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daughter in hospital,suppose to cruise dec 5th legend,what to do?


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get a letter from your child's doctor stating she is forbidden to travel during the cruise time then write a letter to Carnival explaining the situation along with the doctors letter. Sometimes they will give you a future cruise credit. It worked for me, years ago I had a miscarriage 3 days before we were to set sail and we had no cruise insurance. They gave it to us for use at a later time.


I agree, it sometimes works and that is the only way the OP will get any attention unless she went through a Travel agent. If so, let them do the begging. As for it working years ago, I will add, it was easier years ago as insurnace was rarely taken. The past few years it has become more difficult.

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Again please stop lecturing this poster. Everyone could have, would have, should have, etc.


They asked for advice not what they should have done. :mad:


Hope your little one gets well soon. :D Oh and what a cutie in the pic.


i don't think anyone is lecturing, they are just trying to explain to the OP that almost nothing can be done and how important insurance is. He wants suggestions, there isn't too much more that can be suggested. Most likely he will get nothing or very little. It is that simple, advise has been given: take insurance next time.


And to the person who suggested the Op call the media; why? If the story in 100% true and it might very well be so, everyone's heart goes out to the family, but the fact remains, they had the option. Why would insurance be sold if someone can just cancel at the last minute with no loss to themselves? I doubt any reliable media would tackle this with a 10 ft pole.



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????? Hello...they didn't have insurance for the first cruise...thank God this little girl didn't get sick when the ship was "dead in the water"


thank God she didn't get sick in Belize or Roatan on the Legend...without insurance how would they pay for airlift etc??


The fact is they didn't buy insurance for the first cruise and then even after seeing what happened they didn't buy insurance...they also got 25% off on the legend cruise. Media won't help this

the rules are there and they are clear


In effect anytime Carnival bends these rules they are hurting those of us who buy insurance and raising prices and/or lowering the cruise experience. No wonder we are seeing these overworked waiters...somethings got to give


I am really sorry but the best and most usable advice her has been overlooked in a flurry of "gee I'm sorry"....they should get busy and "sell" this cruise spot....they saved 25% on it so there is some wiggle room there to make this attractive. Ebay, craigslist....or people they know....whatever




They can't just "sell" the cruise, at least one of the primary passengers will have to take the cruise and change the name for the other two.

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They can't just "sell" the cruise, at least one of the primary passengers will have to take the cruise and change the name for the other two.


They can sell the cruise to 2 people..remove 2 names...and then just NOT show up...not ideal but they lose a lot less


people are forgetting they got 25% off this cruise thanks to splendor cancel


and they saved money by not taking insurance (on 2 cruises)


so if they do it this way they get some cash and I think it is viable option for them


~~~~~~~ Just a thought...for those of us who buy insurance and thank heavens have "nothing happen"

can we ask for the money back?


they sell insurance for a reason...it really is a slap in the face to the rest of us

I have repeatedly told the OP how to salvage some of his money on this cruise

sell it for whatever you can get after removing 2 of the people and getting their port fees/taxes back

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They can sell the cruise to 2 people..remove 2 names...and then just NOT show up...not ideal but they lose a lot less


people are forgetting they got 25% off this cruise thanks to splendor cancel


and they saved money by not taking insurance (on 2 cruises)


so if they do it this way they get some cash and I think it is viable option for them


~~~~~~~ Just a thought...for those of us who buy insurance and thank heavens have "nothing happen"

can we ask for the money back?


they sell insurance for a reason...it really is a slap in the face to the rest of us

I have repeatedly told the OP how to salvage some of his money on this cruise

sell it for whatever you can get after removing 2 of the people and getting their port fees/taxes back


I don't understand how this is a slap in the face to you! There is more reasons to buy Insurance than the fare cost alone. From what I read she wants to be able to take the cruise after the child is well. She made a mistake not getting the Insurance, probably was tight on money to insure the whole family and rolled the die. I don't understand taking this so personal!


The OP lucked out in many ways because without the Insurance if it happened on the Ship it could have been monetarily a nightmare. Our main reason, and many others, buy the Insurance not just to cover the actual cost of the cruise but, more importantly, we don't want a $25,000 bill if one of us needs to be medivaced off the Ship, a huge bill because of being in a hospital in a foreign Port which many Health Insurance plans do not cover (and if they do the out-of-pocket is so high anyway).


IMO...for goodwill there is no harm in CCL letting her take the cruise at another time as a Stand By (if the ship does not fill to capacity). CCL will benefit by her S&S on that sailing and will also have a happy customer most likely to book again. Good business!


Also, I don't know how the OP booked but unless they changed it there are no name changes booking ES.

