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Everything posted by BonTexasNY

  1. Although we don't have stairs, I think I'll be sleeping on the sofa until I can put weight on my left leg. Small bedroom with a king size bed taking up most of the room with sides too narrow to get a wheelchair on the side of the bed to transport. Therapists are working me hard to strengthen good limbs. I should be released soon since they can only do so much until I can put weight on my operated leg in 8 weeks. Then it will be back to PT as an out patient. My big joy is looking forward to our daughter and grandkids visit end of August. I should be on both feet by then, walking very mindful of where I step! @grapau27Graham, so glad your recent injection seems to be working. Hope it lasts for a long time. @lenquixote66 Lenny, congratulations on your granddaughter's graduation.
  2. @dani negreanuDani, so wonderful to read all is well. Enjoy Barcelona and have safe travels home. Sue and hubby too!
  3. I was in my current rehab place 6 years ago when I had femur bone surgery. It's advertised as a "boutique" rehab place. It looks a lot less medical than other rehab places I visited when friends were there. Hallway floors are carpeted, works of art on the walls, really nice public rooms where unfortunately due to covid only residents can enjoy. Family members can only visit in patients rooms. I have a corner room with a huge L shaped window, a couch, 2 nice upholstered arm chairs, wood dresser and a full double door closet. Beautiful landscaped courtyard which nobody uses in this current 100 degree weather. It's usually hard to get in but my previous stay and volunteer work got me in. It isn't home but they make it comfortable. So far I'm here 3 weeks and no word of discharge. I have no idea how much my insurance will cover. Thank you for the good thoughts. Unfortunately, I have 8 more weeks of no weight bearing on my right leg. They'll discharge me when I can take care of myself at home/or when my insurance runs out. Although Jack will be a big help, I need to be as independent as I can. When I can finally put my right foot down, I'll need more physical therapy to walk correctly again. Pain comes and goes. No "happy pills" in over 24 hours. Yea!
  4. Have a super, wonderful birthday. Hope you enjoy your birthday dinner! So sorry to read and see what pain Andy must be going through. Hoping he has a successful surgery and a recovery with minimal pain. I can relate. My ankle surgery was 3 1/2 weeks ago and I am still in rehab not being able to put weight on my operated ankle. 8 more weeks of that. No word on when I'll be released. The longer I stay in here, the less time I will need to depend on Jack once I get home. So glad we can support each other in here in good as well as bad times.
  5. I so love all the NYC references. Having lived in Manhattan until I got married, I remember only one person who had a car. As you stated, we had subways, buses and trains. Also, the Red and Tan bus line to the Catskills! @aussielozzie18Good luck with your surgery and heal fast.
  6. Thanks for taking us along, John. I did detect a note of lonliness and although it seems you had a relaxing cruise with delicious food and drink, I bet you're glad to be with family where you belong.
  7. Hope @dani negreanu,Dani, Sue and their husbands are having a wonderful cruise. I am sure internet is lousy and look forward to reading all about it upon their return. Not sure how long the cruise is or if they extended post cruise for a land vacation. Safe travels, home.
  8. So sorry this happened to Owen. Wishes for his recovery to be as painless as possible. Andrew, you might not have had the Father's Day you envisioned but you were where you had to be. With your son. That says it all. You and Lisa are great parents. @Sunshine3601Debbie, please keep those beach posts coming. They put me in a wonderful, carefree place in my mind. 107, 108 temps later this week. Oy! I'm still in rehab, a bit of pain but haven't had to take my "happy pills" in over 24 hours. PT is tough, strengthening my good leg and arms to take over when I have to stand, move without putting any weight on my operated ankle. 8 more weeks of this and then I start PT when I can finally put weight on both legs. I have no idea when I will be sent home but glad to be here to get as strong as possible. Hope every man who made a positive impact on a child's life had a fabulous Father's Day yesterday.
  9. @bobmacliberty Happy Belated birthday. Looks like you celebrated in style! Weather here continues to be high 90s turning to hundreds (105, 106) on Sunday. the traditional Father's Day bbq. day. Hope Dani met up with Sue and met Captain Kate by now and that all are having a spectacular cruise. Pain is getting more and more manageable. Part of my PT today was getting in and out of the car, no easy feat using only 1 leg but I did it!
  10. Thank you all again for your get well wishes, too numerous to respond to in here but you know who you are. You rock! I mentioned the "one legged walker" to my Physical Therapist team who cautioned me against it saying my balance would be questionable to safely use it. 3 days less than 9 months to go! @grapau27 Graham I love all of your food porn photos but the last one (yogurt) was way too healthy for me to salivate. Kudos to you for eating the right stuff in your beautiful and serene backyard oasis.
