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Earthquake near Santiago Chile -- Princess Sailings and Passengers


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To be honest I think it is ludicrous to even contemplate going to Chile at the moment unless your going to assist in the earthquake rescue or need to go home and help family. There is no infrastructure for tourism. Just getting the 2600 passengers off a ship and out of Chile is going to be enough of a job. The locals don't have time nor resources to cater for tourists right now.:confused:

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To be honest I think it is ludicrous to even contemplate going to Chile at the moment unless your going to assist in the earthquake rescue or need to go home and help family. There is no infrastructure for tourism. Just getting the 2600 passengers off a ship and out of Chile is going to be enough of a job. The locals don't have time nor resources to cater for tourists right now.:confused:


I agree 100%

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To be honest I think it is ludicrous to even contemplate going to Chile at the moment unless your going to assist in the earthquake rescue or need to go home and help family. There is no infrastructure for tourism. Just getting the 2600 passengers off a ship and out of Chile is going to be enough of a job. The locals don't have time nor resources to cater for tourists right now.:confused:


I agree, so many went to Haiti trying to "help" and caused so many problems.

The same goes for Chile. Many if not most will have to cancel this cruise if Princess does not first and should not be there in the first place.

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I feel sorry for all those trying to get to to ship, or those who are afraid of even trying, given the emergency situation in Chile.


I also can not believe Princess would sail the Star with so few passengers on board since they derive a great deal of their profits from things like the casino, photos, shore tours, alcohol sales, shop purchases, etc.


In regards to travel insurance claiming this as an act of god, I'm also not sure if that applies as it generally covers travel delays (such as snow storms) and if your flight was either canceled or delayed and you miss the ship, it should be covered as a travel delay. If it is not, the reason that most people purchase travel insurance (travel delays or flight cancellations due to weather) should be re-evaluated.


Please give your thoughts.

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To be honest I think it is ludicrous to even contemplate going to Chile at the moment unless your going to assist in the earthquake rescue or need to go home and help family. There is no infrastructure for tourism. Just getting the 2600 passengers off a ship and out of Chile is going to be enough of a job. The locals don't have time nor resources to cater for tourists right now.:confused:


I agree! The resources flying into the country now should be relief resources.


My guess (hope) is that once Corporate Princess gets in tomorrow they will realize their priorities are wrong and start working with passengers and travel agents for alternate plans. This includes refunding those who can't make it to the ship.

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I agree! The resources flying into the country now should be relief resources.


My guess (hope) is that once Corporate Princess gets in tomorrow they will realize their priorities are wrong and start working with passengers and travel agents for alternate plans. This includes refunding those who can't make it to the ship.


Surely Corporate Princess works 7 days a week in an emergent situation.


This is a public relations disaster for the cruise line.

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Oh yes they do, no way would they be sitting at home. ;)


I agree they are working but I am trying to come up with a logical explanation for Princess's stupid actions/responses for the weekend. Though - I think there are some very limited resources involved when working on weekends.


For example - a friend booked Princess air for the Chile trip. Princess is saying "call the airline yourself and see what you can do". Now I have had friends have other emergency situations during the week and Princess air did work with them to come up with alternate flights (this was during the week). I don't think Princess air works on weekends.


So my friend called American Airlines and they really couldn't help him (they tried but couldn't come up with anything) but suggested they call the American Airlines Cruise Air division which isn't open during the weekends - so he can call Monday morning and was advised not to call first thing because they will have to get caught up on the situation first.

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I agree but with a closed airport and all the death and destruction passengers should relize that it is fruitless to try and make this cruise.


Many people whom are booked on this are on it as a 32 day voyage, so it's not just a 7 night jaunt they can reschedule. I'm sure most passengers just like most of us on these boards feel for the people of Chile in this time. However Chile is not the same situation as Haiti, and they appear to be working hard to get some sense of normality - especially in Santiago which news reports are stating as not in that bad a shape.


Princess is telling passengers to still go to Valparaiso on Tuesday so this is the official line. Telling my clients to just go home and write off their 32 day trip is not really an option so like many other TAs we're trying to figure out how to get our clients onto the ship.

