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Everything posted by 57redbird

  1. @dfish Thanks for the pics....looks much better! @kazu Hope Ivan's on the mend!
  2. @dfish Have you posted pics of the new paint job & I missed them?
  3. In our experience, at most 1 -- usually less than 24 hours.
  4. Thank you both - peroxide mixed with anything causes fumes....I think I'll try Melody's vinegar & blue Dawn idea.
  5. @Cruzin Terri Do you have Airtags or the Samsung equivalents?
  6. Is there a dedicated CO chef on non-Pinnacle ships? Joye, on the K, was a god-send for me with my food allergies.
  7. Kind of (alright way) off topic.....anybody have any secrets on how to clean grout on a large ceramic tile entry? preferably one that does the job quickly & easily &, most importantly, without fumes.....I've got emphysema & so many products have lung irritants in them. TIA!
  8. On our 35 day Hawaii/Tahiti cruise this past Feb/March, we had an Ethan Stowell dinner in the Pinnacle...I believe it was $130/pp & a 5 course meal.
  9. I wish but he's already Stage 4 & it's a large, extremely fast growing tumor --- not feasible to do surgery or chemo unfortunately.
  10. Update on my cousin with glioblastoma....we went to see him (they live about 150 miles from us)...he's doing remarkably well! The Hospice nurse told him 'you don't look sick' so that probably is the best news they've heard in a while. He really looks & acts fine - we visited early afternoon both Monday & yesterday & I think that's probably his best time of day. Please keep them in your prayers & I'll update as needed.
  11. We've done the Panama Canal at least twice & don't recall bugs & hubby is a bug magnet.
  12. We had the same issue on the K in Feb/March to Hawaii/South Pacific....as if it wasn't warm enough in those locations, having the AC not work when you're trying to sleep was miserable. Our room steward verified it was working but that was during the day when it probably was...we opted not to have Engineering come at 2 a.m. to check it then.
  13. & no other bar can make the cucumber mojito like the Tamarind Bar.
  14. Melody - how big is your deck? We need to get ours replaced.
  15. I think we got our upsell offer about 3 weeks prior to sailing.
  16. Got a Group-On did this in Vegas -- it was magical!
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