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Lady Hudson

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Everything posted by Lady Hudson

  1. Prayers for all in need. Qaqortog today. 33 degrees and many icebergs. DH still coughing - not sure how much the antibiotics are helping.
  2. Roy — so glad you will be sailing. Did you hear QM2 could not get into Hamburg port last night? Not sure of the details but they had a 7 hour delay because of some port issues. Katherine
  3. Thanks for the mention. DH, hopefully, is improving. Third day of antibiotics. Arriving in Nuuk, Greenland today. Northern lights spotted last night. Prayers for all in need. Have a great day. Katherine
  4. So sorry to read this. Glad that Lou was able to say goodbye to his loved ones. My prayers are with you and yours. Katherine
  5. Speeding along to Greenland. We will stay at our first port until 10 pm. Captain said we will need a full fuel refill after these first few days thus spending the extra hours in port. Not as rocky and our port hole hatch has been opened. Light! I will ask for prayers for my DH Bill as he has developed bronchitis. We spent the morning in the med center. Prayers that he improves with the antibiotic he received. I really don’t want to have to fly home from Greenland. Best wishes to all. Katherine
  6. Good afternoon. Sailing along to Greenland. Seas have calmed down. We should hit Nuuk Greenland Wednesday morning. All good — everyone is happy that the trip was not cancelled. Cheers! Katherine
  7. Good morning. Sailing along to Greenland. Left NY harbor at 6 last night to travel south and then 4 days north to Greenland. A little scary yesterday when crew came in to close the hatch on our port hole! We had to turn back after sailing about 2 hours last night for a medical helicopter evacuation. The saga continues! Katherine
  8. Yes, left two hours earlier, no reason given. Captain said “a bit” rocky tomorrow but then full speed ahead!!
  9. Good morning all. We have a lot of posters and their families in need of prayer. I know we will all continue to focus on their needs through our prayers. We were up much of last night because we got a call our new great-grandson was in the hospital with breathing issues. Jalen Alexander now is back home. Drs not sure why he was struggling. Our grandson is not handling this too well — we said welcome to parenthood! Suggestion from Dr to get a humidifier for the home. Murderer escapee update: Not yet found. I am astounded that he continues to evade police — and dogs! Cruise update: Still on for tomorrow but with itinerary change. We leave Cape Liberty in Bayonne at 5 pm tomorrow. Then we sail for — wait for it — an hour and a half! Docking in Manhattan at 6:30 pm and staying docked until 8:00 pm on Friday. Then 4 sea days before reaching Nuuk, Greenland. This should be an interesting trip! Have a great day and stay safe. Katherine
  10. I am very happy with this new itinerary. We will enjoy the ship on Friday (first time on Radiance class). Being from PA no need to go out and explore NY. Halifax is nice but have been a number of times so not a big loss for us. Now fingers crossed that Lee behaves itself and stays on present track. Just so glad we will make it to Greenland. Katherine
  11. I am on this trip with 4 other people. Fingers and toes crossed that we go somewhere! Katherine
  12. What a thought! I am hearing that people are able to leave their homes but their cars need to be checked by the police. If home they are to stay inside with doors, windows, cars locked. Katherine
  13. Good morning all. Prayers for all who are unwell. Today should be a nice day with lower humidity. I hope to get a walk in today but time will tell. Murderer/escapee update: Police think they are close. It is believed that he is armed with a stolen rifle and was shot at by a homeowner. Folks in area are in a “shelter in place” and schools are closed. Area he is supposedly in is less than 10 miles from me. Cruise Update: Royal sent out a message that we will know something by Wednesday. Folks flying in told to take flight — basically we are going somewhere. Don’t know where —we can’t go south or probably north. My guess is Quebec rather than Greenland. Hope there are no dramatic hurricane path changes. Certainly looks like I have to make some changes in what I have packed for both of us. Have a great day. Katherine