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It's a slap in the face because I (and many others) pay for insurance every cruise because we're being RESPONSIBLE. For someone to choose not to buy the insurance for whatever reason, then the person consciously chooses to take the gamble. However, if they get cruise credit when they didn't buy insurance, what incentive is it for the rest of us to buy the insurance? The main reason I buy is for medical expenses should something happen...I could eat the cost of the cruise, as much as that would stink.

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I don't understand how this is a slap in the face to you! There is more reasons to buy Insurance than the fare cost alone. From what I read she wants to be able to take the cruise after the child is well. She made a mistake not getting the Insurance, probably was tight on money to insure the whole family and rolled the die. I don't understand taking this so personal!


The OP lucked out in many ways because without the Insurance if it happened on the Ship it could have been monetarily a nightmare. Our main reason, and many others, buy the Insurance not just to cover the actual cost of the cruise but, more importantly, we don't want a $25,000 bill if one of us needs to be medivaced off the Ship, a huge bill because of being in a hospital in a foreign Port which many Health Insurance plans do not cover (and if they do the out-of-pocket is so high anyway).


IMO...for goodwill there is no harm in CCL letting her take the cruise at another time as a Stand By (if the ship does not fill to capacity). CCL will benefit by her S&S on that sailing and will also have a happy customer most likely to book again. Good business!


Also, I don't know how the OP booked but unless they changed it there are no name changes booking ES.



Carnival should worry about their "goodwill" with those of us who take the insurance policy , will they refund it when I don't use it?


There is harm in not standing by their policy..why should I pay for insurance if any sob story means people get the same benefit I had by taking the insurance??


They obviously didn't book early saver cause they booked this after splendor canceled...and they got 25%


please tell me why I should buy insurance if Carnival does this for accidents/illness....the reason to buy insurance is to cover accidents/illness/acts of "God" and or whatever


If we read one more case of Carnival backing down like this I think those who buy insurance should ask for a refund if "nothing happens" on the cruise


I could pay for a new cruise with ("wasted/unused") insurance money

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I'm a nurse and interpreted the OP's posts as follows:


His daughter had a ruptured appendix. It was removed, but not before infection and an intra abdominal abcess formed. This is a serious complication requiring IV antibiotics and IV fluids. In other words, the kid has a raging infection as a result of fecal contents escaping from the ruptured appendix into the abdominal cavity.


The fact that they "couldn't find a vein" to draw blood for labs does NOT indicate that she doesn't have an IV. Very often we cannot draw blood from an IV for labs and have to go in separately from a vein in order to get a blood sample for labs. It IS conceivable that when trying to draw labs, the lab tech couldn't get a good vein. Kids are always harder, and IF she is a tad dehydrated or her veins collapse easily, they will have to call for help from other experts to get labs drawn. Sometimes it takes numerous people coming in before someone finally is able to get a sample. Also, IV's can become dislodged or can infiltrate the tissue, becoming useless. Sometimes getting a new IV is not easy-if no one can get a new IV in, it could conceivably take the better part of a day to get an advanced practioner in to insert a midline, picc line, or central line. Depending on the hospital, this could take a while, even in the case of a kid with an infection who really needs IV access.


Finally, consider that these posts were made by a worried parent who may have little to no understanding of medical interventions. Lay people are not likely to present their situation with a degree of accuracy which would pass muster with a professional nurse or doctor. That doesn't mean he is lying.



Thank you for taking the time to understand the non medical point of view. :) So, many times medical personnel forget, that sometimes the family and patient or to overwhelmed to get all the de ails and understand them.


I hope the little one is doing okay and a quick recovery to her. Yes, the did not buy insurance, well that happens. They know what they did and we really do not need to beat them up about it.


I would call carnival and plead my case, what have you go to loose at this point. Good luck to you.



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Carnival should worry about their "goodwill" with those of us who take the insurance policy , will they refund it when I don't use it?


There is harm in not standing by their policy..why should I pay for insurance if any sob story means people get the same benefit I had by taking the insurance??


They obviously didn't book early saver cause they booked this after splendor canceled...and they got 25%


please tell me why I should buy insurance if Carnival does this for accidents/illness....the reason to buy insurance is to cover accidents/illness/acts of "God" and or whatever


If we read one more case of Carnival backing down like this I think those who buy insurance should ask for a refund if "nothing happens" on the cruise


I could pay for a new cruise with ("wasted/unused") insurance money


Not everyone buys insurance through Carnival so Carnival is not benefiting from those that buy from Independents.


I wish the OP Good Luck and hope that her little girl has a speedy recovery!

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With all the vile running through this thread I hope that the OP has enough sense to forget this thread and not let anyone know the outcome of the dealings with Carnival.


OP I hope your child gets well soon.


To all the rest who have attacked I am glad that I don't know you.

