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Higher Security at ports after Xmas terrorist?


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After the shoe bomber we had to take our shoes off when flying, this clown was wearing a bomb in his underwear. Be prepared to have to take yours off next time you fly. :eek:

Funny and not so funny. :D:( Where will it all end?

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Funny and not so funny. :D:( Where will it all end?


While I agree...maybe required flight clothing would work...ie, everyone in a tight tee shirt and speedo with flip-flops!! Eeesh...not a pretty sight. :p


or require all pax to drink the equivalent of (x*n) beers, thereby rendering them incapacitated for most of the trip, tho this would place enormous stress on the RR facilities. (most terrorists would not drink...aha!!) :rolleyes:


Oh, wait...we are talking about ships not planes. Have the cruise lines already implemented this?? ;):D

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because a ship is not a plane, the amount of explosives to take one down is much more. The terriorist haven't target a US ship in the same way. The issue is taking weapons aboard to take the ship over. That is being screened for although you can get a pretty big knife in your checked luggage- which although screened isn't that well screened. You can bring a board a dive knife which is supposed to be turned into security....


what is annoying is this person was on a watch list and did all the things that are supposed to make you more screened for(a one way ticket and limited luggage) but he did have a valid visa.

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On a plane, they don't want you to have access to your 'stuff'...hence the liquid restrictions (and, probably to come, powder/solid restrictions!), but on a ship, they KNOW you will have what you bring in your cabin....

They always scan for explosives and weapons, but there's no way to eliminate the risk of folks bringing stuff they shouldn't, unless they allow NO luggage at all!

So--you won't have to jump through hoops to board a ship like you do to board a plane!

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because a ship is not a plane, the amount of explosives to take one down is much more. The terriorist haven't target a US ship in the same way. The issue is taking weapons aboard to take the ship over. That is being screened for although you can get a pretty big knife in your checked luggage- which although screened isn't that well screened. You can bring a board a dive knife which is supposed to be turned into security....


what is annoying is this person was on a watch list and did all the things that are supposed to make you more screened for(a one way ticket and limited luggage) but he did have a valid visa.



What's the point of checking for knives being brought aboard?

Every ship has steak knives.

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because a ship is not a plane, the amount of explosives to take one down is much more. The terriorist haven't target a US ship in the same way. The issue is taking weapons aboard to take the ship over. That is being screened for although you can get a pretty big knife in your checked luggage- which although screened isn't that well screened. You can bring a board a dive knife which is supposed to be turned into security....


what is annoying is this person was on a watch list and did all the things that are supposed to make you more screened for(a one way ticket and limited luggage) but he did have a valid visa.


I am currently in Camp Arifjan Kuwait, waiting for a military air flight into Iraq. I posted this below on another thread (the prescription drug thread). They are DEFINITELY checking EVERYTHING in Muslim countries for USA/Europe bound flights. Why is the USA soooo stupid???? Oh, I forgot- We have Janet Incompetano-our illustrious former Arizona governor who can't even enforce the borders of one state. How is she going to take care of the entire USA? She can't and every knows it-but political favors go a long way!!!!


I just flew into Abu Dhabi from JFK-arrived last night. Flew out at 2:15AM this morning to Kuwait City. Walked outside security between flights. WOW!!! The flights leaving for the USA and Europe (they all leave about midnight or later)-they were ripping apart everyone's luggage, screening, screening, screening. If you were under 40 and male, EXTENSIVE screening. Women not so much UNLESS you were dressed in Nijab (full face veil). They were opening prescription bottles, shampoo bottles, everything. The lines were VERY long and one of my business associates told me to expect 3-4 hours delays.


Intra Gulf States flights-nothing special, although they did ask for my Yellow Fever cert as I have recent entry/exit stamps from Peru.


We STUPID Americans can't and won't profile. The Muslim countries do it. The Israelis sure do it-both into and out of Israel. What is wrong with the USA???


In a few hours, I line up to fly into Iraq via military air. No screening there-they just detain you or worse if you don't comply with the rules and regulations.


Sorry to drag this off topic, but I just can't understand the USA anymore. We can't buy cheaper drugs overseas without a lot of hassle. but we don't profile KNOWN terrorists. WAAAAY too politically correct and scared of our own shadow.

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I am currently in Camp Arifjan Kuwait, waiting for a military air flight into Iraq. I posted this below on another thread (the prescription drug thread). They are DEFINITELY checking EVERYTHING in Muslim countries for USA/Europe bound flights. Why is the USA soooo stupid???? Oh, I forgot- We have Janet Incompetano-our illustrious former Arizona governor who can't even enforce the borders of one state. How is she going to take care of the entire USA? She can't and every knows it-but political favors go a long way!!!!


I just flew into Abu Dhabi from JFK-arrived last night. Flew out at 2:15AM this morning to Kuwait City. Walked outside security between flights. WOW!!! The flights leaving for the USA and Europe (they all leave about midnight or later)-they were ripping apart everyone's luggage, screening, screening, screening. If you were under 40 and male, EXTENSIVE screening. Women not so much UNLESS you were dressed in Nijab (full face veil). They were opening prescription bottles, shampoo bottles, everything. The lines were VERY long and one of my business associates told me to expect 3-4 hours delays.


