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Everything posted by BonTexasNY

  1. Our room in Vegas wasn't ready either. 🀣 I had a major handsome teacher for 8th grade science. At least I THINK it was science. All I remember was HIM. All of us girls just stared at him starting the first day of school and continued to do so for the rest of the semester. He often sang in class and we girls just sat there swooning. After his teaching stint that only lasted that one year, he became an actor and had parts in an old TV show starring George C Scott, "East Side West Side" as well as in "The Waltons" among other tv and movie parts. He passed away in 2012 at the age of 79. Rest in peace, Mr. Ratner (stage name Victor Arnold) Oh that face!
  2. When our daughter was approx. 8, we went to Vegas for Jack's trade show at the Vegas Hilton. Our daughter opened our hotel room door. We were all in for a surprise but not as surprised as the couple IN the room IN bed preoccupied, definitely NOT sleeping. They both stopped and looked like they were going to have heart attacks. We stood there like statues and then Jack quickly shut the door and we fled down to the check in desk in the lobby. We were compted for our entire stay. Not sure what the couple in our room got. 😏
  3. EEk, this was not the post I intended to respond to. I wish there was a "sorry" button. Hard to "like" the contents of some posts. Dani and Marietta, such sad days hopefully bring blessings of happy memories. For those with parents, treasure them. Today would have been my parents' 82nd wedding anniversary.
  4. What a scary time in Israel. Unfortunately, one of many. BTW if you ever want a tour of her place let me know and I'll let her know. You mentioned if you ever sell your current place, it might be an option. She's one of the best people I know and would be very welcoming. I thought the exact same thing.
  5. I don't understand. Was she in the movie? If she was, what part did she play? I've seen her a few times on Ed Sullivan. Talented lady.
  6. We cruised out of NY harbor a few months after 911. As we cruised around lower Manhattan where the twin towers once stood, we saw a Coast Guard boat very close to us. All of a sudden, all the merriment on board our ship stopped and there was a hush as we all passed that sacred site. We then started to clap in appreciation for all the Coast Guard and first responders have done. They waved back at us. I'll never forget it. Next year will mark the 20th anniversary of our moving to Texas. When talking to people, and not telling them where I'm from, I am asked on many occasions "where in NY are you from"? They just know! Jack has an Israeli accent and when he tells people his name, he pronounces it "Jock". Oftentimes people think he's French. 🀣
  7. I just finished watching Funny Girl on you tube. Newly married and living in Israel, we went to see it for the first time. When Barbra sang "Don't Rain on My Parade", passing the Statue of Liberty on a tug boat, I was a choked up mess. It was at that moment when I KNEW we would have to come back to NY to live. And we did. In case some don't know in here, Jack, an Israeli, met me in NY while he was on vacation. He proposed and we decided to move to Israel where we married. How weird we live in Texas now. That's another story for another time.
  8. Sounds like you had a lovely day out with your daughter. Prices everywhere are insane! However, just paid $2.39 a gallon in Plano, TX. We were happy with that!
  9. My sister in law sold her apartment on Abba Hillel Street in Ramat Gan, Israel before the scud war. That street had a direct hit and the building where she and her family lived previously was totally destroyed. When we visited a few months after the scud war, I told her how awful it could have been if they had still lived there. She said if she still lived there, she would have gotten a new apartment. She is the most optimistic and resilient woman I know. Dani, I hope you get to meet her one day.
  10. Wonderful review and those desserts! I am sitting here salivating.
  11. Glad all is well. I hope Andrew wasn't too frightened at school sheltering in place. Since we moved to TX in 2003, it seems more tornadoes hit Tarrant County than where we live. Beautiful orchids, beautiful balcony, beautiful women, yummy food. Fires are scary and the important thing is that your friend and her husband are ok. Will they be able to remain home during renovations? Seems like a shopping spree is in the works.
  12. We had a torrential windy downpour plus a tornado warning not long ago. Not a watch, a warning. Went into our bathroom, the only interior room with no windows. Tornado siren didn't last long and now it's clear and sunny! That's Texas weather. @George C and @TravelGirlinDallasBethany live in my county. Hope you're all ok.
  13. Thanks for all the info. Do you know if there's a specific line to get taxis when you disembark? Our hotel is keeping our car for the duration of our cruise, so we have to cab it to and from the terminal. Hotel doesn't have a shuttle. TIA
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