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Let passengers disembark if they want. Offer the other to take them back to the next avail. Port for a save and organized disembarkation also send the March 2 nd cruiser there and let them onboard. That gives everyone time to reshedule their flights.

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For clarification: The earthquake falls under a Force Majeure occurance. Below are some of the definitions and explanations of Force Majeure.

Example Clauses


1. Neither party shall be liable in damages or have the right to terminate this Agreement for any delay or default in performing hereunder if such delay or default is caused by conditions beyond its control including, but not limited to Acts of God, Government restrictions (including the denial or cancellation of any export or other necessary license), wars, insurrections and/or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the party whose performance is affected.

2. Neither party shall be liable for any failure or delay in performance under this Agreement (other than for delay in the payment of money due and payable hereunder) to the extent said failures or delays are proximately caused (I) by causes beyond that party's reasonable control and occurring without its fault or negligence, including, without limitation, failure of suppliers, subcontractors, and carriers, or party to substantially meet its performance obligations under this Agreement, provided that, as a condition to the claim of nonliability, the party experiencing the difficulty shall give the other prompt written notice, with full details following the occurrence of the cause relied upon. Dates by which performance obligations are scheduled to be met will be extended for a period of time equal to the time lost due to any delay so caused.


Commentary: These examples are typical of force majeure clauses in commercial contracts. As is common practice, these clauses excuse a party from performing its obligations if the failure is caused by subcontractors, suppliers and/or carriers. In agreements for on-line access to remote databases, such clauses may excuse failures due to problems with phone lines or third parties. To make sure that the parties know exactly what is and is not a legitimate excuse for failure to provide access to licensed materials, it would be better to specifically set forth the circumstances that excuse a failure of performance, rather than rely on a general force majeure clause. Force majeure clauses are usually applicable to performance failures caused by:

  • <LI style="mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list .5in" class=MsoNormal>natural disasters (earthquakes, hurricanes, floods) <LI style="mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-list: l0 level1 lfo1; tab-stops: list .5in" class=MsoNormal>wars, riots or other major upheaval
  • performance failures of parties outside the control of the contracting party (e.g., disruptions in telephone service attributable to the telephone company or labor actions by employees of a common carrier)

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Many people whom are booked on this are on it as a 32 day voyage, so it's not just a 7 night jaunt they can reschedule. I'm sure most passengers just like most of us on these boards feel for the people of Chile in this time. However Chile is not the same situation as Haiti, and they appear to be working hard to get some sense of normality - especially in Santiago which news reports are stating as not in that bad a shape.


Princess is telling passengers to still go to Valparaiso on Tuesday so this is the official line. Telling my clients to just go home and write off their 32 day trip is not really an option so like many other TAs we're trying to figure out how to get our clients onto the ship.



I work with port agents in Santiago, so I'll add some information to this thread if that's alright.


Currently, while the damage is not as extensive as that of Haiti; it did a lot of damage to property as well as several hundreds in loss of life. Staff that normally is available in and around the port, hotels, airports, et al; are limited right now as they're mobilized to help with emergencies throughout the city and state.


Add to this, that many of these same people are assisting with or looking for their families and ensuring their well being; and they simply don't have the resources to proceed with standard daily ops.



As for this port; the word right now is Port Authority is not granting ANY modifications to voyages scheduled in and out of this port. If you're scheduled, they're holding to that schedule. Ships like the Star Princess cannot stay any longer than have already been scheduled; until both the local and state agencies sign off on it. Right now however, they have their hands full and communication is sporadic throughout the region.



In regards to Princess. Like it or not; the ship is doing only what it can do and still be compliant with both local laws and government agencies.


The corporate offices can only work with the information that they have at present; as the one area they can't influence is travel into Santiago. Discussion of alternatives that they can't provide ( like independent air), that the airlines themselves aren't able to provide is fruitless; and thus any discussion of compensation within the first 24 hours of an emergency is premature at best.



