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Rumors about drug war killings???


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Has anyone heard about any of the rumors about the drug war killings? I am trying to find out if this is true.


Some friends of a friend went on a cruise in April. They said the cruise ship warned them to not be taking private tours and not to be using taxies and there was a drug war going on and they were taking passengers and killing them and displaying their heads in their front yards!!! :eek:


Is this true? Has anyone heard about this??? I was told they were warned about this in Belize, Costa Maya and Cozumel. I would really appreciate it if anyone can tell me if they have heard this same stuff.


I've been on several cruises and this one is new to me. I've never heard this before.


I'm being serious so please don't make fun or laugh at me. I would really like to know if this is true.:confused:



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Don't know about Belize, but in Mexico, yes...they are having some civil unrest...but most of these drug wars are not taking place in the tourist spots. Of course you should always be aware of your surroundings, and you should never go to a foreign country without knowing something about the place....research is key!

If you are afraid or plan to do some "out of the way" excursion, stick with the ship's offerings.

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Violence with the drug cartels in Mexico is on the rise, and there are stories of tourists and other innocent people beginning to be caught in the cross fire. However, there have been no beheaded cruise passengers mounted in people's yards as of yet.


Personally, I would avoid Mexico, but if you go, stick to the main tourists spots.

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This just sounds like one more way the cruise lines try to market their overpriced shore excursions. We have known so-called port lecturers to use fear tactics (although somewhat more subtle than this situation) to steer passengers towards booking the cruise ship excursions. We live in Mexico two months a year (Puerto Vallarta) and that area has less crime issued than most cities in the US. It is the same with many of the other Pacific resort areas such as Cabo. If this tale is true your friends should apply a little common sense to the issue. Do you think the cruise lines are going to risk the lives of passengers going to dangerous ports? If it is so dangerous on a private tour why would anyone think it would not be just as dangerous on a cruise line tour. We do recall a cruise tour bus being held-up by armed thugs in Jamaica (happened a few years ago). Does this mean nobody should go to Jamaica?



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Violence with the drug cartels in Mexico is on the rise, and there are stories of tourists and other innocent people beginning to be caught in the cross fire. However, there have been no beheaded cruise passengers mounted in people's yards as of yet.


Personally, I would avoid Mexico, but if you go, stick to the main tourists spots.


You know about the drug wars in the USA? If I were you I would never leave the house or move to some country where their are no drug related murders.

Guess you have never heard of gangs in the USA that kill people over drugs?

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You know about the drug wars in the USA? If I were you I would never leave the house or move to some country where their are no drug related murders.


Guess you have never heard of gangs in the USA that kill people over drugs?

I try to stick to the topic when asking questions, and not resort to inane personal attacks. I have traveled extensively all over the world, have spent a lot of time in Mexico, living and traveling, and I would prefer to not go back there for many reasons.


OP was not asking about drug related crime in the US; she asked a question about Mexico. The drug cartel violence in Mexico is on the rise. You can dispute fact if you like.

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The violence is real and is starting to infiltrate tourist areas:


In June 09, a shootout at a beach strip killed 16 people in Acapulco. It was less than a mile from the cliff divers attraction.


In April of this year, there was a shootout in the main square with the cathedral in Acapulco where people were killed.


9 or 10 bodies have been found recently, dumped around Acapulco.


A bar was bombed recently in Cancun, although it was more in the inner city and late at night.


To laugh off what is going on in Mexico is a fool's errand. It IS happening and is happening in some tourist areas. That being said however, most of the tourist areas are still pretty safe. Also, if tourists were being kidnapped in taxis and beheaded, don't you think every major news outlet would be there? They wouldn't leave that ratings cow get away.


The truth is somewhere in between; fear mongering is just that: inciting fear, but being careful is also important, just as one would be careful in Miami or Houston or St. Louis.


I for one am not going to let the Acapulco incidents stop me from getting off the ship there on our Panama Canal cruise in April! My biggest fear about that, is that Princess will cancel that port last minute and not replace it with something else. Now that's scary!

