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Everything posted by d9704011

  1. As a new perk, maybe Elite Plus can get their laundry back within 48 hours.
  2. d9704011

    Entry fee

    We were 8n Cartagena yesterday, December 26, on Emerald Princess and no entry fee process in place for Canadians.
  3. No, I do not disagree; how do you propose balancing the supply/demand given the boundary conditions of available space?
  4. How many do you estimate that may be? Please show your calculations.
  5. Just to report back. We were in Cartagena today on the Emerald Princess and not a peep on the fee for Canadians entering Colombia. I don't believe we were exempt but the logistics of collecting the fee from Canadian cruise ship passengers are probably onerous and the thing is likely targeted at air passengers.
  6. That sounds reasonable to me. My problem with post #5 is the suggestion that the Australian based crew do not receive a share of the fleet gratuity pool; this seems unfair annd unlikely to me.
  7. That's two questions; you just forgot the interrogative on the first one. I don't know anybody who fits the zero tip bill but imagine there are some and they probably do it more often than not.
  8. That's an ineresting theory (I hesitate to label it a fact). What would happen in the admittedly unlikely event that 75% of the passengers on a cruise come from NA? Don't you think the Aus based crew will get a share of all those non-fare gratuities added to the fleet pool?
  9. Kind of like the use of Customs when, in fact, Immigration would be the correct contextual word.
  10. What is going to happen to the poster? A pre-disembarkation shakedown?
  11. It's not fine even if the ship visits 15 Canadian ports prior to Seattle. Cannot cruise from San Diego to Seattle without visiting a distant foreign port and Canada is not distant under the Passenger Vessal Services Act.
  12. Enforce chair use, enforce dress codes, enforce, enforce, enforce. I'm pretty sure cruise lines have given up on confronting pigheaded, selfish, entitled cruisers who are not at all disposed to following the simplest of rules, policies or 'suggestions' if they don't suit them.
  13. I think you should stick to speaking for yourself on this one. I don't drink and my enjoyment of cruises is not dependent on the consumption of alcohol or alcohol-related activities or pastimes.
  14. Well, sure. That's pretty much what was always supposed to happen in one way or another yet.... chairhogging is still as strong as it ever was.
  15. I take it you mean Future Cruise Deposit (FCD)? Future Cruise Planning Enjoy up to $150 Free Onboard Spending Money It’s easy to start planning your next vacation with a reduced, fully-refundable deposit of $100 per person! You have one year to book your next cruise through your Travel Advisor or Cruise Vacation Planner and enjoy up to $150 free onboard spending money. Length of Voyage Per Person Shipboard Credits 17 - 44 days $150 Balcony/Mini/Suites, $125 Interior/Oceanview 11 - 16 days $100 Balcony/Mini/Suites, $75 Interior/Oceanview 7 - 10 days $50 Balcony/Mini/Suites, $25 Interior/Oceanview 3 - 6 days $25 Balcony/Mini/Suites, $15 Interior/Oceanview
  16. One thing I'll recommend you do NOT do is take the Montjuic Cable Car. It is terribly time-consuming, expensive and not as interesting as one might imagine.
  17. Ha, that's funny. Much as I'm sure Princess would prefer you spend your cruise vacation budget with them, I think it's unlikely they'll make an effort to resolve individual problems in fear of a customer deciding to go elsewhere.
  18. Pretty much the same reason(s) people pre-pay gratuities; getting the transaction out of the road and all paid up and, possibly, avoiding a price increase prior to departure date.
  19. I believe a number of cruise lines alrea provide dedicated areas where those wishing to reserve a deck chair o lounger can pay fr the privilege. Permitting passengers to pay to occupy chairs and louners in the already crowded common areas sort of makes a mokery f the idea that hey're for the commoners, not for for those with the resources to reserve them and make hem unavailable. Personally, I don'tthink there is a practical solution to the chairhog problem.
  20. I'm kinda partial to Park Guell. Either way, best to pre-purchase skip-the-line tickets to save time on waitingto get in.
  21. An entire day (overnight) or just 8-10 hours or so?
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