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Ava_Girls PRIDE August 15th-22nd Review!!!


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Ava_Girl_123 Carnival Pride Trip report is here!! Long awaited by some of yall...Yay!!!:D


I am starting this review 2 days before we actually leave for the Pride out of Baltimore. I do this as I feel that there is so much anticipation before we leave for this vacation as this will be our first cruise. But I hear every cruise is just as exciting as the first. Maybe you are reading this while anticipating a future cruise you have booked. I hope I can tap into some of what you may be feeling right now. My mind is racing. "Am I going to like cruising?" Maybe I will, maybe I won't.. "Do I have everything we need?" I have learned from this board that if I do not, don't worry just relax and enjoy the cruise..Take in the sights, breathe in the fresh air of the ocean and just C-H-I-L-L Gail....



So, today is Thursday August 12th @ 3:18 pm. We leave on Sunday. My countdown on Cruise Critic says 2 days-9 hours-42 minutes and 16 seconds!! Have watched that darn thing since it said 133 days! I know, short compared to some of your countdown clocks. Not complaining but you know the agony and excitement watching that stupid thing go down over the hours, days, weeks, months, over even years...Uuuugghhh..I feel a little sad as well. This is almost over and I haven't even got on the ship yet. I am sure this is something that some of you feel right before you get on the boat knowing the excitement will be over in a few days. I know what I have to do to cure the cruise blues, BOOK ANOTHER ASAP!!



Laundry is done, bags are packed, house is cleaned, dinner is prepared, kids are tended to. I have called the bank and notified them that we will be out of the country, called cell phone company, made an emergency contact list for my Mother in law who will be here watching our children for the week. "She raised 5 children of her own, she raised 5 children of her own, she raised 5 children of her own" is what keeps repeating in my head. My husband and my brother and sister in laws are all ok (for the most part).. Lol..


Done food shopping for the house while we will be away. Bills are paid.. Made copies of passports, birth certificates, credit cards. Printed up documents, fun passes, Bon Voyage receipts, steak house reservation confirmation email. Money is ready to go, I have enough dollar bills for tipping, luggage tags are attached to our bags..


I have bought sunscreen, packed meds for husband, bathing suits and bungee cords, clothing, shoes and undies, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash. Hanging shoe organizers for a cabin bathroom that does not have enough space, hand sanitizers, and sanitizer wipes. Cabin door decorations are packed, (my door will look so freaking cool!) I have little yellow "post it notes" for our door too to leave messages for my party. (wink) Camera, check.. Downey wrinkle release, check... I have bought 2 formal night dresses, beautiful heels and jewelry, a suit for the husband. I know what a mustar (sp) drill is. I know where the Lido deck is located. Pursers desk (sp)...I know starboard and port side. Aft and the front thingy part of the ship...Lol Oh, I now know what a tender is too.. :) I know that I can check my sign and sail card balance on my television. I know not to be a "chair hog" and to only leave my chair for approx 20 minutes or so and NOT to stick a "RESERVED" sign on it. I know I can order double or triple, unlimited amounts of whatever I want to eat. I know I can try to break the most lobster tails ordered record..(although I intend on not doing that to my hips).



I have my "bubba mug" to fill my "purchased" liquor with, that I ordered from the Bon Voyage department over the past few months and anything else I may or may not try to chance getting in "illegally" by smuggling (Don't ask, I will not tell you if I did or didn't..Lol). I also ordered an anniversary cake for the other couple that is traveling with us to be in their stateroom for when they arrive. Formal night is Monday the first sea day.. Second formal night is Friday. I have a Peep Meet or Meet and Greet thingy the first day before the mustar (sp) drill @ 3 pm on the Lido deck with my roll call that includes Cruise Critic members MS._FUN_BUNCH, HANDSOME, BAYLIVIN, EMJAY, CNB0817, SEANREN, SHIRLEY&DALE, WONE3 and a whole bunch of what seem to be really cool people. We are also doing a group casino slot pull the first sea day @ 11 that I may attend, haven't decided yet..


Gonna get to the port by 10:30 a.m. even if my recorded call from Carnival that came yesterday told me to get there by 2 pm, because reading these boards constantly over the past few months, I have gained the knowledge to know that if I want a shot at one of the cabanas on Half Moon Cay, I need to get there early.. (Did I get one? We will see right?) I know ALL OF THIS only because I have read these boards daily since April. I can not stress enough how thankful I am to you all, really.. Thank you.

