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Everything posted by rkacruiser

  1. Your hope may be starting to be fulfilled with the advent of the beverage packages that are being offered. Even on the likes of HAL. Friends on the Zuiderdam currently have reported that on the first night out of Vancouver, in the Pinnacle Grill, an table near-by with 4 guests had obviously taken advantage of their package (assuming they had one) and were loud and "very happy". Upon leaving, some of the Stewards had to help them exit the PG. One does not expect to see that on a HAL vessel, particularly when dining in a specialty restaurant such as the Pinnacle Grill.
  2. Capriccio offers good advice and suggestions. I have tried the Jungle Queen and the water taxis sailing on all of the routes that were then available, but, not the Carrie B. The water taxi may be most suitable for you, I think. I enjoyed the scenic cruises and the narration provided.
  3. I would expect the larger hotel restaurants would be open.
  4. Add in the geopolitical issues, we are in very, very unsettled times. Putin is doing the same type of stuff that Hitler did in the '40's. Only, now, his "toys" are worse than Hitler's were. History repeats itself over and over and over. It's doing it again. In my opinion. Homo sapiens are, without a doubt, an intelligent species. But, when it comes to learning from History, we are the dumbest of the Earth's species. A Zoology professor of mine said: "The last beings on a dying planet will be an insect, preening its wings, in the glow of a dying Sun." Hope I don't live to see that era, but, I truly do believe that Professor Bradshaw will be proven correct. Or close to it.
  5. There is a thread in the Floataway Forum about the cruise industry and the market. One of our posters posted very interesting questions about this announcement. It is a good thread to read. Consider joining us.
  6. Surely are advantages to be docked where you were as compared to where I was. My visit to the Shanghai Museum was cut slightly short so that we could return to the Volendam docked--as you said--30 minutes away.
  7. Elemis products are fine with me. But, I miss the Yellow Bar Soap that once was available. Elemis or not? I don't know. But, for lavatory use, it was great!
  8. A "breath of fresh air" is what I experienced as an experienced cruiser when I said as a YC guest. Have not tried what NCL offers--and from what I have learned, won't be doing so--but, MSC has found a "sweet spot" for me with YC.
  9. It makes no difference which side of the ship your cabin is on for most cruises and that includes Alaska cruises. A trans-Atlantic crossing? Then, maybe if one wants some Sun during part of the day, the side does make a difference.
  10. My experience was on Royal Princess, Regal's slightly older sister; same Class of vessel. There is a thermal suite/hydrotherapy pool that has a steam room and a sauna, but, I don't think a cold room. There are showers near the pool, one of which is a really cold one. The facility is not free. Whether there are these free amenities on the upper decks, I don't know. Had no interest in such; didn't investigate.
  11. It really is a different cruise experience when one has experienced a severe storm.
  12. Marinated Baby Octopus as part of an Antipasto platter is what I have had and I liked it. Never have tried it grilled.
  13. HAL's Teas are too early at that hour. 4 PM is "tea time". But, that would interfere with HH which starts at 4PM, which is earlier than I prefer.
  14. When the Volendam had to dock at a cargo pier some distance from Shanghai in 2002, it was not a terrible distance from the downtown docks.
  15. Octopus, I have seen in the seafood department's fresh case. Squid? No. I will look the next time I am in the store. My community has Italian restaurants, of course. But, good? Yes, but, other than Calamari rings that might be on the menu (and most of those would be of the "rubber band chewing" variety). The best was one that closed several years ago. The owner retired and no one else was interested in continuing the business.
  16. Walking from the Palm Garage to/from Terminal 18 is neither safe nor recommended. You might be able to park in the Garage adjacent to Terminals 2 and 4, but, it would still be an unsafe and somewhat long walk to Terminal 18. Also consider that parking so far away from your Terminal, after your cruise, you will be delayed in "getting on the road" plus having to deal with traffic at Terminal 18 with both departing and arriving guests. You might be wise to consider an off-site parking company that has a garage and use their shuttle. (I know of no off--site parking company that has a garage; never had any interest in trying to find one.)
  17. 🤣 I enjoy learning! Thanks for your reply and its preparation is interesting; does sound good, though. Buy squid locally? 🤣 The reaction that I would get from the Seafood Department Manager at my local upscale grocer if he could obtain squid would be the same as when I asked their Cheese Department Manager if they could obtain some Tasmanian cheese that I liked. "Why do you want that?" Did I get that cheese? No. The results would be the same for the squid.
  18. This was an advertising gimmick as Holland America Lines was transitioning to Holland America Cruises. (Then, years later, returned to Holland America Line.) It was an attempt to make their cruise offerings different from the major Caribbean cruise lines offering itineraries of similar and cruise lengths at that time.
  19. OP, you need to do some research on your own and see the differences between the Signature Suites and the Neptune Suites.
  20. I admit this attempt was not one of the best decisions that I have ever made. But, surely didn't expect the result of that decision. The only compensation in which I wanted was a payment of my medical claim from my travel insurance. My accident was in no way the fault of HAL.
  21. Most of the ships have that box on the Front Office Desk. Might say something about a contact for the Guest Relations Manager. Many cruisers, I think, are unaware of this person. She/he is easier to arrange a meeting than the Hotel Director. So much for HAL "going green"? If his service warranted an extra gratuity at the end of my cruise, he would receive it. If not, he wouldn't. How many bartenders serve me during a cruise? How many bartenders would meet such a standard? (None, in my opinion, unless I am a regular patron at their bar, they recognize that, and their service warrants such recognition.)
  22. I believe the starboard side of the ship is the preferred side for facing the island. Makes it easier for the Master to sail from that position. When I visited the island, I did not see a tug. Things change!
  23. 😲 How does one stuff a squid? The Genus name for Squid is Loligo. Because of my Zoology education, I remember an Invertebrate Zoology professor (whom I dearly admired) had some interesting stories about the animals we were studying. A story about Loligo has remained in my memory for 60 years, now. "Polynesians would catch these animals and eat them as if they were candy. They called them 'Loligo'.) Which was, of course, their Genus name. That was rather repulsive to me as a college Sophomore. It has taken me many, many years to try Calamari. And, the first time I ordered Antipasto in Rome and found some baby Octopus tentacles among the items. Should I eat these "things" or not? I finished my glass of wine and tried them. I survived and it was another learning experience for me. Calamari is not my first choice for an appetizer. Like some other foods, I think it has to do with its preparation. I have had Calamari that chewed/tasted like rubber bands. I have had Calamari that was tender and rather good. But, I cannot forget "what I am eating! But, how does one stuff a squid? Split the trunk? Stuff it with what?
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