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Everything posted by lenquixote66

  1. I love it too.I worked in Greenwich Village many years ago and saw it on a menu one day and tried it .Every time I returned to that restaurant I ordered it.
  2. Enjoy the weekend.We have one grandkid for the weekend but not the dog.We are trying to find activities for our granddaughter .
  3. My granddaughters both played the flute in school and after that gave that up to join the chorus. I played the triangle .
  4. I just finished the book and much to my surprise I found out that one of the passengers who was on a plane that landed in Gander was a woman who was a neighbor of mine when I lived in NYC.
  5. We were a table of 12 on our last cruise with absolutely no problem (Anthem)
  6. I am reading the book about Come From Away: The Day The World Came to Town by Jim Defede. If anyone plans to read it ,have tissues handy
  7. Thanks,Debbie,I hope so too.My 13 year old granddaughter is in Travel Camp till tomorrow but staying in my house tonight,tomorrow night and all day Saturday.Yesterday she was in Hershey Park and she said it stormed there.
  8. MJ: This ice cream parlor is right next to a restaurant in a hotel about 2 blocks from the waterfront.I cannot recall the name.Thanks for your good wishes for her college experience.My younger daughter spent her junior year of college studying in the UK and my granddaughter,her niece hopes to have the opportunity to do the same thing.
  9. Skeet shooting was very popular in the 70โ€™s
  10. My 18 year old granddaughter made her first visit this past Sunday to the Hamptons and Sag Harbor.Much to my surprise an ice cream parlor in SH had not raised their prices since I was there in 2019.
  11. We did a May cruise on HAL.It was the best cruise ever.It was actually a 7 day tour by train and bus followed by a 7 day cruise.
  12. Thanks,Maryann.I only have 2 grand kids but Tobyโ€™s sister has 8 and 2 are going into their 3rd.years and 4 will be starting this month.
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