Intra Gulf States flights-nothing special, although they did ask for my Yellow Fever cert as I have recent entry/exit stamps from Peru.


We STUPID Americans can't and won't profile. The Muslim countries do it. The Israelis sure do it-both into and out of Israel. What is wrong with the USA???


In a few hours, I line up to fly into Iraq via military air. No screening there-they just detain you or worse if you don't comply with the rules and regulations.


Sorry to drag this off topic, but I just can't understand the USA anymore. We can't buy cheaper drugs overseas without a lot of hassle. but we don't profile KNOWN terrorists. WAAAAY too politically correct and scared of our own shadow.

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Just wanted to say thank you for your service!!! My husband spent some time at Arifjan as well waiting to go into Iraq.

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After the shoe bomber we had to take our shoes off when flying, this clown was wearing a bomb in his underwear. Be prepared to have to take yours off next time you fly. :eek:


We are leaving for Texas on Wednesday and my husband said he was going commando.

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Just wanted to say thank you for your service!!! My husband spent some time at Arifjan as well waiting to go into Iraq.


Thank you but I am not in the military. I am a logistics consultant to Prime Contractors through DOD. I MAKE SURE our service people get perishable food in a timely manner. Nothing makes me madder than to go into the DFAC on Steak and Lobster night and get CATFISH because somebody forgot to order or the shipment was delayed because no one checked where it was. I can "make do" with crab legs, but CATFISH is pushing it.


We owe all the "kids" (and quite a few who are my age-OLD) a big thank you every day. I surely enjoy my time over here in the "war zone" other than hurry up and wait. And that is what I am doing now. Just got told it will be another 3 hours. I am NOT a priority. Thank goodness for Zain internet.

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To me flying has become so unpleasant, that I no longer fly unless absolutely necessary. I will now drive for a week rather than fly. I just read that you are not allowed to leave your seat the last hour of your flight. Hope no one has a weak bladder.

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Thanks all for your feedback! I have heard that the airport security is going to back off the recent mandates and that the airlines will have to decide what they each want to implement.


That said, we still haven't heard if anything more is going to be done on cruises. I certainly hope not, but one never knows, and I was just trying to be proactive prior to our arrival in Ft. Lauderdale next week. Thanks again for all the input!

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I just read that you are not allowed to leave your seat the last hour of your flight. Hope no one has a weak bladder.



Someone just told me this at work today. I understand the reasoning behind this rule.............however, people are human, and some of us (especially children and older folks, but not necessarily just them) may not be able to wait an hour to pee. I am a nervous flyer and use the lavatory often when I fly. I am not willing to risk "a bladder accident" on the off chance that there may be a terrorist aboard. At some point we have to just live and accept the risks. If there is some miscreant aboard a particular flight, hopefully at least some of the passengers will be observant and subdue the person. Bottom line is: at the point where undeniable human needs such as access to the toilet are curtailed, we all suffer whether or not there is a terrorist on our flight. A line must be drawn somewhere. No matter what is outlawed on planes, the terrorists will one-up the lawmakers. It has become an unfortunate game of cat and mouse. I, for one, have written off flying (but not because of terrorism). I simply am afraid to fly, period. Terrorism notwithstanding. Also, I feel, that to legislate the heck out of what passengers can and cannot do/bring on a flight will not necessarily make flyers more safe. Airline accidents cause the deaths of few people compare to other accidents such as car accidents. Yet, because of the potential mass deaths, airline accidents resonate much more dread (especially if caused by terrorism)and, thus, air travel safety is ultra regulated based on what has recently occurred with regard to terrorism even if no one has been hurt or died. This, even though instances of pilot error, mechanical failure, or weather, together, (per total number of take-offs and landings per day all over the world) probably add up to more frequent things that can affect the safety of flights. But, we never hear about them unless someone is hurt or killed. Not sure how to solve this problem. But, I am sure that I will not be flying anytime soon.

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What's the point of checking for knives being brought aboard?

Every ship has steak knives.


I agree, but it seems that they merely enforce the security regulations which are the same whether boarding a plane or a ship. When boarding the QM2 last year I had a corkscrew taken from my carry on. When I questioned why since I would be given another one once aboard, this person said that he was just enforcing the general regs. It was placed in an envelope and returned to me when I left the ship. Just following stupid regs :rolleyes:.

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If you have flown to your cruise, generally you will be just fine to go through the ship's security screening. If you have arrived at the port another way; think about what you have packed and expect longer waits in line.


You can bet the ship security people will be hyperactive now as the ships generally are full of Americans.


As an aside the reports are that there are long, slow lines to get on a plane in Miami. Long, long lines.

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If you have flown to your cruise, generally you will be just fine to go through the ship's security screening. If you have arrived at the port another way; think about what you have packed and expect longer waits in line.


You can bet the ship security people will be hyperactive now as the ships generally are full of Americans.


As an aside the reports are that there are long, slow lines to get on a plane in Miami. Long, long lines.


