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Lady Hudson

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Everything posted by Lady Hudson

  1. Good morning. Thanks to all who participate here. I don’t always post but I am a daily reader. Prayers for all in need. It continues to be hot and humid. Summer is not my favorite season so I am staying within air conditioning whenever possible. I am a β€œlove it when it snows” type of person. DH had a doctor’s appointment this week. Dr wants him to see his cardiologist sooner than his appointment in September. Her office called and now appointment is on Wednesday. Guess doctors can have some pull at times. DH has been complaining of right side chest discomfort which won’t go away. May not be muscle strain as previously thought. We shall see. Our friend who had a stroke has been moved to a rehab facility. Talking to his wife I don’t know if he will remain there. She is not sure about care during the overnight and stayed with him the past two nights. Continued prayers, please. Thank you. Have a great Sunday. Katherine
  2. The food looks wonderful. So glad you had a great trip. Katherine
  3. Good morning to all and best wishes. Prayers for those in need. I made it home on Friday to this very hot weather. I sent a nice long post to all of you about my trip with my sister while on the ship but unfortunately it was lost to cyber space. We had a near perfect trip with an easy transfer of my place being taken by my brother in law for the second week. Sister Karen stays on. I am a real fan of the Oasis class on Royal Caribbean. Lovely cabin and as I am a top tier member we get to eat in the suite restaurant. Very nice. Cabins are wonderful and with more than 1700 kids on board nothing seemed crowded. I have nothing planned now until December but would like to take DH Bill on a trip this summer. Searching for a ship that has an accessible cabin available. I would ask for prayers for a very close friend who suffered a devastating stroke last week. We have been friends since Bill and I moved to PA in 1975. I don’t have a lot of details but I know there is some paralysis. Thank you for your prayers. Happy Birthday Roy! I have to go back and read to see how everyone is doing but glad to read that Kazu is infection free. Best wishes for all. Have a great Sunday whatever your plans. Katherine
  4. Good morning to all. We made it β€” on the road!! Thank you for the best wishes. Have a great day. Katherine
  5. Good morning to all and prayers for all in need. I know I do not post all that often but this is a must read everyday. What a caring, wonderful group of people who are a part of this community. To JazzyV - you do a wonderful job keeping track of our comings and goings. Thank you. Surprised to see my Friday trip listed today. But first have to get through two doctors visits for DH. Fingers crossed. Assuming all is well DD will be here to stay with her Dad. Weather here is very moderate. I have been trying to walk more so I am glad the temperatures are cooperating. Best wishes and have a great day. Katherine
  6. You β€œLucky Duck”! I keep looking but can’t seem to find any. However, my sister, who just returned from a trip, found me a duck key change. Leaving in a week so hope to find some. Katherine
  7. Does being masters help in getting into things like Broadway show and Aqua show? Folks using the app to book early has limited getting a seat onboard or even a few weeks before sailing. Can masters level or casino host help? Leaving next week β€” have been trying for a couple of weeks to book. Thanks.
  8. I do hope that Sid is having a great trip. I don’t check in here everyday but I was pleasantly surprised today to read this β€œlive” review. So funny! Sid β€” see what you started?? Katherine
  9. Wishing everyone a safe and happy Memorial Day β€” especially to those who served to keep us all free. Special prayers to the families who have lost loved ones while serving our great country. My DS and I just came back from our local parade. It was nice but very brief. Thinking that the Halloween parade was much longer. Raining now but hoping it will clear in a bit so I can get in my walk. Best wishes. Katherine
  10. Thank you! I will see if I can get my DS to go with me to one or the other. Forgot there is also a parade in my town on Monday. My church has a popcorn machine and I may help distribute the free popcorn to the community.
