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Canal archive

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Everything posted by Canal archive

  1. Steady but not heavy rain at the moment, now this is silly - long May it continue, although off to Cornwall next week, muddy farm, maybe!
  2. Okay Paris peripherique five lanes so five across and as far as you can see bumper to bumper* in front and behind. People drive in that every day! * canā€™t remember the North American word for bumper!
  3. Rafting in the rest of Europe, ā€˜Breasting upā€™ in the U.K. look on it as an opportunity to make friends with your opposite numbers and if itā€™s a different company have a sneaky peak at their cabin an visa versa. Itā€™s only happened to us a few times in over ten years of cruising but have nearly lost a wine glass or two a couple of times.
  4. Weā€™ve actually had a few drops of rain and an apology for thunderstorm so at least the air is a little cooler and not quite so sticky.
  5. Jazz several of the Scenic fleet had a complete makeover a few years ago they were the ones with the culinaire addition.
  6. Iā€™d hazard a guess at somewhere in Canada. Iā€™d advise not driving in Paris, earlier this year we parked and crawled around the peripherique interesting but not to be advised especially on the ā€˜wrongā€™ side of the road.
  7. Check out the All Scenic Roll Call loads on info on there.
  8. Scenic Azure on the Douro is 80 metres long passengers 96 but of all Scenics European fleet I prefer Scenic Gem 110 metres passengers 110 and she cruises the Seine. No pool on Gem, no salt therapy lounge and no culinaire but just about everything else.
  9. There are a few drops, very small, of rain on my window but the humidity has increased so much itā€™s amazingly uncomfortable. According to our gauges the temperature has dropped but it certainly does not feel like it.
  10. Only things not included are some what they class as top end alcohol brands. On one spectacular evening on a Boudreaux cruise we finished off the Laphroaig. There is Veuve Clicquot for Buckā€™s Fizz, the orange juice is wonderful at breakfast. Okay I quite like a drop of Boly but I can do without it, just! Joking apart you can only ask. On one of our cruises an Australian asked for lamb chops for breakfast (definitely not on the menu) and as he wanted them he got them every morning. Itā€™s a case if you donā€™t ask you donā€™t know if itā€™s possible.
  11. Sorry to you journalistā€™s out there but this is ā€˜sloppyā€™ journalism there has been to much of it recently, no in depth research, no talking to locals, why! because they get paid whatever is written. We want the truth not supposition by someone who has no idea of what is actually happening.
  12. Two for one applies to the cabin cost only, I know at least five of my friends already booked. Will someone convince my DH he is the sceptic of all sceptics. Even my son in laws dad has taken up the offer. Iā€™d say go for it!
  13. To my mind regardless of your carrier no shorts at dinner please šŸ™ any other time yes. Love him, I know itā€™s a pain but as you Americans say ā€˜suck it upā€™ just this one time, Viking or not, please.
  14. Oh love it not a straight line cruise but an across the river cruise. I wonder how that would stand up in court!
  15. Sounds like we wonā€™t tell if you wont, customer against customer. Typical!
  16. The conundrum is that the ā€˜productā€™ is sold in one country and ā€˜consumedā€™ in more than one other. Oh I bet the lawyers love that! No wonder the Ts & Cs have been completely overhauled since the Evergreen/Scenic debacle.
  17. The areas it could potentially effect are the canalised parts of the river but I donā€™t think the Maine will be quite so affected as it is in canal terms a fairly new waterway, your right CPT helped by where the locks are placed.
  18. Yup! šŸ„² It heaved with rain last time we were there people watching was at its best the roads were like rivers.
  19. Just a large pinch of salt for this article for instance yes the source of the Thames has moved but not for the first time as any local will tell you. Yes there is a lot of drought and the effect on the barge traffic in particular is absolutely awful, we use the rivers and canals for our holidays they rely on them for their livelihoods so please no scaremongering.
  20. Milling 73 really 35$ for a hamburger thats steep even for Paris.
  21. Actually if a meal and service anywhere in the world is halfway to being acceptable then we donā€™t quibble and weā€™ve been to some really out of the way places. Although some years ago after a meal at an establishment on Loch Lomond and our meal was totally acceptable this is what was said to the proprietor and it was Scott to Scott. When asked by the proprietor did you enjoy your meal - answer ā€˜it was totally inadequate, Iā€™ll prepared and vastly over pricedā€™ all in an extremely strong highland accent. The guy walked out without paying! The proprietor just waved it away but another customer called the police. Learning how different countries food outlets work is required otherwise you fall flat on your face.
  22. Now that sounds like an excellent excuse for a party šŸŽ‰ enjoy šŸ˜Š
  23. These pictures are of how the drought is effecting the U.K. not a pretty sight to say the least. Most of us on this sight enjoy or want to enjoy a holiday on the water where we immediately put our faith into the hands of ā€˜motherā€™ nature, well at the moment she is being particularly cruel and it will take some time for the land and rivers to recover from this abuse. Fingers crossed we get loads of gentle rain that will soak into the aquifers and replenish the streams because a deluge will cause even more of a catastrophe. The science of drought explained in pictures https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-62519107
  24. The last time we went to Ruedesheim with Scenic we went on the cable car - included but past on the museum also - included but indulged in a Ruedesheim Coffee very nice but not included.
  25. Unbelievable the last time I experienced 36 degrees was on our RhĆ“ne cruise now Iā€™m at home with the same temperature, but thereā€™s something missing ohh could it be our wonderful Scenic crew.
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