I tell you all of this not to just tell you this, not to exhaust you before I officially start my Trip Report, but I am telling you this to paint a picture of EXACTLY what is running in and out of my head at this very moment.. I WILL need this vacation after this, my brain is SHOT. I have been in an absolute "Cruise Fog" the past few months and it only got worse and better at the same time the closer we have gotten. But, I have a feeling most of you know exactly what I am talking about, don't ya? Yea, you do..



Some background on me and DH.

We are both 33. Originally from L-O-N-G-U-Y-L-A-N-D (Long Island) New York. (Sing it Frankie~~ Start spreading the news). Live in Pennsylvania now..(Banjo playing in the background with some cows). Married for 13 years with 3 very active, very hyper, energy filled non stop going children ages 12, 8 and 4. The 4 year old is going to be the "Straw that broke the camels back" child if ya get my drift. Love her to death but my daughter sucks the life out of me on a daily basis and I believe it is done on purpose too. LOL... We were married young at the age of 20. Lets just say it was a Bang, Bang, Bang, "Shot gun wedding." People said we wouldn't make it, but we did and this cruise is for our 13 year anniversary which was August 7th.


Saved, saved and saved some more for our first home which we bought 3 years ago. Busy life, busy, busy, busy. I do daycare from home so I am with little ones ALL DAY LONG:eek:!! Soccer, gymnastics, school, homework, bills, house.... I assume I am painting a picture of your life too, maybe close to what it is, was or maybe will be some day, so you must understand just how much this vacation is needed then right? Right. Forgot to mention that my husband also had a heart attack on December 13th of last year. He is doing great now. Scared the jeepers out of all of us. But my man is A-Ok now. I mainly booked this cruise for him. He is a wonderful man, great father, and works very hard for me and my children. The man needs a break and this cruise will give him that, I hope.. (that is, unless I lose to much money in the casino's, but I have already established in my mind that I am going to be a huge winner, so no worries babe, Lol) I myself am also a survivor of ovarian cancer and have been in remission for about 14 years with a few scares here and there through the years, including a few weeks ago, but all is well.

Ok, enough of all of that.. On to day 1 of our Carnival Pride August 15th, 2010 FIRST EVER CRUISE with a TON of pictures too!!


Day 1 Sunday August 15th, 2010


OMG! WE MISSED THE SHIP! Really, not kidding.. Yep, holy cow.. standing at the pier as it pulls away, what do we do.. Panic, panic, panic.. (Sound of alarm clock) Gasp... Ok, ok only a NIGHTMARE! Wwhhhhhhheeewwww.. Felt sooooooo real!

I am awake, it is 6 a.m. on Sunday August 15th, all is well, we didn't miss the ship Gail, calm down! Lol Shower for both of us, makeup, hair.. Breakfast.. Kiss the kiddies good bye, go over last minute BS with the Mother in law and out the door we head to Rob and Michelles house to go pick them up and head to Baltimore!! It is approx 9:30-9:45 a.m. First cruise for all of us so the car is hopping with conversations about what to do, what to see, how to spend our days and every little detail about what I have read on these boards. It was a great car ride down. Only 45 minutes as we all live on the PA/MD line. Arrived at the port around 10:30..

No way! Is that the ship?? OMG!! I was telling my roll call that my husband passes the ship often as he works right in the Baltimore area. He has told me the past few months that until I see the ship up close and personal, I have no idea exactly how massive it looks. Well Oh My!! I have actually never seen a cruise ship other then on television and on the Internet in pictures. It looked massive. I am so tiny compared to it and I am a "thick" woman! Lol.. It was beautiful, scary, amazing, powerful, and overwhelming all at the same time. Words can not express what I felt at that very moment seeing this structure.. This is going to be an amazing week..










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So, have you booked you second cruise yet? (Hopefully not that weird group cruise!)


22 years later, I'm reliving my first cruise perceptions vs. Reality.


I drove through Baltimore 3 weeks ago hoping to get a glance at at least one cruise ship, so I took the FS Key Bridge, but no luck. But I did get some nice views of the harbor having missed it going through the tunnels for the past 44 years vacationing in the south.

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Since my daughter lives not far away from Baltimore, this cruise is one I have thought of taking. So going to be watching.


Ava - love your writing style! VERY thorough, looking forward to seeing the rest. I'll third welcome home!

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Gail, My husband said to be sure and tell you that he never saw anyone spin the wheel on the slot machine the way you did!!!


Oh Lord, wonder if anyone in our group grabbed some pics of that? Lol...That is coming later in the review folks, but I am thinking that no one you ever knew spun a slot machine the way myself and some of our fellow Cruise Critic members did!


I JUST LOVE THIS review! And you remind me so much of someone dear I worked with (briefly) in Texas. Did you ever live/work in Fort Worth (daycare)? If so, you may email me privately if you wish- IXOYE4EVER@yahoo.com


At any rate- can't wait to read the rest of your review- with these wonderful pics. Thanks!




