF-F-HOO4wgD71UH1SRjrQHDs0aAlosEALw_wcB And remember you get 8 free tests a month at local pharmacies. (via your insurance) And those seem to be FlowFlex tests in individual small boxes. They work just like all the others.
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