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Everything posted by rkacruiser

  1. For a cocktail/mixed drinks, you are correct. The proper proportion of the ingredients is important. For a CC-7 which is my usual drink, if not wine, the more CC the better. One exception to this was a Bloody Mary that I ordered on MSC Meraviglia when I was a Yacht Club guest. I expected to order 2 of these that late morning. When the mid-ship's pool bar bartender recognized me as a YC guest, the Vodka pour was very generous. One Bloody Mary was quite enough!
  2. One never knows what the snacks will be. Maybe Bitterballen might make a sudden appearance. I will give credit to HAL for some canapes that have been creative in what was prepared. They sometimes serve in their shot glasses some interesting liquid creations that sometimes appear unusual, but, often are quite good. One HH, a 3 part dish was served with olives, potato chips, and I don't remember what. The olives were good; the potato chips were good (and something different). Whatever #3 was, it was good as well. Variety is the "spice of life".
  3. Some do and some don't. If the bartender knows you from past cruises and recalls your past generosity to him/her, no, the pours can be very generous. This is may be one reason why some choose to leave a gratuity when they leave a bar.
  4. This is a different itinerary that the Amsterdam offered when I sailed on her, but, it is a good one. Prince Rupert, Valdez, Kodiak: not often visited. Only Kodiak is the one of the three that I have visited and it was worth it. A small Alaskan community so different from those on the Inside Passage; enjoyed a Russian Tea in a small home/facility that was much more than what I would have expected as a "Tea". A local small musical group provided Russian music as a background. A very good experience.
  5. A white dinner jacket! I have wanted one of those for many years. But, as often as I end up with wearing spots of my dinner, I never thought it to be practical. The closest that I came was a beautiful powder blue trimmed in black dinner jacket. (That was my first formal wear in 1980.)
  6. Different views for different people. It is never out of fashion to be appropriately dressed for the occasion. That is what "reality" has been, what it now is, and will be for the future.
  7. So far not an epidemic or pandemic. But, if some people continue to ignore getting vaccinated against preventable diseases.......
  8. What also should be considered by a potential Alaskan cruiser is the Alaska oriented onboard program offered. My experience is with HAL and Princess. I know and have recommended both with the edge going to Princess. Other cruise lines? No knowledge, but, it is a "question" that, I think, most Alaska cruisers don't consider.
  9. A bit of realism is required, I think. Polio was once thought to have "gone away". It's back.
  10. Mary229, What a wonderful new and different thing to do in Vancouver! I doubt that I would ever had thought of it. Thanks for the idea!
  11. Assuming that the OP's wife was assisted by the Medical Department on the Oosterdam, that type of documentation would be provided by the medical staff. When I have had a medical claim to be filed with my travel insurance, that's where I received my documents.
  12. Yes, that flight has been re-started on a 767-300.
  13. If she sails as such, I will believe it. I am awaiting the sailing of Titanic II.
  14. 100% agree. But, it is interesting that those who have been fortunate not enough to experience the sooty conditions of some of those aft staterooms think little of our experiences.
  15. No idea whether the steaks are of the same quality in YC as in Butcher's Cut. What beef I ate in YC met my expectations as to flavor and tenderness. I would have to review my journal, but, I think I ordered more of the different pasta entrees and seafood than I did beef or pork.
  16. This is an interesting thought. Maybe another step towards the day when this darn virus will become a nuisance and like some other illnesses are? There are those who get a flu shot and still develop flu symptoms. I look forward to the day--doubt it will come very soon--when a Covid vaccination will be part of one's string of vaccinations and required.
  17. Remember both! While I don't rank Iceland as a country where I wish to return, your reports and pictures reminded me of the experiences and vistas that I enjoyed during my visits. Thank you.
  18. One of my most significant memories of my three visits to Greenland have been the small cultural shows which included teen-agers performing native dancing, church choirs, and, always, coffee and cake. A very welcoming and warm people.
  19. OP, donaldsc's suggestion for more information is valid for us to provide you with the most help. Personally, I prefer HAL and Princess. HAL because their vessels are a bit better sized for Alaska cruises as well as having the Crow's Nest available for comfortable scenic cruising, particularly when the weather is poor. Princess' vessels are larger and, in my opinion, really are not appropriate for Alaska cruising. But, obviously, many disagree with me. Both Princess and HAL have very good onboard Alaska programs with Princess having the edge over HAL. My most recent Alaska cruises were in 2019 aboard the Westerdam and the Coral Princess. Coral Princess was just the right size for Alaska cruises, but, may not sail any future itineraries there.
  20. On any long cruise that I have sailed, such as the world cruise, if segments are available to be booked, I will offer any additional gratuities at the end of each segment.
  21. An interesting comment. The sports and teams that may interest may not interest others. I can quickly determine this. Particularly for NFL Teams, I have had some interesting discussions with others. Most of those times, these discussions are best held in the ship's sports bar or some other watering hole.
  22. 😀 Maybe the goal of this program is to change the image of HAL from those who will soon be deceased to rival the reputation of Carnival's Fun Ships? 😀 Another example of marketing that I don't understand (nor appreciate) just to keep up with "the others" that offer such packages? A couple of very pleasant benefits advantages of HH is the connection with other guests that frequent that event. Many are regulars; some newbies arrive from day to day. I have noticed that these newbies often return and join our pleasant group. The other benefit is the continuance of the canapes and snacks served during that time. Some warm; some cold. Most are all good. But, I have noticed the lack of a previous "regular": Bitterballen.
  23. Excellent thoughts! How many dozens---hundreds--have I read on CC in recent years support the thought that HAL has "lost direction" as to the guest experience it wants to offer? I get a bit of soft "ridicule" when I say that this began after Mr. Kruse received a promotion. But, wasn't that when we welcomed the arrival of that "expert and experienced cruise executive" of Mr. Ashford? Has their been positive changes? Yes. The Music Walk concept being, I think, the major entertainment one. The addition of Sel del Mer being a dining concept that works and--if there is any tinkering with this as a pop-up on those ships that require this--it will not encourage me to make another -Dam booking.
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