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Bad news for all Cruise Critic Groups on Carnival


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This will mostly affect those who are taking "multiple" cruises. It is much easier to only tie up $50 per booking than $300-500 depending on sailing.


It is one of the reasons I like NCL's Cruise Reward program. With their program, you use the $250 certificate for the total deposit which is a whole lot easier than tying up $1000 for four people. Yes, it does make the final payment a bit higher but at least I dont have my money tied up.


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Well, it stinks but Carnival will no longer offer a reduced deposit of $25.00 to book into a CC group cruise. AND if you have one booked already, and the second deposit was due AFTER Nov. 1st. Your complete deposit is due by Nov. 1st, 2010 now.

You have the option of letting your booking cancel, and pay the rest of the deposit when you want to, but you will lose your booking number, dining time, excursions booked. etc.

Carnival will lose a lot of groups by doing this. The GREAT news is that because Carnival dropped the ball, Celebrity, NCL and Royal are all going to start offering the reduced depsoit for their lines!


Oasis/Allure here I come!~:D



RCCL has a reduced deposit program, it is called the No DEPOSIT program,

and they give you 6 months to make a payment, or you can choose the program that allows the $ 50 deposit .....LOL

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I agree. If you knew me, you would know that I am so far opposite of your statement. It just so happens we see the situation from different views. Your view benefits you, my view may or may not benefit me. Looking at the big picture, does this benefit CCL & the customer base? Only time will tell.


I would bet that most people that book cruises don't get too involved with CC's group bookings. So the policy probably doesn't have a big impact on the majority of cruise PAX.


Yea, I grew up with relatives in Texas who thought if you made a agreement and shook on it, that your word was your bond. I dont care if Carnival wants to change the rules on unbooked cruises, but think it means they are sneaky and not trustworthy that their word means nothing. They agreed to terms and now the person who is already booked, agreed to the terms that Carnival offered, now Carnival changed the terms. To me a booking is a contract. Carnival is really pushing it lately .. the FL AG got involved when Carnival pulled this about fuel supplements .. adding them to already booked cruises..this is the same thing.


I happen to believe if both parties agree to something, and money changes hands (consideration, the def of a contract by law), then both sides should honor the agreement. ..not one saying hey I am bigger and badder, and I can change the rules we agreed to at any time.

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I am fairly new to CC and am confused. I am coordinating a CC Meet and Greet on Nov. 22 and they are giving me a room, water and coffee, and no charge. So what is this $25 for?

They are talking about the CC Group Cruises. Our M&G has nothing to do with it. If you booked with a CC group you used to be allowed to put $25 down as a deposit instead of the $250. (For a week cruise) You were allowed to pay the rest of the deposit later. Now, you have to put the entire deposit down. Just like anyone else who would be booking the cruise.

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Sorry but Carnival is wrong here. If you change your policy that is fine. But BACK DATING to include all estibalished cruises is just wrong. Why not start it with the cruises hence forth.


Is Carnival in a hurt for quick fix of money or do they want to lose customers? I would just like to know why all of a sudden this has come up.


thanks ... you said it better. This is the crux for me too

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I would bet that most people that book cruises don't get too involved with CC's group bookings. So the policy probably doesn't have a big impact on the majority of cruise PAX.


This policy is for all group cruises that Carnival sets up with all TAs not just CC group cruises.


I don't do CC group cruises, not giving my business to a competitor. I am a TA and also have groups booked on Carnival ships. This new policy will hurt both the cruisers I have booked and me too.


Example of how this hurts my group clients. They always cruise as a fairly large group. Had a Carnival Cruise leaving on Sept 12 this year. They found one in late August that they really like for Sept 2011 (next year) but really didn't want to or couldn't put out another $500 per couple just 3 weeks before sailing on this year's cruise.


The $25.00 deposit allowed them to guarantee space on next year's cruise (so that there were enough cabins available for the entire group) and allow them a bit of "recovery" time money wise before having to put up the rest of the deposit monies.


It also allowed me to choose amenities for the group based on the amenity points for that sailing assigned by Carnival. As a cruise gets closer to sailing time and/or fills up faster, Carnival can, and usually does, decreases the number of amenity points assigned to that sailing. Less amenity points means less of a perk for the cruiser.


Especially now that TAs are restricted to no discounting for anyone and the new limited policy as to what a TA can personally give a client on Carnival sailings as a perk/incentive to book. We mostly have to now depend on Carnival's assigned amenity points. They go down and what is there left to offer a client as a thanks for booking incentive...not much.


So, I also feel that the old contracts should be honored and any new group contracts booking after the 11/01 date should fall under the realm of the new regulation. Hummm, isn't this the same as breaking a contract for any other service in the public sector with the ramifications that come with not honoring contracts? Since I am not a lawyer and not well versed on the legal issue I am probably wrong but it just seems it should be the same.

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This policy is for all group cruises that Carnival sets up with all TAs not just CC group cruises.


I don't do CC group cruises, not giving my business to a competitor. I am a TA and also have groups booked on Carnival ships. This new policy will hurt both the cruisers I have booked and me too.