Lived in Texas when I was growing up until I was 10 or so.. San Antonio...??


So, have you booked you second cruise yet? (Hopefully not that weird group cruise!)


22 years later, I'm reliving my first cruise perceptions vs. Reality.


I drove through Baltimore 3 weeks ago hoping to get a glance at at least one cruise ship, so I took the FS Key Bridge, but no luck. But I did get some nice views of the harbor having missed it going through the tunnels for the past 44 years vacationing in the south.


Nope, not yet.. Yet is the key word.. I will explain later in my review..




Ok so where was I? Yes, the first day!! I must mention that I am trying to write this review while:


#1) I still feel like I am swaying on the boat. This is a crazy feeling. It is either that or the large amounts of Captain Morgans Rum that was consumed over the last week still trying to filter it's way threw my body? Hahaha...


#2) I also have a very active house right now like I stated above. My kids PLUS 3 additional kids.. YIKES!!


Ok so, we got to the pier at approx 10:00-10:30. We had to wait in line in our vehicles for about an hour as the parking lot was still filled with the guests that were leaving the ship. We made a good time of it in the rain. Just hanging out...Finally the line starts moving and we were able to park. Paid $110.00 parking fee for the week. Grabbed our bags and were in line waiting to get our zone numbers. This process was pretty quick I must say.







Our friends Rob and Michelle



Me and Hubby ... Me looking like a wet rat from the rain..


I was actually surprised. With as early as we got there, we were still Zone 7..

So I am sitting waiting for our zone number to be called and I remembered something that Michel, MS_FUN_BUNCH from our group had said before we all left. She said that she was going to be wearing an orange shirt and would be in the VIP section. I seen her and HANDSOME.. I took a walk over and introduced myself.. Sat back down and the woman a few seats down from me says "Are you AVA_Girl from Cruise Critic?" It was Baylivin!! How funny.. My DH was like "Hahaha, you and posting your picture on websites."


Finally zone 7 was called.. It was about an hour of waiting, so not to bad.. Here we go! Up the gangway, enter the ship and this is what we see..








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I am enjoying your review thus far. I will be sailing the Valor in November. DH & I were on our last Carnival cruise in 1984 (Festivale) so it will most likely feel like a first cruise w/Carnival. Keep the review coming...I am very happy that YOU & hubby are healthy to enjoy this trip. Life sure does have its ups & downs....Take care...Joanne

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An Aft cabin is what we had booked on deck 7.. The holy cabins of cabins... Lol.. "The AFT, THE AFT"..SOOOO excited to see what this room and balcony looked like. We had cabin 7349. We hung around exploring the ship a little more. Approx 3:30-4:00 we were able to go check out our rooms.. I had big plans to decorate my cabin door, which I never did (frown) I totally forgot to do it with all of the excitement all week.. It would have looked great! It was a Tiki-Hut door decoration thing-a-mu-jig... But oh-well.. Next time right?


I will tell ya, getting use to the swaying of the ship even at this point was weird for me. I looked like I was drunk all week. Trying to walk in heels was INSANE for me. How long does this swaying feeling last? Really, I am still feeling it..


Soooooo, into our cabin we go.. Nice.. really liked it all week.. BUT, I must say, that next time I would just get a regular extended balcony. Our friends Rob and Michelle had one and in my opinion it felt bigger. The railings on the extended balconies are positioned different then the AFT. They are straight up, as to where the AFT is on a slant, so I felt like that took up some space..

Now, the view from an AFT is awesome hands down. But like many have said, the heat in the afternoon on the AFT is crazy. The room however was always cold as I had it down all the way. No shade at all either on the balcony. We didn't have any problems with soot like some here have had, but we always were careful placing a towel down on the chairs before sitting just to be safe.

And making our way into the "Balcony" club" was a challenge at that without people from above being able to look down at us, but was a sucessful mission all week.. Ha! The extended balconies on deck 7 had a ton of privacy to them, so that is something that would appeal to us the next time around.. LOVED the balcony. Could not imagine a cruise without it. We used it daily in the morning, afternoon and evenings..Couldn't do it any other way..

Here are some pictures of our cabin and balcony for your viewing pleassure..














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I'm mistaken, you just seem very familiar- from Fort Worth, not S A.

oh well...

LOVING YOUR GREAT REVIEW- keep it going!!!! Don't stop, enjoying every word and every pic- though we travel from Galveston (Conquest)... but you review/posts are such fun to read!


Quote: "Lived in Texas when I was growing up until I was 10 or so.. San Antonio...??"

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