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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. If sun isn’t an issue, check where the smoking deck is as smoke can waft around.
  2. I still think QV will remain our favourite but QA does look interesting. Hopefully the loos will have had their display of petulance on the maiden and will flush and any hinges, swiftly replaced. Creaks 'r us on any ship [try sleeping easily in 6204 on QV in 'active' seas!!!] so ear plugs at the ready. Without wishing my life away, I'm looking forward to trying her out. As we have four cruises booked on her, we WILL like her!!😀
  3. We don't tip for room service as we give our butler something at the end of the cruise as our personal thank you. If not in QG, we would follow BklynBoy8 's mode of thought.
  4. Part of my childhood. Most Brits, and possible Americans too, of a certain age will identify with the thrill of going to F.W.Woolworths of a Saturday [for me] and spending part of my pocket money filling my triangular white paper bag on a selection of pick n mix sweets. It's a phrase I use for my total treat of a Lido buffet lunch [daren't make dinner 🙂] with an eclectic mix of flavours all on one plate, just like yours, except I'd have had more sushi on the plate!
  5. OMGoodness, a pick 'n mix. Love those flavours and is that sushi on the same plate as onion rings? Looks fabulous as a real treat!
  6. Devil's advocate here, the information is there, but then when potentially spending thousands of pounds, I personally check the t&cs. I ask.
  7. There isn't a cat in hell's chance I would have thanked my Latin teachers for the lesson. Pure purgatory!! The funny thing is, when my son started Latin in secondary school, I loved helping him and found my love of words actually stemmed from Latin classes decades ago, Funny old world!
  8. What I would like to know jam19872016 . is what will you do for double entrées/puds and late night snacks when you get home. Indian night? Total yum!! Us snobs up in in QG always ask for an Indian night, and an Italian night, and crispy duck and...😄
  9. Ha, all boys eh? Our greeting from the Latin mistress was salvete puellae. She said whatever you forget [most as far as I was concerned] you will always remember amo amas amat, amamas amatis amant. She wasn't wrong!!
  10. Not a clue as I don't use them. They're table decoration as far as I'm concerned, Britannia or QG!
  11. Still not too clever with photos, but salt and pepper pots a la QG a couple of years ago.
  12. Gulp! I had no idea dressing for dinner was almost a science, or would that be an 'ology'! I wonder what my approach would be called...careless perhaps? 😀
  13. Wow. Luckily, I always know what's packed and where as I list it when it goes in but that's for insurance purposes should I ever need to claim. One of the current threads is making me think twice about the level of cover we have! I'm afraid I still can't get my head around such minute detail of what to wear and when but, it seems I might be in the minority. I look in the wardrobes about five mins before dressing for dinner, to decide what to wear.
  14. I could comment with a great add on to this, but HH would probably delete because of lack of decency and decorum not fitting of the Cunard board!😂
  15. I had to look it up after reading this. It will forever give a whole new meaning to a pineapple upside down cake.
  16. I agree plus I loved the nook and seating and although architecturally, the sisters' libraries are more interesting [think spiral staircase], I think the QM2 library, more library'ish.
  17. Similar to my NY resolutions. They generally get tossed on Jan 2nd! 😀 I'm afraid I'm a last minute toss it in the case packer as all my 'cruise clothes' could be worn every night, apart from my formal dresses and again, it's choose and pack the day before. My packing method hasn't let me down yet!
  18. You will have to forgive me and I know I've said this before, but I can't get over planning a wardrobe to that finer detail. You'll be telling me you have a what to wear and when spreadsheet next! 🙂 I look at what I've brought with me and depending on how I feel, decide on the night.
  19. It will be interesting to see how Cunard stocks QA's library. Transfer of some books from her sisters and all ships getting a fresh injection or completely new. If the latter, that's a hell of an undertaking. The closet librarian in me would LOVE to be part of that. 🙂 I'll put that down as something to report on next year.
  20. and possibly, the light is on but no-one is at home!
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