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Everything posted by lenquixote66

  1. Might I suggest that you send a letter to the CEO of Royal Caribbean.
  2. In 2006 I was in a very small town in Texas on a very hot day.I went into a restaurant just looking for a cold drink.The waitress said I have just the thing and she brought out a delicious egg cream.I never saw that on a menu outside the NY,NY,CT and PA area.
  3. When Toby went back to school there were a large group of women and men who were in their 30’s and 40’s and she became friends with several and we socialized with them for many years .
  4. I have been drinking Chocolate Egg Creams since Snaider’s began selling Chocolate Syrup.
  5. Regarding Nursing as a career.When Toby entered college she wanted to be a nurse.However,her parents wanted her to be a teacher.When she graduated college the majority of the women became teachers.However ,Toby became a Social Worker as did her sister.Toby still had the desire to became an RN and after both of our daughters were born she quit her job and went back to college to study Nursing She worked as an RN 27 years.
  6. Congratulations to Erin .The daughter of one of my cousins graduated college last year with a Nursing Degree and is working in Manhattan.She was influenced by Toby being an RN and a cousin of mine who was also an RN.
  7. Perhaps but we got a greater insight into one of the players who I have addded to the people I have been rooting for
  8. I have accomplished many things in my life that have made my life to date very rewarding.I e-mail with 11 people who post on CC and have discussed my life with them.It had been 12 but rkacruiser passed away in December,2022.
  9. Am I to take this as a compliment or as a ……..?
  10. Lenny’s in Brooklyn which closed last month after being open 70 years.It was featured in Saturday Night Fever.
  11. I have not flown since 2010,absolutely no need to when one lives relatively close to several cruise ports.
  12. I have only taken showers in mornings on cruises or anywhere else.
  13. I only eat breakfast in the MDR on cruises or at home
  14. The one that I have was donated to me by the wife of a guy who passed away.He was 6’1 and I am 6’5.I called the company that makes it.They told me that I can buy an extension for $35.00.I did that.
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