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Everything posted by lenquixote66

  1. I do not have a sodium restriction but I prefer to eat foods with low sodium.
  2. I am prone to seasickness.I have tried every thing that is advertised.The only thing that has ever helped was Bonine. Enjoy your cruise.
  3. Interesting that you posted about cottage cheese.When I was 8 years old my parents and I were on a boat going to Rye Beach ,Playland.I was eating a cottage cheese sandwich and dropped it on the lap of a girl who was wearing what I found out later was her best dress.That was the last time that I ate cottage cheese out of my house.
  4. The last time we were there was in May 2018.We were there with the Senior Tour Group that we were a member of.The tour director arranged for a tour of Princeton University .Afterward it was shopping time on the Main Street where the Einstein store is located.Everyone in the group bought at least one tee shirt there.
  5. When Toby went to Nursing School she became friendly with a group of women who were entering into their second or third profession (3 for Toby).After graduation the family of one of the women made a party for all of them.It was in Princeton ,NJ .It was our very first time there.We fell in love with the town and have returned several times.
  6. We have cruised on 6 different cruise lines.In my opinion the best food is on Cunard.
  7. A friend of mine developed a Vegan Gelato called Genuto.However,at present it is only available in stores in Northern California.
  8. Same here.It must be a Brooklyn thing๐Ÿ˜€
  9. I never had cheese on fries but I have had mustard on frankfurters.
  10. Ketchup only on fries and burgers
  11. Slots and video poker,maximum bet only
  12. I am retired but when I worked it was mandatory to wear a suit and tie every day.
  13. I only own one suit that I wear to weddings and funerals.
  14. A co-worker of mine brought home plants from cruise ports many years ago with nary a problem.
  15. In 1999 at approximately 11 AM I was mugged by a guy with a gun on a warm sunny day on East 37 St.between Madison and Park Avenues. It can happen anywhere.
  16. Friends of ours were mugged in Barcelona at night several years ago.
  17. Interesting that you mentioned Block Island.I just found out earlier today that a guy I knew in HS has been living there for a while.
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