That being said, this is not a Princess issue any more than it's an issue when hundreds are stranded anywhere due to weather or other situations outside the control of the cruiseline.


People can try to make it on Tuesday, however Princess is not encouraging people to do anything they don't WANT to do. If they can make it; the ship will be there and proceed as scheduled.


If clients wish to cancel they can do so under their agency or cruise protection plans.


If clients wish to meet the ship at another port, the cruiseline will work with them to do so.



This is not a Travel agent+Passenger vs Princess issue. This is an emergency situation where the loss of life and impact to EVERYONE can not be understated. Decide what's best for your client; continue to communicate what you know and we'll see what information becomes available tomorrow as we get updates from official agencies and Princess.




Note: Please don't respond to me directly specifically to discuss differences in customer service philosophies. I'd rather keep the discussion focused on information and solutions.

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Thanks Digital Cruiser for the additional information and for sharing that with us - it's appreciated.


I don't know how things will play out with clients en-route, so it will be a challenging next few days I'm sure for many people - both from the perspective of cruisers and for local citizens in Chile.


My company also has our own ground services team that works for us in Santiago and I sincerely hope that they are all doing ok at this difficult time as obviously there are many priorities right now like you mention.


If you could be so kind, would you mind posting on here again if you learn of anything further r:e port authority, schedules, plans etc? Thank you again for sharing this information.

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I just heard on the local news (Denver time) that the US Dept of State is warning against any non-essential travel to Chile at this time.


Perhaps there will be something more about it on the national news; meanwhile, I'll see if I can find something on the State Dept's website.


ETA: Here is a link:




It appears it is a travel "advisory" and NOT a travel "warning", but the intent is the same as I heard on the news.

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Thanks to Digital Criuiser for putting this topic in proper prospective. Our thoughts should be directed to the people of Chile at this time. It is so easy to lay blame when we are disappointed. We all need to take a step back. There is no quick and easy answer.

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I work with port agents in Santiago, so I'll add some information to this thread if that's alright.


Currently, while the damage is not as extensive as that of Haiti; it did a lot of damage to property as well as several hundreds in loss of life. Staff that normally is available in and around the port, hotels, airports, et al; are limited right now as they're mobilized to help with emergencies throughout the city and state.


Add to this, that many of these same people are assisting with or looking for their families and ensuring their well being; and they simply don't have the resources to proceed with standard daily ops.



As for this port; the word right now is Port Authority is not granting ANY modifications to voyages scheduled in and out of this port. If you're scheduled, they're holding to that schedule. Ships like the Star Princess cannot stay any longer than have already been scheduled; until both the local and state agencies sign off on it. Right now however, they have their hands full and communication is sporadic throughout the region.



In regards to Princess. Like it or not; the ship is doing only what it can do and still be compliant with both local laws and government agencies.


The corporate offices can only work with the information that they have at present; as the one area they can't influence is travel into Santiago. Discussion of alternatives that they can't provide ( like independent air), that the airlines themselves aren't able to provide is fruitless; and thus any discussion of compensation within the first 24 hours of an emergency is premature at best.



That being said, this is not a Princess issue any more than it's an issue when hundreds are stranded anywhere due to weather or other situations outside the control of the cruiseline.


People can try to make it on Tuesday, however Princess is not encouraging people to do anything they don't WANT to do. If they can make it; the ship will be there and proceed as scheduled.


If clients wish to cancel they can do so under their agency or cruise protection plans.


If clients wish to meet the ship at another port, the cruiseline will work with them to do so.



This is not a Travel agent+Passenger vs Princess issue. This is an emergency situation where the loss of life and impact to EVERYONE can not be understated. Decide what's best for your client; continue to communicate what you know and we'll see what information becomes available tomorrow as we get updates from official agencies and Princess.




