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Everything posted by BonTexasNY

  1. Arzeena, the gal Lenny and I mentioned posted on our message board daily for more years than I remember, but longer than this thread which was why we were so concerned. The poster who found out what happened did not stalk to find out what happened. She just used the info Rachel posted herself. It's hard to read about someone's personal life for approx. 5 years daily and then poof never see her posts again without knowing what happened to her. Yes, there is a fine line but in Rachel's case it was warranted. One more thing. If your post was not directed at me and Lenny, why mention our names? It's all good. This is a place of genuine concern. That's all folks. Taylor's house is up for sale and might have been sold already. Safe Haven. Yes, a very good movie with a very exceptionally moving ending.
  2. Yes, Rachel. The only reason we found out about her was that a poster took it upon herself to do some deep detective work. This goes to show that no matter how many people you email or call, the majority of posters are out of our reach.
  3. Thank you all for your Anniversary wishes to me and Jack. John, I really am flattered and impressed that you went out of your way to send us Hebrew wishes. Jack is out running errands and will love reading your and Dani's posts as well as the English ones. I once thanked everyone by name for something posted awhile ago on another thread. I forgot one person who actually took offense. At first I thought she was joking but nope, she wasn't. So, this mass thank you will have to suffice. Please know I think of each and every one of you individually with kindness and gratitude.
  4. Today is our 53rd wedding anniversary. Just doesn't seem possible. Jack and I spent the day going to some of our favorite shops, had a delicious 2 glass Moscato relaxing Italian lunch. Just enjoying being with each other made it a perfect anniversary. I couldn't ask for a better one. @Sunshine3601 Debbie so glad you and Eric both will be cruising very soon. Time to relax, de-stress, rejuvenate and just.....be.
  5. Has anyone currently on Symphony posted their opinion in here? If the test menu goes fleetwide I'm going to miss my salmon dinner, my go to meal when nothing on the regular menu looks appealing.
  6. I have emailed 3 in here but that's just a "drop in the bucket" considering how many post in here. Dinner is ready. @Jimbo's pasta fagioli soup and an Israeli salad. Very international!
  7. Many years ago, I frequented an aol chatroom that had IMs which was great to send a private message in real time. One of the "chatters" IMd that he was going in for a procedure and he wanted his wife to email me with the results if not good and if he had to be away from the chatroom. I was so flattered and honored that he would trust me with this information so others in the room wouldn't wonder what happened to him. A week later I got the wonderful news that he did great and was cancer free. BTW we had been chatting in that room for over 5 years so I totally trusted him. I also met people who met him personally. Can't be too careful, right?
  8. Back from my eye doc. Everything is healing beautifully. I just have to keep applying refresh eye drops to lubricate my eye. It's amazing how much better I can see now. So clear! Lenny, I'm sure you didn't mean November, 2016. I doubt HBE went on a cruise. Hopefully, he's just busy and hasn't found time to post. This is the problem with most online friendships when you don't share personal info like phone numbers, emails, etc., which also might not be answered. We just have to hope for the best that all is well.
  9. I'll be the first one to say it. As far as those "lighthouse" cookies, I'm thinking......male anatomy. Had 2nd cataract surgery yesterday. I think I'm the only one in existence who experiences pain a day after surgery. Dr appointment this morning.
  10. Debbie, so sorry to read about Eric's mother's passing. It's a blessing she didn't suffer. Jack always said a person has to have luck in death as well as in life. Whatever you decide about your cruise, it will be a good decision because it will one both you and Eric made.
  11. Dani, I was thinking of Maryann getting a 2nd opinion also. AND, if we ever meet, in Israel or on a cruise, a bag of pecans is on me. Maryann, I hope all the insurance work is done on your part.
  12. I lived approx. 10-15 mins from the TZ bridge. It will always be the TappanZee bridge to me, just like Avenue of the Americas in Manhattan will always be 6th Avenue. Off to breakfast with friends. Delightful day today, bright sunshine mid to high 60s.
  13. Many thanks for bringing Christmas and Hanukkah joy (the latter often overlooked) to our thread. So very special and much appreciated! Have you heard Adam Sandler's Hanukkah songs? There are a few but I like the 1st one best. So silly but funny.
  14. Awesome picture. Brings a lump to my throat seeing my hometown so beautifully displayed especially with the Statue of Liberty in front.
  15. Beautiful family, beautiful pictures. So glad you're having fun. Paradise Beach is our go to place in Cozumel. Our turn on Adventure is in 2-1/2 months. First cruise in 4 years. Enjoy the rest of your cruise and have safe travels home.
  16. Oops my bad. Yes, #29 is "Going Rogue". Sue, be prepared for your heart to melt in approx. less than a month. When she'll grab your finger and smile at you, you'll be a goner, forever in love. Such a wonderful, indescribable feeling. You and Rick will be over the moon!
  17. Dani, I've read all Stephanie Plum books and #29 is listed as "Rogue Agent". It's on hold at the library. I once had to put one of her books down since I was reading on my break at work and people were looking at me strangely since I kept laughing out loud at Lula's antics. Janet Evanovitch appeared at a local Barnes and Noble a few years ago. In order to meet her, we had to sign up for a specific time to meet her. My time was 2am. Yes, you read that correct. 2am. Needless to say I never got to meet her. 😒
  18. No doubt you will have many future happy family gatherings. Just take good care of yourself now. Something soothing about relaxing and reading a good book.
  19. My 14 year old grandson has always been short. I mean really short. He never said he was bullied and I hope that was the case. For some inexplicable reason he loved playing basketball as often as possible, even went to basketball summer camp and played after school, weekends. In group pictures he was always the shortest boy. We were all wondering what the next step would be when BOOM he had a growth spurt. He's now a member of his HS Basketball Team. Yes!!
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