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Everything posted by smitty34877

  1. I was trying to reply to @crusing along that I also found the quote odd..I now realize that I had not finished my coffee.I really was ranting!
  2. Good morning to all.I have a lot of opinions regarding the quote but better keep them to myself....my feelings on the subject are not with my immediate family but "the world" in general. I will salute lighthouses and international friendship and like all the recipes. My executive chef would like the Mediterranean recipe if I can find good salmon.Sundays are not the best days to buy fish but I could pick up frozen fillets. This will be the first time I drive to the store and I only plan a quick trip. Today is quite warm. I have asked the teenager to walk the dogs for another week as it is presently a hard thing to do for me.I enjoy doing it but think the dogs are better off with him.JV Football practice starts this week and we are nervous about the hot and humid days.I remember worrying about this with my own son a long time ago. Amazing how time flies.
  3. Good morning. I walked to the corner with the dogs and had to rest on my steps for a while. The mind was willing but the body was not able. We have been to the port on a Eurodam Baltic cruise and took a short tour through the countryside to a pretty castle. Blues music has always been a favorite here and lately I have been wearing out an old John Mayhall CD that was popular in my youth. Tana tested negative this morning and reports improvement. We are all relieved. @Tbay,Sorry to hear DH was positive but wishing him a belated Happy Birthday as well as the same to DGS. @Cruzin single, Sorry for the lack of a blue bubble and sorry to hear of your definitive diagnosis of Pulmonary Fibrosis. Thanks to Debbie @dfish for the recipes. I am sticking to simpler things but we all like lentils here so I will save it.I havn't figured out dinner yet but will avoid heating up the kitchen. Terry
  4. Good morning. We have been to Bordeaux twice on the Prinsendam and always enjoyed our visits. I have not had oysters in a long time but love them. I also used to love beer but have not had any since drinking and I parted ways many years ago. This morning everyone but Tana tested negative. The nurse yesterday was hoping she would start to feel better by next week and we are all hoping for that. Happy Anniversary to @cunnorl Happy Birthday to the DGD of @Sharon in AZ
  5. Good morning to all. I will celebrate daughters,daughters in law and chocolate chip cookies and look forward to port pictures. @lazey1, a very Happy Belated Birthday @Cruzin Terri, hope all goes well today @StLouisCruisers have a safe trip and a wonderful visit We are doing well here except for Tana and await the hospice nurse today. Hopefully there are suggestions that can help.We are all still positive which is to be expected. I know DH is feeling better since he is able to enjoy reading again.Our teenage dog walker is complaining of the heat when taking our furry friends out and told me this morning that he is " beyond bored". He certainly sounds normal to me! I ventured into the kitchen and now have vegetarian chili and a lentil soup simmering. It felt good to chop vegetables and stir things. Terry
  6. Good morning. I love the recipes thanks Debbie @dfish.dfish.I am sorry that Donna has tested positive and hope you and Sue continued to be negative. Oh my on the lost luggage. We continue to feel slowly better except for Tana and DH who have had fevers,night sweats and coughing.Tana's pulmonary fibrosis diagnosis and constant O2 use complicates the situation significantly. Of course, I am a world class worrier and have to work at remaining calm when things get a little dicey. I would actually enjoy being able to clean our floors but will wait until I have some endurance.They need it! The heat is making a return to our area starting later today and tomorrow. @Cruzin Terri, safe travels and I hope the pain is relieved. @cat shepard, and @StLouisCruisers, thanks for the good wishes. @aliaschief I am very much enjoying your pictures and commentary. Thank you. Terry
  7. I think what you are doing is just a beautiful thing and as you know,dogs know who cares for them and respond as best they can. I don't understand people being critical. My DSIL had a young rescue puppy shortly after my brother died and says that they rescued each other.
  8. Good morning to all. I am starting to feel human again and DD,DSIL also report feeling better.Our teenager has taken over dog walking for short distances. DH and Tana report they are less congested.It is progress! We have not been to the port but love the pictures thus far,thanks Sandi @StLouisCruisers. I especially like the picture of the two of you with the captain. I will celebrate the days and save the recipe for another time. Pizza is being delivered this evening, thanks to a lovely neighbor.I do not have much enthusiasm for food which is so unlike me. @kazu,Jacqui, Little is just so cute and it sounds as if she is progressing. The flowers in your garden are beautiful. Take care everyone. Terry
  9. Thanks to so many are in order and I did not mean to leave anyone out. @puppycanducruise, @ger_77, @Quartzsite Cruiser,. @marshhawk and @srdancer to name a few.We just got another soup delivery as well as a beautiful fruit platter from our next door neighbor. People are so kind and you are all appreciated.
  10. Debbie, we have received soup and several covered dishes from 3 different neighbors. They call to say they are leaving food for both houses and it lands on our doorstep. We are very fortunate. My DSIL is doing the dog walking in a limited way.DD,Tana and I appear to be having a competition for who can sleep the most. orrow… Thank you so much.Enjoy the last sea day and Boston. And thank you @lazey1. Tried to multiiquote but apparently it is way beyond me today.