Example of how this hurts my group clients. They always cruise as a fairly large group. Had a Carnival Cruise leaving on Sept 12 this year. They found one in late August that they really like for Sept 2011 (next year) but really didn't want to or couldn't put out another $500 per couple just 3 weeks before sailing on this year's cruise.


The $25.00 deposit allowed them to guarantee space on next year's cruise (so that there were enough cabins available for the entire group) and allow them a bit of "recovery" time money wise before having to put up the rest of the deposit monies.


It also allowed me to choose amenities for the group based on the amenity points for that sailing assigned by Carnival. As a cruise gets closer to sailing time and/or fills up faster, Carnival can, and usually does, decreases the number of amenity points assigned to that sailing. Less amenity points means less of a perk for the cruiser.


Especially now that TAs are restricted to no discounting for anyone and the new limited policy as to what a TA can personally give a client on Carnival sailings as a perk/incentive to book. We mostly have to now depend on Carnival's assigned amenity points. They go down and what is there left to offer a client as a thanks for booking incentive...not much.


So, I also feel that the old contracts should be honored and any new group contracts booking after the 11/01 date should fall under the realm of the new regulation. Hummm, isn't this the same as breaking a contract for any other service in the public sector with the ramifications that come with not honoring contracts? Since I am not a lawyer and not well versed on the legal issue I am probably wrong but it just seems it should be the same.


My point exactly. I have a written contact with CRUCON that says my FULL DEPOSIT is not due til next year. They are now VOIDING that CONTRACT>

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Those of us who like CC cant think of this as good, if it hurts money to fund this message board.


... kinda like what I said about Carnival going back on its word on the 150% solos already booked, if they are ES they cant cancel, but they cant now get price drops and those posting ... oh its fine, Carnival must have decided this is good for revenue .. not a one of the ones who thinks its fine is booked solo and affected. Too much of this in the world to me, hey if it doesnt hurt me, I dont care who else it hurts.


The one part you are leaving out is that the solo rate based on 150% booked can get price drops if the price exceeds the current 200% price. Since there is no longer a 150% solo rate you have to use the 200% rate. I do think that if you are being required to pay for a full double occupancy then you should be entitled to all perks for BOTH passengers even if you are solo.

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Well, it stinks but Carnival will no longer offer a reduced deposit of $25.00 to book into a CC group cruise. AND if you have one booked already, and the second deposit was due AFTER Nov. 1st. Your complete deposit is due by Nov. 1st, 2010 now.

You have the option of letting your booking cancel, and pay the rest of the deposit when you want to, but you will lose your booking number, dining time, excursions booked. etc.

Carnival will lose a lot of groups by doing this. The GREAT news is that because Carnival dropped the ball, Celebrity, NCL and Royal are all going to start offering the reduced depsoit for their lines!


Oasis/Allure here I come!~:D


Maybe it will cut down on those annoying OFFICIAL GROUP CRUISE threads. :rolleyes:

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Sorry but Carnival is wrong here. If you change your policy that is fine. But BACK DATING to include all estibalished cruises is just wrong. Why not start it with the cruises hence forth.


Is Carnival in a hurt for quick fix of money or do they want to lose customers? I would just like to know why all of a sudden this has come up.


I would imagine Jerry wants the money on the books in the 4th Quarter of '10. His bonus and performance increases depend on the $$ hitting the books this year.

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My point exactly. I have a written contact with CRUCON that says my FULL DEPOSIT is not due til next year. They are now VOIDING that CONTRACT>


an if you cancel they CRUCON, will keep the $ 50 deposit


Maybe it will cut down on those annoying OFFICIAL GROUP CRUISE threads. :rolleyes:




that's the best part of this change!!!




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This policy is for all group cruises that Carnival sets up with all TAs not just CC group cruises.


I don't do CC group cruises, not giving my business to a competitor. I am a TA and also have groups booked on Carnival ships. This new policy will hurt both the cruisers I have booked and me too.


Example of how this hurts my group clients. They always cruise as a fairly large group. Had a Carnival Cruise leaving on Sept 12 this year. They found one in late August that they really like for Sept 2011 (next year) but really didn't want to or couldn't put out another $500 per couple just 3 weeks before sailing on this year's cruise.


The $25.00 deposit allowed them to guarantee space on next year's cruise (so that there were enough cabins available for the entire group) and allow them a bit of "recovery" time money wise before having to put up the rest of the deposit monies.


It also allowed me to choose amenities for the group based on the amenity points for that sailing assigned by Carnival. As a cruise gets closer to sailing time and/or fills up faster, Carnival can, and usually does, decreases the number of amenity points assigned to that sailing. Less amenity points means less of a perk for the cruiser.


Especially now that TAs are restricted to no discounting for anyone and the new limited policy as to what a TA can personally give a client on Carnival sailings as a perk/incentive to book. We mostly have to now depend on Carnival's assigned amenity points. They go down and what is there left to offer a client as a thanks for booking incentive...not much.


So, I also feel that the old contracts should be honored and any new group contracts booking after the 11/01 date should fall under the realm of the new regulation. Hummm, isn't this the same as breaking a contract for any other service in the public sector with the ramifications that come with not honoring contracts? Since I am not a lawyer and not well versed on the legal issue I am probably wrong but it just seems it should be the same.


