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Everything posted by Txcotn

  1. Avenida Palace is the creme de la creme and the best breakfast buffet in all of Europe! Rooms are large and elegant. Love this place! https://www.hotelavenidapalace.pt
  2. Everyone used to have grammar in school. But our grandkids😱
  3. That leaves us out, can’t handle 2 connections let alone the mental exertion wondering if luggage will show up. First world problems I know but we’re getting too old for schlepping through multiple airports.
  4. I'm wondering if this means ALL Symphony cruises will begin and end there. That could mean short segments instead of good long B2Bs. Any ideas? Same question about Serenity - what about WC segments? I guess we'll find out when the '25 itins are released but I'm curious today!
  5. It is a curse, isn't it?😁
  6. Unfortunately, I am a product of a small private school that, in the 60s, and even today, is rigorous in its discipline in the English language. Look at those who say “less” when you mean “fewer” and who use the subjective as the subject such as “me and Joe….” ( even major publications, I would drive editors crazy!) Fingernails on the blackboard. No one knows what a blackboard is anyway…how about combining “under” with water when it is precisely 2 words. Uh oh can of worms now open. 😉
  7. My bad. Addled brain with all the bad grammar.
  8. According to the etiquette books which nobody reads anymore, they say that the correct addressing of such a couple is Dr…Dylaness and Mr. Dylaness OR, if he uses the title Dr. and Dr……. The Mr. Doctor half takes the second place (if he doesn’t use it socially) and the Mrs. Doctor gets first billing. He’s supposed to be used to it.😎 Crystal did it wrong.
  9. Lovely article. Lovely family. The correct verb is ADMINISTER not ADMINISTRATE. l English grammar is a lost art. 🙄
  10. Txcotn


    We always ask to not be presented with a bill at the table , opting for signing on the way out or at a later date, not to make guests uneasy. We’re on board, they’ll find us, there’s no rush.
  11. Our AE charge always says Crystal Cruises not xxxxtravel agency.
  12. Horrific no matter what you call them!
  13. We did not do Australia in '05 but distinctly remember the 2 typhoons in 2010. Age (?!!!) does terrible things to our memory🤯
  14. That's awful. Sounds like you need a new cc company.
  15. Have always received refunds within a week, but things may be different now. I would call them if it doesn't show up within 30 days of cancellation. And most certainly put a stop with your card company.
  16. Yes but this is a new company and may not be on their radar. I would call them.
  17. We were on that cruise in 2010 and the typhoons were behind us by Sydney, or so I thought. We did not go all the way to Perth on that one.
  18. Whose magic wand got it done? 🤪
  19. Everyone seems to be consumed with laundry.😂
  20. Don't forget the USS United States fiasco!
  21. I still don't get the expectation that laundry/dry cleaning should be included. Some people use it way more than others, and if you were home, you pay for sending out laundry/dry cleaning. What resort or hotel would include it? If it's available it would be twice the price at the least.
  22. DH is wonderful about the laundry - it goes in on his way to the fitness center - into the dryer on the way back, and out after his shower and backin the room for me to fold. Easy schmeazy.
  23. Every 10 days means I would have to pack way more than I want to. I think I would rather pack light and do a couple of trips to the laundry room or actually pay to send things out.
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