Thanks-currently in Baghdad waiting for transport to Mosul. This old lady is getting too old for no sleep nights. I am beat and just want to lay down. I don't even know whether I filled out my transit paperwork properly. I may end up in someplace I don't want to be-LOL!!! Thanks for thinking of me.

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To me flying has become so unpleasant, that I no longer fly unless absolutely necessary. I will now drive for a week rather than fly. I just read that you are not allowed to leave your seat the last hour of your flight. Hope no one has a weak bladder.


Of course not. :( Who among the CC readers would be THAT old. :confused::o:p

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Flying is just becoming less convenient and more expensive than ever. I HATE driving, but traveling with kids and all of the restrictions and extra fees make flying a less attractive option. Having to pack all of the liquids, sprays and such make our checked luggage heavier and usually require 2 pieces for myself and my husband (an extra $100 each way).


I remember gas prices being the reason used for adding the baggage fees, but cruiselines stopped the surcharge, why aren't airlines???? Not even 1 free checked bag and required to check necessities...I don't get it. Southwest doesn't fly from ATL so we'd have to drive to Birmingham and by the time we wait 3+ hours in security we'd be well on our way.


Oh well, I was searching for flights to New Orleans for our trip in Feb, I guess we'll just stick with driving.

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I am currently in Camp Arifjan Kuwait, waiting for a military air flight into Iraq. I posted this below on another thread (the prescription drug thread). They are DEFINITELY checking EVERYTHING in Muslim countries for USA/Europe bound flights. Why is the USA soooo stupid???? Oh, I forgot- We have Janet Incompetano-our illustrious former Arizona governor who can't even enforce the borders of one state. How is she going to take care of the entire USA? She can't and every knows it-but political favors go a long way!!!!


I just flew into Abu Dhabi from JFK-arrived last night. Flew out at 2:15AM this morning to Kuwait City. Walked outside security between flights. WOW!!! The flights leaving for the USA and Europe (they all leave about midnight or later)-they were ripping apart everyone's luggage, screening, screening, screening. If you were under 40 and male, EXTENSIVE screening. Women not so much UNLESS you were dressed in Nijab (full face veil). They were opening prescription bottles, shampoo bottles, everything. The lines were VERY long and one of my business associates told me to expect 3-4 hours delays.


Intra Gulf States flights-nothing special, although they did ask for my Yellow Fever cert as I have recent entry/exit stamps from Peru.


We STUPID Americans can't and won't profile. The Muslim countries do it. The Israelis sure do it-both into and out of Israel. What is wrong with the USA???


In a few hours, I line up to fly into Iraq via military air. No screening there-they just detain you or worse if you don't comply with the rules and regulations.


Sorry to drag this off topic, but I just can't understand the USA anymore. We can't buy cheaper drugs overseas without a lot of hassle. but we don't profile KNOWN terrorists. WAAAAY too politically correct and scared of our own shadow.

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When we flew into France last summer we were checked well leaving NY, but in Paris they barely looked at our passports before stamping them and sending us on our way to our connecting flight. HOWEVER, leaving Paris to fly back to NY we were checked very tightly. Me, a 50 plus year old white woman was frisked. Not that I got any special privilege. Everyone was.


BTW-what does this terrorist incident have to do with US security? This guy flew from Holland and the plane had not yet landed in the US. Do you mean because his father reported him?

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Flying is just becoming less convenient and more expensive than ever. I HATE driving, but traveling with kids and all of the restrictions and extra fees make flying a less attractive option. Having to pack all of the liquids, sprays and such make our checked luggage heavier and usually require 2 pieces for myself and my husband (an extra $100 each way).


I remember gas prices being the reason used for adding the baggage fees, but cruiselines stopped the surcharge, why aren't airlines???? Not even 1 free checked bag and required to check necessities...I don't get it. Southwest doesn't fly from ATL so we'd have to drive to Birmingham and by the time we wait 3+ hours in security we'd be well on our way.


Oh well, I was searching for flights to New Orleans for our trip in Feb, I guess we'll just stick with driving.


Miami is is a 10 hour drive for us. We usually drive to Maimi or elsewhere in FL to take a cruise. Less hassle.


When we cruised to Bermuda from NY we flew, and we flew to Seattle for our Alaska cruise, and of course we flew to England for our transatlantic.

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To me flying has become so unpleasant, that I no longer fly unless absolutely necessary. I will now drive for a week rather than fly. I just read that you are not allowed to leave your seat the last hour of your flight. Hope no one has a weak bladder.


They would be okay as they usually wear depends.


I know my last flight from overseas, we had to circle NY for 45 minutes as the plane was huge (400 PAX) and needed a huge runway to land-and that was backed up-too many huge planes needing to land-we had to wait our turn. By the time we got through customs, I had to go BAD.

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I just read that you are not allowed to leave your seat the last hour of your flight. Hope no one has a weak bladder.

Exactly! I have a problem with humans being deprived of necessities, such as lavatory use. S'ok, after a few pants-crapping incidents, that rule will be history.


I have not seen the reasoning for this rule, but if you were going to blow the plane up, would not using the can an hour before landing really botch your plan?? Just go in an hour and a HALF before landing to do the dirty deed.

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