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Canal archive

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Everything posted by Canal archive

  1. Evidently wheat beer good for you until you try to stand up! DH did not say if that depended on the quantity consumed or not.
  2. Liquid bread = wheat beer, sorry green beer in the USA and dunkel beer in Germany.
  3. If you have time and the inclination, and here is the archivist in me, go on one of the ship finder websites find a ship on the river your interested in and follow it as in not the ship but the river, from this you can pick up points of interest. I know long winded but that’s how research works.
  4. Now now now have you tried the green beer on St Patrick’s day or my DH goes on about the wheat beer. He is a bit of a beer aficionado he and his canal boat buddies are on the hunt for the strongest craft beer they can find in our area at the moment which if I’m not watchful could extend to Germany!
  5. Well done gales continue and NOT be dammed regardless have a great time!
  6. Travel R that’s what cruising is about wandering along the beautiful rivers of Europe picking up odd bits of ephemera on the areas your passing through. Luckily if it doesn’t stick the first time you can do it all over again just to check. Okay river cruising whoever you are (well apart from the filthy rich and they’d have a private boat) is expensive, what costs a lot for one is shall we say peanuts to another but occasionally we’re all in the same boat 😂 and it’s a super! experience, see English. We’ve met some absolutely lovely people on our cruises some we will never meet again but will never be forgotten and that adds to the wander or is it wonder.
  7. Start by checking the various companies websites. Scenic is all inclusive. Check what is included in the total cost for example gratuities and all excursions plus alcohol. Look at the bits at the top of these threads you’ll find lots of info there.
  8. Maybe I should also have said the future of the river cruising industry as a whole, considering that as it would seem the difficulty these ‘large ‘ companies are having recruiting staff. If this weather continues year in year out maybe in the future it won’t stop only in the winter but this time of year as well. People do so much research into cruising and I’m sorry but to my mind ask some inane questions but don’t seem to check water or weather. There is a tremendous amount of information on the different companies websites but not that.
  9. Hear, hear, difficult times for tourists and cruise companies alike, may things soon get sorted out and all is calm again.
  10. So that’s where he’s got to, I suspect after the ransom was paid to release him from the castle at Durnstein where his troubadour Blondel found him. Fascinating history. For a English King he spent very little time in England.
  11. I remember a few years ago getting up early to photograph the confluence of the Moselle and Rhine several of us cameras at the ready were completely confused as we had obviously passed the area our Captain came to apologise as he had been advised to leave the Moselle as quickly as possible because the water levels were rising at an alarming rate. We need some of that now.
  12. Don’t forget these legal issues took place some years ago, so I would have thought the Scenic group would now have these issues covered in their Ts & Cs. I’m not surprised that they are regurgitated so often, such an easy target! The legalities regarding travel are different in various countries. The cover your referring to was put in place some years after the initial legalities, which were brought against Evergreen a subsidiary of Scenic. An entrepreneur such as Glen Moroney would surely have covered his ********* after that debacle!. According to a very good friend he’s not exactly daft!
  13. Don’t forget the law regarding travel is vastly different in the USA as opposed to the U.K.
  14. Would love to see the tapestry but have done the extensive D Day tours with Scenic. My dad was serving on board HMS Nelson she hit a mine he had also served on her sister ship HMS Rodney.
  15. I won’t be reminding my husband he usually thought up a reason for a ‘business’ trip to Germany around this time of year and strangely enough during October he said it was something to do with the perks of working for a German company.
  16. Yup know the differences between direct and non-stop from some years ago flying to to the states to meet DH not a happy experience. It looks like Heathrow is getting its act together hopefully the other airports will get sorted asap and we get some really decent rain soon. I never ever thought I would say that.
  17. Van Gogh was Dutch although he spent a lot of his life in France so no surprise that they hold the largest collection. One of our neighbours has air con it costs a small fortune to run and evidently to repair, it’s just broken. Your right air con is not usual here but most hotels do have it. It’s now 36c and not expected to cool down until Monday evidently it’s still rising.
  18. The Guernica is an absolute must see the sheer size and scope of this painting is amazing and just around the corner are just a few Salvador Dali’s. Our National Gallery has at least on of the masters ‘Sunflowers’
  19. Silly question is there a direct flight? When we were due to fly Air France direct Bristol to Bordeaux and return Air France cancelled their Bristol direct return flights and put us return Bordeaux to Birmingham without informing the ticket purchaser Scenic. I discovered this when looking to reserve seats. Luckily we ended up TVR to Paris then Eurostar home and obviously going the same way.
  20. Sorry BBC news today, parents of our son in law booked on Scenic for early September. We did this cruise a few years ago well worth it would do it again. France firefighters battle 'monster' wildfire near Bordeaux https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-62503775
  21. https://news.sky.com/video/share-12670015 i thought I posted this before I know it’s not good watching but at least it shows what is happening.
  22. As you were impressed with Arles and Vincent try the Seine and Auvers-sur-Oise where Vincent lived and died, walk across the fields to where he is buried very moving. In Lyon we had a cookery demonstration at the Paul Bocuse Institute so many of our amazing chefs have had a stint there. So many places to see and admire!
  23. Hate t tell you that the Beluga Whale they rescued from the Seine was euthanised on the journey to its new home evidently it developed breathing difficulties. At least they tried.
  24. Looks like Scenic do two nights in Honfluer on their 11 day cruise and 1 night on their 8 day and it’s round trip Paris to Paris.
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