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dani negreanu

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Everything posted by dani negreanu

  1. [ "places" that Helen & Marty were planning to see @FromSea2ShiningSea ] I assume it's only a question of how many days off work you can take? No worries, those places are here and they'll wait for you when the time is right πŸ™‚ And I'm curious which cruise line visits the Holy Land in January? πŸ˜• Same here, Helen & Marty, pls. keep them coming @FromSea2ShiningSea
  2. Helen, I had the date of October 23rd penciled in my calendar for some months... And I was thinking a lot today about what could have been. So sorry we couldn't wave even from afar, but, hopefully, another opportunity, not only to wave, will arise soon. At least "we" could learn from your friends "inside" experience with the goings in the port of Ashdod, and see if it would be easier to meet in the future. Take care and stay healthy, both of you 😘
  3. I'm so glad that I had the foresight to give preference to all the long haul flights when our son was a flight attendant. We took the opportunity of very reduced prices to fly Business Class to Sydney, LA, NY, HK and Singapore, and also to a land tour of Beijing/The Great Wall.... I've always quipped that the only way for me to reach Sydney will be either sedated or Business Class.... not knowing then that the "kid" will fulfill my wish.... @FromSea2ShiningSea Helen and @Luckynana Maryann, We're also on the fence, after 2 Vax and 2 Boosters, with me getting Covid, albeit mild symptoms but with a very long lingering fatigue... We're now invited to get the 3rd Booster [aka 5th shot], which is supposed to guard against "Omicron & Sons"πŸ˜‰. In speaking with friends, vaxed and boosted like us, nobody took the 3rd.... Yet. Lessening the symptoms vs. an unknown booster.
  4. That's the pic I've sent to the kids and friends, with the caption: "the tiny Romanian from Bucharest has made it to the other half of the world 😁".... We were just out of the CQ underground station, straight from the airport, on our way to the hotel, jet lagged and in awe.
  5. Thanks !!! Just went online to thank you for the sculpture's pics also on behalf of DH, who enjoyed them very much. We strolled by the OPT everyday, since we're staying at the [then] Holiday Inn Old Sydney, and took the ferry to Bondi Beach one day.
  6. So glad you had an enjoyable experience at Chef's Table 🌷 And, yes, personally, I like the posts "separated", as @Biker19 suggested πŸ™‚
  7. Beautiful pics, Helen, and nice weather too 😘 We had one of the best meals ever at the Market, fresh products and every thing. Bought some excellent parmesan, for a fraction of the price we pay here... Thanks for sharing. More, please 🌷
  8. @Sunshine3601 Same here, Debbie, it took me at least 3 months to go back to 100%.... But, after hearing about other, very unpleasant, lingering aspects, I'm OK with the fatigue. Imagine, a foodie like me, loosing her smell and taste... Horrible.
  9. Aussie, it is amazing to me to see your pictures (at least those around the Rocks, the Bridge and the Opera House) and to say to myself: "Oh, we've strolled here too, or we have the same pic with Ovation in port"... For us, it was quite an achievement to travel "down under", with such a long, daunting flight. Thank you again for posting, and please, keep them coming.
  10. Thank you for taking the time to write such an informative and detailed review. Do you, by sheer chance, remember the name of the restaurant?πŸ™‚
  11. DH is experimenting.... made gnocchi from purple sweet potatoes. Very tasty, though some improvement is needed on their appearances πŸ˜‰.
  12. Calling the port of Ashdod "Dead Sea" is like calling La Spezia "Firenze"....
  13. My two cents -- Kauai. Breathtaking beauty overload. Speaking of which, Bob -- I was riveted to all your pictures, mainly the helicopter ones, which afforded me to see other views of this beautiful island. We were lucky to see many sights of the Waimea Canyon, up until the Pu'u O Kila Lookout, which, by the time we got there, was the "whiteish" version of pea soup. No amount of blowing air could move the thick fog... [here my cousin is disappointed, whereas her hubby is taking it in a stride]. At least we saw this amazing view at the chickens' "domain" πŸ˜‰
  14. Same here - on both counts. Thank you 🌷 And your cat is very handsome.
  15. Maryann, I haven't the "foggiest" idea πŸ˜• Yours truly, after struggling with her usual worries, just fells asleep at this hour.... OTOH, DH is already "marching" on the beach and taking pics πŸ˜‰ The water temperature nowadays is ~80F, and outside temp is ~77F.
  16. Might be OBC from "group booking" which usually is not refundable.
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