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Crystal has changed a number of their cruises away from the Mexican Riviera due to concerns of the drug cartel violence. This is no joking matter and the drug lords don't give a hoot where they start shooting. Will you experience it? Who knows? Probably not, but it's best to stay aware.

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There's a difference between the Mexican Riviera (Acapulco, Mazatlan, Puerto Vallarta, Cabo) which are all Pacific Ocean ports, and the Mayan Riviera (Cozumel, Costa Maya, Belize, Roatan) which are Mexican Gulf ports. Can someone please look at a map?

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I can confirm Acapulco is going downhill fast. Acapulco is one of the main landing points for drugs smuggled out of Central and South America on the Pacific side. These are the same loads making their way by land to the U.S. border. Mark my words. It will not be long before something happens and cruise ships drop that port.


On the Gulf side, Cancun has not gotten the media attention yet, but it is a hot bed for two very violent gangs...the Los Zetas and the Cuban American Mafia. Within the last couple months, dozens have been killed in and around Cancun.


Yes, crime happens everywhere...but in the interest of addressing the Op's concerns and keeping on topic, it's good to know these things.

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When we posted our comments, we were very careful not to mention Acapulco...and this was for a good reason. To be honest, we have never been Acapulco lovers because we see it as a pretty large city that has a few tourist resort areas that are fine. But, beyond those tourist areas it is not a particularly nice place. If we are in in Puerto Vallarta or other Pacific resorts like Cabo, we can take a stroll just about anywhere in the city late at night with no fear. This has never been the case in Acapulco where not only do you have to be careful about the neighborhood but also have to be concerned about the taxi drivers. Presidente Calderon had the foresight to put Mexican Army troops in the streets of Acapluco (nearly 2 years ago) because the police are close to worthless. Cruise passengers generally stick to the resort areas or go to see the cliff divers on excursions, and this is fine. But, this is just not a part of Mexico we want to visit under the current situation (a national drug insurgency).



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When we posted our comments, we were very careful not to mention Acapulco...and this was for a good reason. To be honest, we have never been Acapulco lovers because we see it as a pretty large city that has a few tourist resort areas that are fine. But, beyond those tourist areas it is not a particularly nice place. If we are in in Puerto Vallarta or other Pacific resorts like Cabo, we can take a stroll just about anywhere in the city late at night with no fear. This has never been the case in Acapulco where not only do you have to be careful about the neighborhood but also have to be concerned about the taxi drivers. Presidente Calderon had the foresight to put Mexican Army troops in the streets of Acapluco (nearly 2 years ago) because the police are close to worthless. Cruise passengers generally stick to the resort areas or go to see the cliff divers on excursions, and this is fine. But, this is just not a part of Mexico we want to visit under the current situation (a national drug insurgency).




We spent 3 days in Acapulco 20+years ago. It really wasn'tmuch of a tourist town then except for the big hotels and resorts..

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I try to stick to the topic when asking questions, and not resort to inane personal attacks. I have traveled extensively all over the world, have spent a lot of time in Mexico, living and traveling, and I would prefer to not go back there for many reasons.


OP was not asking about drug related crime in the US; she asked a question about Mexico. The drug cartel violence in Mexico is on the rise. You can dispute fact if you like.


We spend alot of time in Puerto Vallarta and I feel safer there then I do most cities in The States. I don't think we have to worry too much about bloodshed in the streets of PV...... Drug Cartel murders and fighting appears to be pretty low keyed there :rolleyes:


Why brush all of Mexico with one brush??? I have noticed that before with some of your past posts. It would be like me saying I won't go to Disneyland, Napa Valley or Seaworld because of the gangs in LA or I won't go to Aspen because of the horrific crime rate in Phoniex. A map of any country goes a long way


Acapulco or Mexico City would have me a little worried but mainly for the reasons Hlitner mentioned. And I feel that way about Montreal, Toronto and NYC when I vist them. That said, I don't associate with drug dealers or mafia amywhere so chances are *I* am pretty safe.