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IMO...for goodwill there is no harm in CCL letting her take the cruise at another time as a Stand By (if the ship does not fill to capacity). CCL will benefit by her S&S on that sailing and will also have a happy customer most likely to book again. Good business!


Also, I don't know how the OP booked but unless they changed it there are no name changes booking ES.


There are several things in your posts that are just wishfull thinking. I have not heard of Carnival allowing full credit on a cruise in the last couple of years. If it happened, the OP never came back to tell us. Like a snow storm where the road wasn't plowed. The OP said Carnival told him to write a letter.


Carnival's idea I hear of the top future credit they will give you from a letter has been around 15% off of a future cruise. Chances of a full credit are probably slim and none, to to tell the OP otherwise to me is giving false hope.


Other than saying to the OP how sorry we are .. there just are not any good options. Just crossing my fingers the child can cruise.

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:rolleyes: OMG, get a grip! I was 18 when I took my first cruise. I was sailing with two other friends that never cruised, my parents never cruised, etc. CC wasn't around or was just in its infancy. Even then, because I READ my contract, I knew to get insurance. And I was 18! I get insurance for every cruise I book, mostly for the medical coverage should something happen at sea, but in 12 cruises, I chose to be responsible and buy insurance so I wouldn't come on this site with a sob story. I'm sorry, but telling a poster to use a child as a pawn to go to the media is lacking integrity. Newsflash, Carnival is a publicly traded CORPORATION, which means they are in business to make a PROFIT (not a dirty word) for their SHAREHOLDERS. If the OP can't come to some sort of resolution with Carnival, the OP just has to deal with that decision since the OP made the conscious decision to not buy the insurance.


I truly hope the little girl recovers quickly and is able to cruise soon. I spent a lot of time in hospitals as a little kid (severe asthma that I've mostly outgrown), and I hate to see little kids suffering.


Good post :)


Why do people think it's OK to NOT take responsibility for themselves, and their own actions and decisions????????????????

If you don't want to buy insurance that is fine but don't complain when you need it and don't have it.

There are a million 'heartbreak' stories that happen every day for a lot of people. CCL or any business can't constantly 'make exceptions'.


I have to say that it was because of people "lecturing" on these boards about the importance of getting insurance that I started purchasing it. And I'm glad because a few months ago this additional expense paid off for me when we needed to cancel our cruise inside penalty. We received a full refund. No need to plead our case with the cruise line!

I'm glad that worked out for you :)

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With all the vile running through this thread I hope that the OP has enough sense to forget this thread and not let anyone know the outcome of the dealings with Carnival.


OP I hope your child gets well soon.


To all the rest who have attacked I am glad that I don't know you.



I really haven't seen vile/attacking on this thread. I have seen differences in opinion. We all wish the OP and his daughter the best. The fact that some, including myself, are avid supporters of purchasing insurance does not make them attackers, but rather experienced travelers that are stressing the importance of insurance and trying to explain the reality of the situation to the OP.

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After I book my cruise, I hang up the phone with my pvp, get a new dial tone, and call and book cruise insurance- all within 5 minutes of booking. Have never used it - hope I never will have to. But it is there if necessary. I feel bad for the op. Hope everything works out.

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I'm a nurse and interpreted the OP's posts as follows:


His daughter had a ruptured appendix. It was removed, but not before infection and an intra abdominal abcess formed. This is a serious complication requiring IV antibiotics and IV fluids. In other words, the kid has a raging infection as a result of fecal contents escaping from the ruptured appendix into the abdominal cavity.


The fact that they "couldn't find a vein" to draw blood for labs does NOT indicate that she doesn't have an IV. Very often we cannot draw blood from an IV for labs and have to go in separately from a vein in order to get a blood sample for labs. It IS conceivable that when trying to draw labs, the lab tech couldn't get a good vein. Kids are always harder, and IF she is a tad dehydrated or her veins collapse easily, they will have to call for help from other experts to get labs drawn. Sometimes it takes numerous people coming in before someone finally is able to get a sample. Also, IV's can become dislodged or can infiltrate the tissue, becoming useless. Sometimes getting a new IV is not easy-if no one can get a new IV in, it could conceivably take the better part of a day to get an advanced practioner in to insert a midline, picc line, or central line. Depending on the hospital, this could take a while, even in the case of a kid with an infection who really needs IV access.


Finally, consider that these posts were made by a worried parent who may have little to no understanding of medical interventions. Lay people are not likely to present their situation with a degree of accuracy which would pass muster with a professional nurse or doctor. That doesn't mean he is lying.

I'll keep this brief as this has gotten "off subject". Even laymen know something about I V's being for antibiotics and hydration. I don't see any hospital allowing a child to dehydrate without doing something about it. If per chance she had a midline, blood can be drawn from it, though not recommended.