  11. Good morning. A big thank you to all who make this thread possible and diligently keep it going. No big plans for this holiday weekend. Possibly a barbecue on Monday. Weather will be nice. I will start β€œthinking” about my next trip with DS on 6/14 but have to get DH to two doctors appointments before that. Hopefully all goes smoothly. Prayers for all struggling with health and others issues. Best wishes to all. Katherine
  12. Good to see you posting. Have a great trip!! Katherine
  13. Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers out there. Best wishes for a lovely day. Our kids coming today bringing dinner with them. It will be great to see everyone. Katherine
  14. Good morning. So sorry to hear of so many people with illness. Prayers for all. Cheers to those on cruises and especially to all who are essential to keeping this thread going. Great grandson and his parents came last night. He is getting so big and showing his personality. He is a joy. Watching the protests right now on tv. So sorry to see this and hoping for a peaceful resolution β€” if that is possible. About 6 weeks or so until my next cruise with my twin. Symphony of the Seas out of Bayonne on June 14. Always good to get away with Karen β€” lots of laughs! Have a great day! Katherine
  15. Good morning and Happy Sunday. Prayers for all in need. So many illnesses and I will pray for healing for all. DTS Karen (twin) and her DH coming over for dinner and a baseball game. We haven’t figured out what we will eat yet but something will come together. I know I have some apps I can serve and maybe some cheese tortellini with Alfredo. Time will tell. Church first in cold SE PA today. Church is a walk for me so weather does matter! Have a great day everyone. Katherine
  16. Good morning and Happy Saturday! Prayers for all in need and thanks to all who contribute to this site. I just had to give a shout out for dinner last night. DS had purchased lobster tails from Aldis in February (they were selling for Valentines Day) and put them in the freezer. Thawed out and three of us ate them last night. Excellent - as good as any in the main dining room on a ship. So just a recommendation to try them if an Aldis is close by. Very inexpensive too. Just my tip for the day. πŸ˜€ Katherine
  17. Earthquake update β€” we did not feel it in SE PA but neighbors and our son did. Family in NJ and Brooklyn felt it as did their pets. It has been an interesting spring!! Katherine
  18. Good morning. Prayers and best wishes to all. Sorry to read about the health issues some are experiencing. Easter company went home last night. I love seeing everyone but we are used to a quiet, calm house. Great grandson is adorable. Scary last night when electricity went out. PPL projection was for lights on by Friday afternoon. Fortunately lights back on in 45 minutes. We will try to use up the food in the refrigerator today and watch a Mets doubleheader. Have a great day! Katherine
  19. Good morning, all. Thanks to all contributors and many prayers for those in need. Another bad weather day here in PA. MLB opening day postponed for both Mets and Phillies. Game day tomorrow. I am adjusting to being home after spending 22 day on a ship - of which only 8 days had been planned in advance. DH Bill is glad for me to be home as he has had some health concerns lately which needed both a virtual and an inoffice visit to his doctor. Hopefully things are settling down now. I am taking the easy way out and have ordered Easter dinner from Wegmans. My twin and I decided a few years back that ordering out is the way to go now for the holidays. We wish to enjoy the day just like all others in our family. Best wishes to all who celebrate our Christian holiday this week. May all on this thread be free of pain and distress. Blessings to all. Katherine
  20. Hi, all. Yes, frequently sailing under the Key bridge and best estimate around 70 to 80 times. I got back home on Saturday. This is just devastating news especially considering the loss of life. Vision is on a longer trip right now but it will be doubtful she will be able to return to the Port of Baltimore anytime soon. Prayers for all involved. Katherine
  21. Happy St Pats Day! ☘️ We are in Charleston today and going to Fleet Landing for lunch. Very nice weather. Thanks to all who participate in this thread. Prayers for those in need. Vision of the Seas is an older ship but has everything that we need. Lots of fun with friends and family no matter which ship we are on! Be sure to be on the lookout for leprechauns today. πŸ˜€. Katherine
  22. Prayers for all in need. Thanks for all the good wishes for my trip. In the car now chitchatting with my sister as we plan our week. It’s good to get away for a while. Have a great day. Katherine
  23. Thank you. Will be sure to give an review when I return but we really have never had a problem in Bayonne.
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