Ah, yes that impacts a large number of folks. I guess I misread it to only be CC groups. I certainly understand the financial plus to many that want to pay over time in those groups.


Maybe with an uprising they will change the policy.


Maybe the CCL honchos don't understand their customers.


Thanks for clarifying.

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The one part you are leaving out is that the solo rate based on 150% booked can get price drops if the price exceeds the current 200% price. Since there is no longer a 150% solo rate you have to use the 200% rate. I do think that if you are being required to pay for a full double occupancy then you should be entitled to all perks for BOTH passengers even if you are solo.


yes, ... I shortened it to just say I think this is another example of Carnival agreeing to rules and then changing them on already booked cruises.


I think it shows bad character to not honor bookings made under whatever set of rules it was booked under. It seems like a pattern developing. .. Im wondering if they want to discourage TAs from booking cruises to get the business inhouse. Just one thought.

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Yea, I grew up with relatives in Texas who thought if you made a agreement and shook on it, that your word was your bond. I dont care if Carnival wants to change the rules on unbooked cruises, but think it means they are sneaky and not trustworthy that their word means nothing. They agreed to terms and now the person who is already booked, agreed to the terms that Carnival offered, now Carnival changed the terms. To me a booking is a contract. Carnival is really pushing it lately .. the FL AG got involved when Carnival pulled this about fuel supplements .. adding them to already booked cruises..this is the same thing.


I happen to believe if both parties agree to something, and money changes hands (consideration, the def of a contract by law), then both sides should honor the agreement. ..not one saying hey I am bigger and badder, and I can change the rules we agreed to at any time.


I agree with you. I certainly don't know the past moves by CCL, but if they keep handing the customers the hot end of the poker they will go elsewhere.


Maybe the CCL brass thinks if people are paying higher rates to other cruise lines, they can get some of that action too. They may price/push their loyal customers to other lines or types of vacations.

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yes, ... I shortened it to just say I think this is another example of Carnival agreeing to rules and then changing them on already booked cruises.


I think it shows bad character to not honor bookings made under whatever set of rules it was booked under. It seems like a pattern developing. .. Im wondering if they want to discourage TAs from booking cruises to get the business inhouse. Just one thought.


I'm sure the same rules apply to Carnival direct booked groups as well, easy on the paranoia. ;)

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yes, ... I shortened it to just say I think this is another example of Carnival agreeing to rules and then changing them on already booked cruises.


I think it shows bad character to not honor bookings made under whatever set of rules it was booked under. It seems like a pattern developing. .. Im wondering if they want to discourage TAs from booking cruises to get the business inhouse. Just one thought.



I toally agree with this statement...



First they change the groups policy, then the cancellation policy and now the amenities.... :( all in a few weeks...

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As a solo cruiser I was never able to use the reduced deposit but know that for many people, particularly families, being able to secure the price and their place on the ship made planning easier.


If Carnival wants to change the policy - going forward - all the power to them but to change it for existing groups and for people who were anticipating more time to get their full deposit together it stinks and isn't right. Two parties to a contract means both have to agree to changes. No unilateral changes by either party. Guess that contract only works in Carnival's favor!:rolleyes:

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I'm sure the same rules apply to Carnival direct booked groups as well, easy on the paranoia. ;)


I know some TAs have stopped selling Carnival over the past few months. thats why my comment that some of these new rules are driving TAs away from Carnival. Not paranoia


Im not saying it doesnt apply to other bookings .. I just believe Carnival should start with new bookings .. not apply new rules to already booked cruises. Its ok. We dont have to agree.

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I toally agree with this statement...



First they change the groups policy, then the cancellation policy and now the amenities.... :( all in a few weeks...


they also just changed the discount policy which is a huger one than the other to me to make TAs lose business.

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This policy is for all group cruises that Carnival sets up with all TAs not just CC group cruises.


I don't do CC group cruises, not giving my business to a competitor. I am a TA and also have groups booked on Carnival ships. This new policy will hurt both the cruisers I have booked and me too.


Example of how this hurts my group clients. They always cruise as a fairly large group. Had a Carnival Cruise leaving on Sept 12 this year. They found one in late August that they really like for Sept 2011 (next year) but really didn't want to or couldn't put out another $500 per couple just 3 weeks before sailing on this year's cruise.


So thats how it works.Thankyou for a real lesson on the TA business.Yours is a tough position to be in.

I don't think the Carnivals of the world realize the benefits you give them.

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Uh - one person only pays one deposit - not two.

If there are two people in the room, 2 people pay the deposit. If there are 4 people in the room then all four pay it.

I don't know who told you RCI reduced deposits are only for CC groups?

RCI has the $25.00 pp deposit available to all groups.

I looked into booking a group cruise through Royal right when the Oasis came out. I was told we each had to pay the full deposit. No reduced deposit at all.

RCCL has a reduced deposit program, it is called the No DEPOSIT program,

and they give you 6 months to make a payment, or you can choose the program that allows the $ 50 deposit .....LOL

What are you talking about? Please explain.

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