I agree with a former poster, where's the OP? No update on health nor refund progress.

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I'll keep this brief as this has gotten "off subject". Even laymen know something about I V's being for antibiotics and hydration. I don't see any hospital allowing a child to dehydrate without doing something about it. If per chance she had a midline, blood can be drawn from it, though not recommended.


I agree with a former poster, where's the OP? No update on health nor refund progress.



Ummm, maybe he's busy with a child in the hospital and a four year old also needing care and attention?


Facts of the matter are that patients in the hospital do not always do well. Nothing the OP said strikes me as being completely implausible. Patients do get dehydrated in the hospital in spite of our best efforts, particularly in cases where there are problems with IV access/bad veins or other conditions. Surely the OP has better things to do than try to scandalize us with untrue tales about difficulties getting a blood draw during one difficult day. Anyone who works in a hospital knows that from time to time, there ARE difficulties with lines and blood draws.:rolleyes:

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Ummm, maybe he's busy with a child in the hospital and a four year old also needing care and attention?


Facts of the matter are that patients in the hospital do not always do well. Nothing the OP said strikes me as being completely implausible. Patients do get dehydrated in the hospital in spite of our best efforts, particularly in cases where there are problems with IV access/bad veins or other conditions. Surely the OP has better things to do than try to scandalize us with untrue tales about difficulties getting a blood draw during one difficult day. Anyone who works in a hospital knows that from time to time, there ARE difficulties with lines and blood draws.:rolleyes:

No one ever said they lied. Maybe things have gotten worse. But, you must admit they posted at the beginning to tell us their story.

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Kids heal so fast, the little girl is probably up and running.......I bet they could still go on the cruise.......


Sigh..... I'm not sure if you meant to sound completely insensitive but seriously.:rolleyes:


I had a ruptured appendix and peritonitis when I was 18. This is no joke. Long story short, I was hospitalized for three and half weeks, had nursing care that came to my home every day for another six weeks to change the dressing and deal with an incision that remained open due to infection and to allow for drainage. I lost a semester at college. I wasn't 'running around' for quite a while.


This is an overwhelmed parent with a really sick kid right now who will very likely be just fine in the end. It's not Carnival's problem but I also don't think it's appropriate for us to minimize his situation.

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This is an overwhelmed parent with a really sick kid right now who will very likely be just fine in the end. It's not Carnival's problem but I also don't think it's appropriate for us to minimize his situation.


I agree...and the parent is very lucky that this didn't happen on board the ship.

Dear God, I can't even imagine how horrible that would be.

...and it's just another reason to be insured.

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Sigh..... I'm not sure if you meant to sound completely insensitive but seriously.:rolleyes:


I had a ruptured appendix and peritonitis when I was 18. This is no joke. Long story short, I was hospitalized for three and half weeks, had nursing care that came to my home every day for another six weeks to change the dressing and deal with an incision that remained open due to infection and to allow for drainage. I lost a semester at college. I wasn't 'running around' for quite a while.


This is an overwhelmed parent with a really sick kid right now who will very likely be just fine in the end. It's not Carnival's problem but I also don't think it's appropriate for us to minimize his situation.


I for one have nothing but sympathy for their situation and hope that the little girl is doing much better


However, that is not to say that they "deserve" anything from Carnival at this point, since they didn't buy insurance


If CC won't let people post about "donating" to orphanages in dirt poor little island countries I hardly think that buying a vacation for these people is in order


Bottom line..the OP came here to post about his possible lost vacation....not to find medical help...there are medical forums, parenting forums, pediatric medical forums for that I am sure


sometimes there is a real disconnect here....you can feel bad for a sick little girl but still give a rational answer ..at this point we seem to be talking to ourselves


while the OP (who seemed to be the Dad btw) might be upset and busy a few of us have given rational ideas to perhaps salvage a bit of the money they are going to lose due to THEIR BAD DECISION TO NOT TAKE INSURANCE


myself and a few others have clearly stated ways to "sell" or transfer the cruise to someone for money, how to keep themselves on the booking


My travel agent was able to "salvage" most of the fares of 2 various couples who "broke up" before cruises this way.....they didn't have insurance...yes you lose the transfer fee...BUT you get some of the money back


and at this point that is all they can hope for...maybe some money back if they "sell" it...or maybe another discount on a cruise


it is actually kind of cruel to hold out false hopes or try to act as if Carnival is going to do much else here. Let's not forget Carnival is probably still reeling from the Splendor losses and future losses....in light of that "accident" it is doubly foolish of someone to not buy insurance and Carnival should not have to cover them


Having said that I will say I hope his daughter is recovering super quick and that her condition has improved

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