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Everything posted by MJSailors

  1. @mo&fran I read your recent post about the treatments you will be having soon.I want to wish you strength, faith and love as you go on this journey to restore your health. If it helps, keep in mind that those people you haven’t met in person, but have gotten to β€œknow” on Dani’s thread are wishing you the best for your recovery. We are your cheering squad! MJ πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
  2. Hoping the cruise is less stressful , more relaxing and worth all the travails you faced in reaching Singapore. Such travel hurdles involved in a trip such as you undertook makes that kind of travel daunting for 70+ people. Thank you for being candid about your travels so far. MJ
  3. @cruise wizard We enjoyed several stays at Elbow Beach. It was a charming resort with a beautiful beach and pool. We enjoyed drinks in the Library-the lovely bar off of the lobby. MJ
  4. @Cruzinforpeace*** Thank you for your reply. Unfortunate that the St Regis does not reflect the charm of Bermuda. It seems that the modern esthetic for hotels is a minimalist look. That rate for one night stay there is incredible. It makes me wonder who the hotel is marketing to for reservations. It seems that taking a cruise ship to Bermuda is the best way to vacation there. MJ
  5. What was the name of the hotel near St Catherine’s beach? Is it rather new? We enjoyed staying at Elbow Beach and the Fairmont Southampton Princess. Unfortunately, both resorts are niw closed. Can I ask why you said yuck to the hotel. Glad you enjoyed your Bermuda vacation. We enjoyed trips there since 1983. MJ
  6. Just a heads up. My DH and I were on a Celebrity Summit cruise to Bermuda in early June. Early Thursday morning of the cruise I experienced intestinal upset that lasted for three hours. I felt nauseous for the remainder of the cruise. When we got home, I tested positive for Covid. What I thought was Noro was something else. Our family doctor said the C virus is showing up as intestinal symptoms. Those cases of Noro may be really Covid.. It is still out there! MJ
  7. Hoping all posting here on Dani’s thread are able to stay cool as so many parts of the US and the world are experiencing high temperatures this Summer. 😎 @Sea Dog Hoping your second surgery/recovery is easier than what you experienced with the first surgery. At least you will know how the procedure works as you have been through it. A good friend of mine had knee replacement surgery two weeks ago. She is recuperating at home, but she is having great difficulty. She uses a cold compression machine to help with the inflammation. Still, her range of motion is at 60% , but the Dr is looking for 90% . We keep in touch wilt daily texts as she is not comfortable to chat on the phone now. As to the Christmas decorations. In our area, some landscape companies put up decorations for clients as the gardening/mowing season is over and they have found a market to help people install their holiday decorations. Do you have such a service offered by landscapers in your area? Maybe something to look into. Take care everyone ! MJ πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
  8. Bimmer09 has just completed an excellent review of a recent cruise to Iceland and Ireland leaving Rotterdam. He stayed in Amsterdam and enjoyed touring the city for a few days pre and post cruise. He arranged private transportation betweenAmsterdam and Rotterdam. Check out his experience. MJ
  9. @bobmacliberty I think you requested some Manhattan hotel suggestions. In addition to the Michaelangelo, I would suggest The Warwick on 6th Ave close to Central Park and nearby to MSG and Broadway theatres. We had a one bedroom suite there that was very comfortable , although it had one bathroom. Unfortunately, the Waldorf is closed. We stayed there a number of times and did enjoy Sunday brunches at Peacock Alley. Hoping your NYC trip is most enjoyable! MJπŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
  10. @lenquixote66 Happy birthday, Lenny! Enjoy the celebration! @Luckynana A belated message of congratulations for your anniversary! @A&L_Ont Wishing you and Lisa an enjoyable vacation and anniversary celebration! To all those dealing with surgeries, health concerns , treatments and recoveries-I am wishing you better days in your journeys. Enjoy the weekend everyone! MJπŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
  11. @Sea Dog..”amazing coroners Sinatra, Martin, Davis and Darin…” I think you meant crooners ? Autocorrect can be surprising! Agree that Tony Bennett was one of the great ones! He was a native of Queens,NY too! MJπŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ @Sea Dog