  11. Good news, bad news. First the good: Had a follow up visit at the surgeon and my splint and stiches were removed. Got a boot to wear to protect my ankle. Bad news. I have to continue to keep my left foot off weight bearing for 9 weeks. Yes, 9 weeks of hopping on one leg hoping I don't slam my left leg down by accident. Makes everyday tasks very difficult. I'm still in rehab and trying to learn how to live my new normal temporary life. Pain is minimal for which I am grateful. At least I'm being well fed here. Lunch was lamb chops, broccoli, baked potato, dinner was pecan encrusted salmon with pasta. Ice cream all day. Some meals are meh but for the most part I can't complain. I still would rather be home.
  12. @LuckynanaMaryann, I'm so glad Jim's scare was well taken care of. As others stated, it was lucky your nephew acted fast to get him the care he needed. On TX water heaters, ours was in the garage. I agree it doesn't make sense to have them upstairs in an attic. I hardly remember Rory. I think I started to post near the end of his tenure on CC. Or maybe I didn't post on the threads he frequented. I do remember lots of monopoly time. 😉
  13. Thanks for the advice, it's much appreciated, but I've tried Tramadol 6 years ago after surgery for a cracked femur bone. Had no impact. At least the pain right now isn't as super intense as it was only days ago. Unfortunately, they tell me last minute when I'm "scheduled" for PT which prevents me from taking pain meds 30 mins. before a PT session. I asked for a specific time frame but I guess their schedule changes often. I have a great PT team so I really can't complain. @Sunshine3601Your LBI posts always make me miss the beach. Sounds like you're starting out having a great time. I know it will continue to be wonderful. It sounds like your happy place.
  14. I sit in a wheelchair with my "bad" leg constantly up on one of those leg attachments. I never place my bad leg on the floor. Not higher than my heart but I imagine high enough. In bed, my leg rests on a pillow or 2. I just hope that on Tuesday, my surgeon puts my leg in a boot to commence PT which I know will be a killer but will help me get home. I hate to say this but for now, oxycodone is my friend. I think @Sea DogGreg remembers and understands.
  15. I can still taste the sweetness of those berries. Heavy pain comes and goes. This afternoon it was bearable. I'm teaching 3 patients here how to play mah jong. Perked me up some. Thank you for asking, Maryann. @grapau27Your food porn looks delicious as does @dani negreanuDani's. Pizza and pasta look superb. Wonderful place to people watch.
  16. 104 today, 105 tomorrow according to the forecast I just read. One summer here we had approx. 30 continuous days of 100+ weather, no rain. Water restrictions turned many lawns brown including ours. We were allowed to water the perimeter of houses to prevent foundation damage. Bet you remember that one. Stay cool and hydrated.
  17. Love the photos. I posted before that I used to pick blueberries and blackberries on Staten Island during summer camp, Ate them right off the bush! Thanks, Lenny. The nasty lying nurse's aid has been terminated. Apparently, she had many negative issues. Having grown up in Manhattan, I never had the issues tourists have. We depended on the subway and buses to get us where we had to go. Out of all of my friends and neighbors, only one had a car.
  18. Wanted to pop in and wish @dani negreanu@sgmnand husbands a wonderful smooth sail cruise. @DaniDanielleCongrats on your granddaughter's achievements and glad your son is back home. @lenquixote66Lenny congrats to your granddaughter as well. My ankle pain is at times intense and I am trying my best to deal with it. It took 45 minutes last night to get my pain meds. I couldn't leave my bed and shouted "is anyone out there"?? I spoke to the Nursing Supervisor and the Administrator today and was reassured this would never happen again. Nasty nurses assistant said she never heard the "beep" that I needed help. She lied and said she just got into work when she helped me 2 hours before. Such is life. I can't wait until Tuesday when I hopefully will be put in a "boot" so I can finally put some weight on that leg and not hop on one leg when I need to transfer from the bed, to wheelchair, to potty, etc. Food continues to be meh but Jack keeps peppering me with goodies. We're moving to an apartment next month closer to my sister in a town approx. 20 mins. from where we now live. Unfortunately, Jack will have to pack everything himself. I have no idea how long I will be "holed up" in rehab. Quite a few more weeks for sure. I miss everything about my life BTF, before the fall but I feel blessed it isn't worse and thankfully, the surgery is behind me and every day will get better and better. Please carry on with your wonderful stories and photos. They brighten me up considerably.
  19. @DaniDanielle Marietta, hoping your son recovers quickly. Sitting here waiting for lunch, then therapy which is not too difficult since I'm only working on strengthening my good leg and arms to compensate for being unable to bare weight on my operated leg, When I am cleared for weight bearing is when the pain will come in while doing therapy. Surgeon appointment is on June 14th. Hopefully, by then I will be fitted for a boot and commence heavy duty therapy. This is a very long recovery to where I can go back to life as it was before I fell. I am optimistic and know things will work out successfully. Visits from family and friends continue to work their feel good magic. Nurse woke me up at 3am for meds. My fault since I should have remembered I didn't get my nighttime meds before I went to sleep....sigh. Jack continues to ply me with goodies as well as a daily cup of Starbuck's. I'll need to go on a diet when I get home! Sorry to rant. It's what I do best.😏 Love reading all your life stories and seeing all your beautiful photos..
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