Note: Please don't respond to me directly specifically to discuss differences in customer service philosophies. I'd rather keep the discussion focused on information and solutions.


digital cruiser this is excellent...


princess is not in control of most the issues that come to play in this..


it has been forgotten, that this is an unprecidented event in cruising history...an 8.8 earthquake has never created a nighmare scenario for cruisers...the country is in turmoil...death rates are steadily climbing...countries have issued travel advisories...there are other cruise lines in the area and whatever all these cruise lines decide together with princess will set policy for any future situations...


many have said that princess needs to give passengers time to get to the ship...princess cant make that decision ... only the port authority can...


we have cancelled...we will seek what we can get from our insurance provider and are so grateful that we are safe at home.....for no money or refund would you have me travelling into a tragic earthquake zone to enjoy a 5 star cruise while the country in which I am embarking in is looking for survivors and burying their dead.


count your blessings at a time like this rather than talk of disappointment.

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Voices of reason often serve to temper voices of emotion.


Having factual information during times of conflicting reports is helpful to us all.


State Department travel advisories and/or warnings should never be taken lightly. The Department considers reporting from our Embassy in the country in question and filters that against the overall conditions as seen from the perspective of the United States. The major consideration is the protection and best interests of United States citizens.

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Captain Perrin came on the PA tonight to give us an update. We are still heading towards Valparaiso and should be there by 4:30am on Tuesday. He said that the Santiago airport had received some dammage, and was scheduled to be reopened on Monday, but that was still up in the air. He also said that if the airport was not open on Tuesday that the Star Princess would stay in port and act as a hotel for all her stranded passangers. His last statement relieved a lot of passenger tension. Will update you further as we are given updates.


Michelle H.

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Captain Perrin came on the PA tonight to give us an update. We are still heading towards Valparaiso and should be there by 4:30am on Tuesday. He said that the Santiago airport had received some dammage, and was scheduled to be reopened on Monday, but that was still up in the air. He also said that if the airport was not open on Tuesday that the Star Princess would stay in port and act as a hotel for all her stranded passangers. His last statement relieved a lot of passenger tension. Will update you further as we are given updates.


Michelle H.


Thank you.

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I work with port agents in Santiago, so I'll add some information to this thread if that's alright.


Currently, while the damage is not as extensive as that of Haiti; it did a lot of damage to property as well as several hundreds in loss of life. Staff that normally is available in and around the port, hotels, airports, et al; are limited right now as they're mobilized to help with emergencies throughout the city and state.


Add to this, that many of these same people are assisting with or looking for their families and ensuring their well being; and they simply don't have the resources to proceed with standard daily ops.



As for this port; the word right now is Port Authority is not granting ANY modifications to voyages scheduled in and out of this port. If you're scheduled, they're holding to that schedule. Ships like the Star Princess cannot stay any longer than have already been scheduled; until both the local and state agencies sign off on it. Right now however, they have their hands full and communication is sporadic throughout the region.



In regards to Princess. Like it or not; the ship is doing only what it can do and still be compliant with both local laws and government agencies.


The corporate offices can only work with the information that they have at present; as the one area they can't influence is travel into Santiago. Discussion of alternatives that they can't provide ( like independent air), that the airlines themselves aren't able to provide is fruitless; and thus any discussion of compensation within the first 24 hours of an emergency is premature at best.



That being said, this is not a Princess issue any more than it's an issue when hundreds are stranded anywhere due to weather or other situations outside the control of the cruiseline.


People can try to make it on Tuesday, however Princess is not encouraging people to do anything they don't WANT to do. If they can make it; the ship will be there and proceed as scheduled.


If clients wish to cancel they can do so under their agency or cruise protection plans.


If clients wish to meet the ship at another port, the cruiseline will work with them to do so.



This is not a Travel agent+Passenger vs Princess issue. This is an emergency situation where the loss of life and impact to EVERYONE can not be understated. Decide what's best for your client; continue to communicate what you know and we'll see what information becomes available tomorrow as we get updates from official agencies and Princess.




Note: Please don't respond to me directly specifically to discuss differences in customer service philosophies. I'd rather keep the discussion focused on information and solutions.



Well said and thank you.

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Not knowing any Spanish, this is the best piece of information in the past 48 hrs I have found on the internet that pertains to cruiser sailing out of Valparaiso . Thanks for the posts.

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