  12. @DaniDanielle Goid that the Drs have determined your Charlie’s situation and that it can be addressed with medication. Wishing him continued improvement. @h20skibum Not good that your Susan tested positive. I do hope it is a mild case for her. I also avoided getting the virus until this June. My symptoms were intestinal, so I didn’t even think of testing until I felt miserable+. Too late to begin Paxlovid, so Dr said to ride it out , rest, fluids especially Pedialite or Gatorade to keep the electrolytes going. It has been about a month and I still get fatigued late in the day. Working on getting exercise and doing things to get my strength back. It is no joke. I think, in time, there will be no β€œC” virgins-everyone will get it. @Sea Dog Hoping your Linda can get some pain relief today. Wishing all who post here a pleasant day! MJπŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
  13. Probably not-Tortuga brand. Sad that the cake store plus the glassblowing business has been closed. MJ
  14. You mentioned shopping in Hamilton. Unfortunately, many of the lovely shops such as Trimimghams, Blucks and the Irish Linen Shop are closed. There are nice stores in the Hamilton Princess although high end. So, I am not certain how much shopping you will be able to do. MJ
  15. We purchased a rum cake in the liquor shop on the Summit this past June. The can also be bought on Amazon. MJ
  16. Norris-Looks pretty good for hospital grub! Is that the ubiquitous jello I see on the tray???? MJπŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
  17. Norris-Very glad that you have recovered enough to go home. Resting at home in familiar surroundings can be the best medicine. Although , I have to say that your hospital room was quite deluxe as it was a private room with an en suite bathroom and a view! I am not surprised that you have written a review of your hospital stay, but where are the food photos ?πŸ˜€ Sending continued good wishes for continued recovery. I have had bouts of pneumonia and double pneumonia in my time. It is no joke. Rest and taking the meds will bring you to feeling fine-it just takes time. Wishing you and Carol a good day! MJπŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
  18. @Sea Dog You will be on nursing duty to help your Linda with her hand surgery as it may limit what she can do for awhile. Not easy for you to do with a painful knee. Hoping the best for both of you. Take out dinners and delivered groceries will help. When I had Covid and hubby was healing his broken ribs, a friend offered to go grocery shopping. She got the essentials, but I did a major shop with Stop and Shop-a local grocery store. The online order and delivery worked nicely. Don’t be shy to ask for help during this time.πŸ˜‰ MJπŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
  19. @DaniDanielle Marietta-Sending positive thoughts your way. Hoping it is something the Drs just want to check and that your Charlie will be okay. MJπŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
  20. You could go to Trip Advisor for reviews of that Hilton property. The Hilton website is another source of information. MJ
  21. @Deck Chair Queen Carol -please give our good wishes to Norris for a quick and full recovery from my DH and me. We have both been enjoying reading his latest GSJ. When we returned home from a cruise on the Summit, this past June, I tested positive for Covid. On the cruise I had tummy issues, so I thought it was Noro or a β€œbug”. Our family Dr said a symptom of the Corona virus is intestinal issues. Still not feeling 100% as I get tired in the afternoons. No matter the cause, being ill is no fun. Hoping Norris makes good progress each day. MJπŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
  22. @havanadaydreaming Not necessarily good luck-good parenting , environment and genes for your children combined to create their good behavior and personalities. Interesting that posters are pointing out that the Venezia is home ported in NYC, alluding to the idea that the location is contributing to outrageous conduct on the ship. Other lines have chosen NYC as a home port -Cunard and NCL currently use the Manhattan Terminal with Princess occasionally using the pier (s) there. Are there reports of fights on these lines? The low fares ( under 2,000 for a suite?), the short length of some of the cruises.,the liberal drink package and passenger β€œdemographics” all contribute to the outlandish behavior that has been reported on the Carnival ships. Carnival could do things to change the reputation the line is receiving. Making known that certain respectful passenger conduct is expected and tightening security procedures could go a long way to improving the reputation of the Venezia and ships of the Carnival line. MJ
  23. @kwokpot Reading your trip report with interest as I have been following @Bimmer09 recap of his June cruise to Iceland on the Apex. He is finishing his report, so I am eager to read about your experiences on the ship and in Iceland. MJπŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
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