  11. Good afternoon. Sorry to be so late.The general feeling in our two houses here is that we feel as if we were hit by a truck.I am not capable of much activity and neither is anyone else. Hopefully things will improve soon.We appreciate all the good wishes,thank you to all. @Paw13, Pauline,welcome to the lovely group. @JazzyV, Vanessa, hopefully you will feel more relief with your knee in a few days.Sometimes I would feel changes for about a week after injection. I love the recipes today but I think I will have cereal later. Terry
  12. Thank you for your concern Jacqui. I am sorry you and Shadow had a setback and hope for a good day today. The three month anniversary of Jose’s passing has to be very difficult. I am thinking of all three of you today.
  13. Good morning Dailyites. Thank you so much for the prayers and good wishes for our family. Roy @rafinmd I appreciate being included on the care list,thanks. We are managing so far although DH and Tana seem to have more complicated symptoms. A very special thank you to so many: @TheKingD, @ger_77, @durangoscots, @Quartzsite Cruiser, @marshhawk, @JazzyV, @bennybear, @Seasick Sailor, @StLouisCruisers, @AncientWanderer, @mamaofami, @grapau27, @srdancer @Cruzin Terri and @Cruising-along. I hope I remembered everyone. We have been to Haines,like the recipes and always celebrate Mutt or any type of Dog day here. Terry
  14. DH is 74 and I am 68. we both have medical issues but our real worry is our Tana. I am so glad the medication helped and we are hoping it helps everyone. Thank you for your good wishes.
  15. Good morning to all. We have been to Porto and enjoyed our day there. I will spare you my pictures. Thanks to Tina for the recipes and tofu ideas. I often make tofu dishes for myself and have them for lunch. The peanut sauce sounds wonderful. Well I am sure it is not a surprise to anyone that we all are testing positive for Covid this morning. My DH has a number of medical problems and I am worried about him but we are all concerned about Tana.Three of us will start the pavloxid and we will all hope for the best. Our neighbors are still testing positive but said all their cases were mild. Let us hope that is the story here. Terry
  16. Good morning everyone Thanks for the Daily/Fleet Report and all of fine contributors. Tigers are majestic and deserving of a day.Lasagna is always a big hit here in any form but will have to wait for cooler weather. We have not been to the port but I am very much enjoying the pictures. I have had the Swedish variation of this soup and my executive chef wants to try the second recipe.I may have to make something else for some of the group. So far, only our teen ager is positive for covid.I am crossing fingers and toes hoping that it stays that way. Terry
  17. Good morning. It will be back to hot and humid here but it was nice to have a day off.We have been to the port and very much enjoyed it.It was on a British Isles cruise with my DB and SIL.As we noted last year, Sandi and I were on the European Rivers cruise at the same time in 2018 but did not cross paths unfortunately. That was our last cruise. We have a Farmers Market type store here that routinely has cut up and peeled butternut squash.I like all of the recipes and will try the second one soon.Thanks, Tina @0106! Tana's son now has Covid.We tested everyone else and so far are negative. He says he is feeling "a little lousy" and is very worried about Mom getting it again.This is his second time. Terry
  18. Thanks for the great pictures of Shadow. She is a beauty.
  19. @lindaler I am so sorry about your fall.Make sure everything is alright in the coming days. @marshhawk,I hope you are really ok.Please get yourself checked out if things feel odd tomorrow.
  20. Good morning.It us a little cooler again today and will reach normal temps in the mid eighties later.We went to St Petersburg on the Eurodam and very much enjoyed seeing The Hermitage. It was August,hot and crowded and a little daunting for a short person like me.I had a gard time keeping our guide within sight.I would not go there now and I am surprised that it is listed on some itineraries. @kazu, Shadow will love her new home and I am sure you can help her with your prior experience. I am sorry I used " he" yesterday in reference to her.I think all dogs are male like our two, haha. We have a bagpiper on our street who looks impressive when dressed to play at an Emerald Society function. The entire street can hear him practicing. Sometimes dogs start to howl. I am not a baker either so will pass on the recipe today.The Ropa Viejo recipe was made with 2 instapots.DD made the portobello one and I made the meat one.We had a feast last night and there is enough for more tonight.Yes! We found out yesterday that our very kind neighbor and occasional Tana transporter has covid again. His wife is also positive but the two teenagers are negative so far.Our teenager is with them a great deal so we have tested and hope he will not get it. Terry
  21. @Sharon in AZ I am sorry to hear about DM.I hope she feels better soon
  22. I am glad Chuck did not have to undergo a biopsy.I also appreciate the courage you showed in telling your story. I can see that you have created many positive situations for yourself and I am glad you found us.
  23. Did anyone else see the incredibly moving clip of Joni Mitchell and Brenda Carlisle at the Newport Jazz festival this weekend? She has had a long recovery process from a brain aneurysm in 2015 and was ableto both sing and play her guitar.The joy on her face was something to see. After I stopped boo hoo crying....
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