I agree it is good to be informed keep your wits about you as you would anywhere. Mexico is a beautiful country filled with some of the most amazing people in the world. It's a shame that a few really bad apples in a few parts of that lovely country are spoiling it for the rest of them :(

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You know about the drug wars in the USA? If I were you I would never leave the house or move to some country where their are no drug related murders.


Guess you have never heard of gangs in the USA that kill people over drugs?


LOL Good one :D I am always shocked that Vancouver BC doesn't have a it's own travel warning. It had more drug murders then PV, Mazatlan and Cabo combined the last few years yet people flock here.

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Violence with the drug cartels in Mexico is on the rise, and there are stories of tourists and other innocent people beginning to be caught in the cross fire. However, there have been no beheaded cruise passengers mounted in people's yards as of yet.


Personally, I would avoid Mexico, but if you go, stick to the main tourists spots.


Most of this is in the border towns, El Paso etc. Just be watchful like you should be in any foreign country. We just went to Riviera Maya and nothing out of the ordinary there. We felt quite safe.

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It would be like me saying I won't go to Disneyland, Napa Valley or Seaworld because of the gangs in LA or I won't go to Aspen because of the horrific crime rate in Phoniex [sic]. A map of any country goes a long way.


What does Aspen have to do with Phoenix? Or for that matter, the OP's question?

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What does Aspen have to do with Phoenix? Or for that matter, the OP's question?


Think about it for a minute.........:rolleyes:


What do border towns and areas with their high drug cartel related crime rates have to do with most ports that cruise lines stop at ?? And for those isolated crimes that do happen in Cancun or other stops....last time I checked even Faux news wasn't linking those crimes as being targeted towards cruise passengers or tourists.


Get a map and check out the distences.....what might be happening in one spot isn't likely taking place in another place hundreds of miles away.

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Don't know about Belize, but in Mexico, yes...they are having some civil unrest...but most of these drug wars are not taking place in the tourist spots. Of course you should always be aware of your surroundings, and you should never go to a foreign country without knowing something about the place....research is key!

If you are afraid or plan to do some "out of the way" excursion, stick with the ship's offerings.


Thanks CB at sea and everyone else. It still hasn't relieved my mind. Ugh...I guess I will stick to boat excursions for Belize....Costa Maya I just wanted to go hang out in the little fishing village but I heard its not little anymore and all built up, and Nervous about Cozumel as I have never used a ship excursion there. With all this news (which I wish I had not been told to be honest) now makes me so nervous. I use my head of course as I do here at home, but now just a tad worried.


You think the taxi's in Cozumel will still be ok to use if caught at the port? I know you can't say oh sure they will 100%, but they are checked out correct? Have rented a car before...but not this time. I've never heard about any of this...not naive...I know drugs are everywhere, but when they talked about the beheading and stuff just freaked me out.


Oh well, I guess I will go and have a good time...and be REALLY aware of our surroundings...we have only gone off the beaten path once and we were walking but that was years ago.


Thanks again all...

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Nothing! Just like comparing the drug crimes in the border towns with the tourist cities. They have nothing in common!


DING DING DING!!!! We have a winner here :)


They so have nothing in common!


Lililula we have only beenn to Cozumel once and we were stuck about how lovely an island it was and how friendly the people were. We walked around town then caught a taxi out to Iberostar and spent the rest of our day and taxied back. It was a wonderful day :)

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OP, we were in Cozumel, Costa Maya and Belize a couple of years ago. We felt perfectly safe. This was our second visit to those ports. We took ship tours in Belize both times, only because we went to some ruins that we feared might prevent us from getting back in time to make the ship otherwise.


In Cozumel, we used several cabs the first time and even went back into the inner part of the city and took a cab and walked the second time. We actually walked the couple of miles to Los Cinco Soles, my favorite store and I would have felt safe doing it alone. We were too tired half way back and took a cab the remaining way back. At no time did we feel unsafe.