  14. Good morning and prayers for all in need. Remembering 9/11 and all the loss of life that occurred. Prayers for the family members who are still affected from that horrible day. I was teaching then and because children were not carrying phones at that time, the decision was made to shut off all computers. Reason — our district was close enough to the New York area that conceivably students could have had relatives working in the city. One school family did lose a cousin who was a NYC firefighter. Watching Hurricane Lee path carefully. Leaving Thursday for Greenland and Canada. First scheduled stop — Halifax on Saturday. We will remain positive. No walking for me yesterday or today. Escaped Chester County PA convict sighted in an area too close for comfort. Remarkable that he has escaped detection for so long. Best wishes to all. Katherine
  15. Oh, no. So sorry to hear this. Covid seems to be re-emerging. Hope you have very mild symptoms and feel better soon. Katherine
  16. Good morning to all and prayers for all in need especially Baby Murphy and Lou. Thanks to all who contribute to this thread. Still very hot here — tomorrow may bring some relief. Making a beef soup for dinner but if we had no AC I would not be doing that!! Watching hurricane Lee carefully because we do not need any problems getting to Bayonne NJ on Thursday. I booked this trip a year and a half ago and hope there are no interruptions. I also don’t want any cancelled Greenland stops like a Carnival ship had a few days ago (from Idalia). Oh the joys of traveling during hurricane season! Have a great day. Katherine
  17. We cruised before and after the menu changes. Right after the menu changes we cruised and were very disappointed with the “new” menus, the items that were missing and many temperature issues. We cruised recently (August 17). Menus had changed slightly and some favorites were back. We were happier with the food. My take - Royal got a lot of negative food feedback and are making some improvements. I think it is important to fill out the end of cruise surveys to let Royal know both the good and bad about our experiences.
  18. Thank you. Already packing — 9/14 on Vision of the Seas. 14 days to Greenland and Canada. Twin sister going also — we are a group of 5.
  19. Update — baby Jalen and Mom cleared to go home. Lung and glucose tests (for Mom) all ok. Thanks for all your prayers and good wishes. Katherine
  20. Happy Labor Day to all. Continued prayers for Baby Murphy and her family and praying for a miracle. Great grandson born on 9/2. (Wait — I can’t be that old — but we started at 19 and 20!). There are some lung issues and “Jalen Alexander” and his mother will be in the hospital at least until tomorrow. Doctors say all will be well. Too hot to be walking outside for the next several days. Plus we have the convicted murderer escapee in the area. He has been spotted not real close but close enough. State police say to keep cars and all doors locked. I will follow their advise! Best wishes for a safe and peaceful day to all. Katherine
  21. Added prayers for Baby Murphy. Such sad news. But God can perform outstanding miracles. We must keep the faith for her and her family.
  22. Good morning all. Prayers for those in the path of the hurricane. FYI - Royal changed the itinerary for their Vision ship that left on Saturday. No Bermuda - Coco Cay and Nassau instead. It’s that time of the year. Regarding Henry Hudson - Hudson being my maiden name - I used to tell my students, jokingly, that Henry was my great, great etc. grandpa. I would show my drivers license with my maiden name to “prove” my point. By the end of the explorers unit they would all get the joke. Some would write “grandpa” as on answer on a quiz or test. I remember my teaching days fondly. Weather here today is only in the 80’s. Gave a great day. Katherine
  23. Thank you to all who continue to keep this thread going. It is a wonderful place to visit. Prayers for all in need. Thank you, JazzyV, for mentioning our return home yesterday. The trip was great and Vision of the Seas, though an older ship, is in great shape. Hardest part of a cruise now is getting DH onto the ship and onto his scooter waiting in the cabin. Then all is good. Today will be spent unpacking and getting ready for repacking for Greenland trip. Weather is much more moderate today - yay! Hope it continues. Best wishes for a great day. Katherine
  24. Just to try to get folks feeling better if disappointed. Just got off Vision today. Ship is well maintained and staff was fabulous. IMHO — you will still have a nice cruise even though destination has changed. Katherine
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