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Everything posted by P&O SUE

  1. My Dad has a floppy heart valve and it wasn’t picked up until he was 60 or 70! They said he was probably born with it too, he’s 85 now.
  2. Oh I hate that, luckily covid put paid to that and it hasn’t returned- yet! I have been known not to answer the door if I’m not expecting anyone 😆Hubby said to me ‘you can’t do that’ and I said It’s my house I can do what I want!
  3. Loved Dinner Ladies, Victoria Wood is sadly missed.
  4. So pleased to hear from you @kalos and glad you got away to lovely Funchal. Your hotel room and balcony look fantastic even it there were some problems. I feel quite emotional reading all the responses here, what a lovely community we have here. I’m off to bed now feeling all warm and fuzzy 😊
  5. Ok then my hot food and toast!
  6. I do think it’s a bit ridiculous, I pick up a juice and my breakfast plate, I often get a bowl of fruit and some hot items but I haven’t got three hands! Oh well… not the end of the world but it means loads of people will be going up and down constantly.
  7. Morning all, I enjoyed the concert overall, my favourite bit was definitely the light show and the drones, especially the blue whale. I also enjoyed watching the Royals dancing and singing 😁 These Bank Holidays are good when my day off is Tuesday 😊 Of course I’ll have my grandson today which is lovely. He had ‘parents evening’ last week and he is so good at his phonics that his teacher is giving him extra work. Of course I knew that anyway 😊
  8. You must have some sort of immunity from it! When our children had chickenpox my husband couldn’t remember if he’d had it but as he didn’t catch it from them we decided he must have had . I was 11 when I had and it was nasty then.
  9. Love raspberry but nowadays the seeds get in my teeth so prefer strawberry now.
  10. Must admit most places I have had it nowadays there’s no butter but I always used to have it like that. As we don’t have many cake- like things at home it’s a nice treat!
  11. Well I enjoyed the Coronation although I did zone out a bit in the service. My favourite bit was the parade afterwards, we do that sort of thing so well. The military were brilliant and I enjoyed the red arrows, short and sweet, shame the other aircraft couldn’t manage it in the weather. I also liked the balcony scenes. At the jubilee I was quite tearful when the Queen came out on the balcony because I felt it was possibly the last time we’d see her. I think I’ll do the same as others re the concert, record it then I can whizz through bits!
  12. So good it looks upside down and I haven’t had any gin 😉😀
  13. I haven’t, although my sister has through her work as a Deputy Head teacher. She didn’t tell us much about it, she was rather miffed she couldn’t take her husband with her.
  14. Morning all, I’m sat in front of the TV watching all the people arrive at the Abbey. Enjoy the weekend, whatever you do, I’m all alone as John’s at work. He’s not too bothered but I hope the flypast happens as he’ll enjoy that as will I. He’ll be home for that. I love all the pageantry and history, I’ve never seen a Coronation before. Wow the gold coach is so shiny!
  15. Well it looks like I’ll probably be completely cancelling our cruise as we can’t find anything suitable for the right price. I don’t want anything longer than a week and as I’d booked 13 nights in a balcony I can’t find any 7 night ones more expensive than mine , some weren’t far off but I begrudge paying more for 7 nights than the 13. So so disappointing, this was John’s 60th birthday cruise originally, he’ll be 63 this year. Blooming virus!
  16. So sorry Avril but as others have said it’s good you’ve made the decision. Hope Frank is ok and gets treatment soon x
  17. That’s what I was wondering, I will consult with the hubby when he gets home later.
  18. Morning all, well I’ve just finally got round to phoning P&O to cancel our 13 night cruise on Britannia. I wanted to change it to one on Arvia in 2025. Basically I want to move it as far as possible because of the worry of leaving my parents for that long. I got through straight away and she was happy I met all the conditions- except one. She went to check it with her supervisor but it has to set sail within the year, so I can’t do it. I’ve told her I’ll have to look into it and phone again but what a pain! This is John’s 60th that we’ve moved twice and I originally paid £130 back in 2018! I was prepared to accept the loss but I also had FFC that meant I had £272 deposit, I didn’t want to lose that FFC as a point of principle! Sigh…
  19. Look forward to reading more, that queue looks horrendous! We don’t have too much trouble with the buffets for breakfast but we are early risers so there long before 10!
  20. I know the Arvia Easter cruise got into Palma, fingers crossed for you.
  21. @Grumpella I’m enjoying your review so far and looking forward to the rest, hope the weather improves!
  22. Oh yes I really enjoyed the breakfast omelettes on Princess.
  23. It’s mad how much good hotels in this country are. You do what you like Graham, we’ve done a few 3 and 4 night cruises and it makes us feel we’ve been away for longer ☺️
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