Absolutely visit Majahual, the little fishing village in Costa Maya. It's different than it was a while ago, but it's still worth it. There are lots of better priced souvenirs compared to the port (I got some great hand made masks at a fraction of what they cost in port) and they have some great restaurants. You can get a massage on the beach and just relax! The beaches and water are wonderful and you can have a drink right at the water! El Delphin was wonderful last time we were there and we had a waiter all to ourselves who checked on us regularly. The people there are so grateful to have tourists again after the hurricane a few years back and are very willing to please.


As for those who want to believe people don't look at maps, last time I looked, Acapulco and Cancun are not border towns and they are having problems, particularly Acapulco, some of which I listed up thread. Tourists were caught in the crossfire in both places, very recently. If those folks choose not to see the problem and delude themselves that stuff only occurs in the border towns, great; that's their choice, but I think branding people who bring up those problems in some of the tourist areas is uncalled for. In my book, these forums are supposed to be for asking questions. What ever happened to "there are no stupid questions"?


Bottom line OP: Coz, Belize and Costa Maya are not experiencing any problems that I am aware of. Occasionally, drug packages have washed ashore on the less populated side of Coz, but that's about it and the police pick them up. Cancun, which is farther up on the tip of the Peninsula have had some issues, but that's still not Coz or Costa Maya. I would enjoy myself, but that's just me! This is actually our favorite itinerary and we plan to do it again in 2012!


Acapulco and Cancun are mentioned, only because they ARE tourist areas and not border towns and the violence does appear to be escalating. But, people still go there too. They are still isolated incidents so far. I'm planning to get off the ship at Acapulco and just be hyper aware. It's all relative.


If you are really concerned, Google the places on your itinerary for incidents. I think that will assuage some of your fears. I think you would do yourself a great disservice if you let fear mongering prevent you from enjoying these great places! But whatever you decide, it's something you have to feel comfortable with, and that's okay too! Whatever you decide, have a great trip!

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Thanks CB at sea and everyone else. It still hasn't relieved my mind. Ugh...I guess I will stick to boat excursions for Belize....Costa Maya I just wanted to go hang out in the little fishing village but I heard its not little anymore and all built up, and Nervous about Cozumel as I have never used a ship excursion there. ...


Try the threads for Ports of Call.


I am sure you can get some great advice on what to do in those places.

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We spend alot of time in Puerto Vallarta and I feel safer there then I do most cities in The States. I don't think we have to worry too much about bloodshed in the streets of PV...... Drug Cartel murders and fighting appears to be pretty low keyed there :rolleyes:


Why brush all of Mexico with one brush??? I have noticed that before with some of your past posts. It would be like me saying I won't go to Disneyland, Napa Valley or Seaworld because of the gangs in LA or I won't go to Aspen because of the horrific crime rate in Phoniex. A map of any country goes a long way


Acapulco or Mexico City would have me a little worried but mainly for the reasons Hlitner mentioned. And I feel that way about Montreal, Toronto and NYC when I vist them. That said, I don't associate with drug dealers or mafia amywhere so chances are *I* am pretty safe.


I agree it is good to be informed keep your wits about you as you would anywhere. Mexico is a beautiful country filled with some of the most amazing people in the world. It's a shame that a few really bad apples in a few parts of that lovely country are spoiling it for the rest of them :(



NYC? Really? Have you read the crime statistics in the past 10 or so years? Its become a very SAFE place to visit.

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NYC? Really? Have you read the crime statistics in the past 10 or so years? Its become a very SAFE place to visit.


Actually I loved NYC and am planning another trip there in early 2011 BUT before I left I had soo many people warn me about going there because people get murdered/robbed/mugged all over the place so I did have my guard up a little.


I thought it was wonderful and most of the people were soooo friendly. Kinda like Puerto Vallarta or many Mexican cruise ports if anyone stopped and actually read the crime statistics they would see how safe it was, especially for the cruiser or tourist.

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